Chapter 26

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Ainas pov

Waking up, my head felt heavy but what felt more heavy was the head that was on my hand.
I moved the head away and to my horror, it was non other than my dear husband.

"What on earth is he doing here?!!" I asked myself.

"Should I run? He is asleep I can easily get away.." I hurriedly left the bed and wore my shoes.
As I was leaving through the window dread filled me and tears rolled down...

"I can't..he let humans in, If I go he will definitely kill them.." I whispered And wiped the lone tear on my face.

My all happiness lost, I stared at the beach from the balcony. As I saw a little more,there were horses running along from a far.

"Horses!!!" I screamed happily and decided to ignore the tense environment I was surrounded with. So I focused my attention on them, but then remembered that I had a 'husband' sleeping so I checked on him but he was out thankfully.

"May be i should go for a ride!!" I thought, the thrill already making me shiver from excitement

"But there will be soldiers.." this saddened me more.

As I thought of ways to leave the palace, my eyes went to a corner at the broken was the same place kids where escaping through haha.. naughty little cuties.

"Found it!" I happily danced and quietly made way for the beach, occasionally looking over my shoulders to see if the devil woke up or not.

Hiding and crawling, I left the room and also left my shoes as well to avoid any sound while escaping.
I quietly walked down the hall where my so called room was and took a turn but came across some men talking near the supposed escape of mine.

"Shit, shit..." I hissed to myself.
Looking her and there, I tried finding another exit and luckily I found one.

I went to wards it and in front of me was the royal gardens that I visited before with Him.

Entering the garden, I started.y search for an exit.

"You have to be somewhere here....." I urgently said, my eyes frantically looking here and there with a fear of getting caught in the act.

The fence had to be here it was nearer to the garden as I saw from the balcony.

"Aha!!!" I shouted happily.
My happiness knew no limit l, I needed this right now so that my mind could work. I needed this escape for to clear my head.
In front of was the broken fence covered with bushes, I must say how careless are they for leaving such an open route for anything to enter the palace walls.

"Anyways...good for me" I shrugged and smiled.

Taking one step at a time, I started climbing the broken wall and tried to cross the metal fence but as I thought I could escape in to the happy wilderness, my gown got stuck in to the wire.

"Ughhhh" I pulled at the gown, it was stuck in such a way that I was half inside the palace and half of my leg was dangling outside.

Encouraging myself, I pulled at it again and this time freed myself but

(Cloth tearing sound) my gown ripped from the bottom and some of it got trapped in the face wire.

I looked at it but decided to ignore this and carried on for my upcoming adventure.

The gown k wore was all muddy now,but it did look beautiful and for once I felt free.

My sleeves were a little long and the drape I had was still intact, so without a thought I tore it apart and now my gown looked like straight out of a forest fairy's wardrobe.

With less weight now and making sure that no wire was attached to my gown, I decided to approach the white beauty which was standing with her male partner.

"Hey.." I said in a calm tone but still fearfully from her size and aura.

She looked at me for a moment but then continued eating the grass.

I tried touching her but she kept on moving away.

"Attitude huh?" I jokingly said to her.
But she paid no heed to me.

Her friend on the other hand was more interested than her.

He nudged me from behind
"ahh.. you scared me hahahh"l..Good boy!!!"
I rubbed him and he neighed warmly at me.

"You two are really and white such a terrifying yet a beautiful pair" I praised them and continued patting the male horse.

After spending some time with them, the white beauty finally allowed me to ride her.
She bent towards me like to show me that I could pet her too.

I tested my luck and decided to mount her

"Hold still girl..." I prayed while holding on to her nape and in a push sat on her.

" you know I have never done this.." I smiled at the black one as if he would understand.
I was proud of myself for doing this alone.

"Let's go..." I lightly pulled forward and in a second she went off.

"Woahhh!!!!!!!!" It was magical!! She was speeding like light.

"Faster beauty faster!!!!!" I screamed at her.
a dream came true, me with a horse, riding along the sea coast,it was perfect.

As we both were having fun,the black horse also joined us. He was excited I could feel it by the way he neighed and waved his head right and left, changing sides with us.

"Hey buddy!! Wanna race?" I smiled at him And I think they both understood the assignment because the next minute I was speeding like hell.

"Yeahhhhhh!!!!!" "Go go gooooo!!!!!!" I was screaming like a mad man.

Heyyyy ☺️
I edited this so enjoy. I hope it's more good to read now.
Enjoy! 😍

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