Chapter 23

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His eyes started changing colours again. From golden to yellow to red and if i hadn't seen that before I would have blacked out from the fear I felt from them.

"You.. you don't like to live hmm?" he said quietly, his eyes closed and hand on his side, closed in a tight fist.

" I tried to make you understand, happy even..but if you are not willing.." he stopped and stared at me with the look that held something I didn't know.

" So what if I am not willing huh? Do you think this all wealth,  your kingdom effects me? No.. it does not and it won't ever even after years of lifetime I will always loath you" I said as my eyes brimmed with tears.

He looked at me in a strange way because may be I had hit a nerve of him.

"Alright then since you aren't ready to co operate  'MATE', I will be marrying you on the next full moon"
He ended with a sly and mean smile.

"Wh- what -- what the hell You blood-"
I cursed but
"Don't you dare" he glared at me.

" I would never marry a man like you"
I backed away as fast as I could and injured myself on the way because my hand had crashed into the pointy glass like show piece and started to bleed.
"Anna!" Both Alpha and Eve ran towards me.

" No! Stay away from me, I don't want you to save my lowly life my king" I smiled bitterly at him.
"You won't get anything by doing that except pain." He said coldly and at the same time kept looking at my wound.
" I would bleed to death rather than marry you..
I would rather be with people like me than be your bed warmer" I cried.

"Shut upp!!!!" Before I could say more, that alpha jumped forward and snatched my hand away.

He tore a piece from the frock I wore and tied it around my bleeding mess.

"Ahh it hurts" I whimpered.

"Why are you like this? You hurt yourself when people hurt you" he looked at me and smirked.

"Are you that coward?" He challenged me with his eyes.
Don't Aina Don't!!!

"Well this coward is someone you need to carry on with your petty line of blood." I smirked back and tries to take my hand away from him key word ! Tried.

" Leave my hand what are you doing" I shouted at him.

"Eve.. leave us alone will you" he asked politely.
"Sire..I." eve mumbled.

" I said leave Eve" he again said more loudly that sent eve away.

As she left, without a second wasted, he pulled my hand and I came crashing in to his chest.

"Ahh" I screamed and looked at him angrily.

" Never take your hand away from me
And for the marriage.. it will happen in next seven days like it or not.
You said you will never love me right? Well hear this that I don't need your love. The only thing I need is your womb which will carry my child. And remember! Nothing will stop me from putting a child in there even if you want it or not." He ended without taking a breath.

"I want to see you do that. I won't have your child or this marriage to start with. And even if it takes me being with another man and carry his child I will-"

I was going to complete the sentence when something warm covered my lips. It felt soft yet very rough. I wanted to give in to the feeling but his grunt woke  up from my dream.

Wait the Alpha king was kissing me.
No way..No f king way .

And just in a moment I pushed him but he didn't budged. He was sucking the oxygen off of me and I wasn't able to stop him.

His touch felt like needles and I wanted to kill him there and then. Things like these were meant to be done with your life partner and I was saving myself for him. Only my true love deserved this not this murderer.i started crying loudly.

"Stop cryingggg" he growled between the kiss.

"Le-leave me please" I whimpered.
It was sickening, kissing a man who was responsible for all these deaths.. all this chaos.
And if this wasn't enough, in sometime he will force me to be his wife..

"Leave me it hurts please.." I pleaded brokenly.
Nothing made sense now, the virtue I maintained for years was getting robbed from me, the kiss I had saved for my love of life was stolen..
And like the weakling I am, I stood there.
Fighting but failing miserably.
After a good 10 minutes he left me finally and looked at me with this look that only matched a hungry beast.
He was breathing heavily and closed his eyes.
His hairs were messy now but still perfect, his lips pink and swollen with all the hard work he did.

My eyes teared thinking about my life, will this be it. Being pressured to give in to the beast for the rest of my life?

As he pulled back I glared at him and without wasting a second grabbed his collar.
"How dare you put your sinful hands and lips on me huh???!!!" I screamed at him.
While he just stared at my lips completely ignoring that I was still here.
"My eyes are up here!!" I said again but it looked like he didn't care about anything now.

"Just like I imagined them..." he said,eyes softened.
"Wha-what are you alright? I asked you why you did that and!!!....?? are you out of your mind?????!!!!" I screeched.

"I don't care what you think, I have always waited for this, to have you in my arms and I won't have it any other way, so dear love bear with this because your MATE isn't changing." with this he went away, closing the door with a loud bang.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" I screamed and pulled at my hairs, crying and wailing at my destiny.

So you people been ignoring me.. but let's just ignore  it. I have written this chap, hope you like it. Take care and eat healthy,love you 😘

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