Chapter 22

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I woke up with a headache and big burn on my side of the neck and hand.
It was paining like shit and I couldn't do anything.
I tried to remember what happened and everything single thing came back to me. It was all his fault that I was hurt.
Getting up my broken self walked up to the window which I have came to love during my short stay here.

Knock knock!
A sharp sound came from the door.
" Come in" I coughed out, why was I so weak.
Getting burnt was not this much pain full and I was saying this with my previous experience.

" Are you all right lu- - I mean miss? We all were so worried even Alpha was so distressed he punched three guards and threatened the healer with his life if something happens to you" Eve said in one go as always.

" Breathe lilly " I smiled.
" And I am fine, you all shouldn't worry that much and about that king of yours.. let him suffer but to begin with why is he even worried about me?" I looked at her questioningly.

" Well.. um.. you were hurt in his office and we..we. yeah we don't let anything happen to our guests so.. yeah that's why he was this upset."
She made up a new story, clearly failing.

"Are you done lying?" I cut her off rudely.
She was shocked and I could see tears forming. May be it wasn't her fault that I was suffering like this but still she hid everything from me..

"Wha-  how- are you all right" she asked seeing my red eyes and trembling lips.

"You all happened!!!" I screamed at her.
" You!" I pointed my finger towards her.
"Your whole pack of pshycos happened!!" I moved my hands all over the place.

Everything was getting out of my hands now, the calm posture I was portraying was slipping out from me.
It was enough now.

" I don't understand.. we help- " she started.
" Don't just.. don't start with all the life saving topic. You saved me for your own good. You all think you're better than us humans but no!! You are worst. You saved me because I was some sort of breeder for your king! I know everything now?!!" I shouted at her.
" You have to rest please alpha will.." she still wasn't understanding, I was trapped for life. They didn't even care to tell me that I was going get married without my concern. I..I was going to be the sacrifice again..
"ALPHA ALPHA ALPHA..!!! Do hell with him and this mate thing. If get the chance I will kill him and you all will watch. Just like all those human watched their loved ones die"
I cried .
"He could have saved them but didn't, he..he had the way to save a lot of them but didn't just because of his petty hatred!!" I bitterly said.

" He can't do this!" She still saw him as a saviour, a great king.
" He did..he did Eve he did. I heard he lost his parents to this plague but is it alright to make others orphan just because you are." I looked at her defeated. I know my words weren't a good choice but I don't care. He deserves every poison of this world and beyond.

Me and Eve sat silently for a while, with me crying every now and then and her trying comfort me.

" You should eat.. " she said
I modded my head in a no.
" I won't, i can't I just can't when my people died and I am here alive under the protection of their murderer"
I glared at nowhere

" It won't bring them back" his voice came.

I turned and saw him standing at the door in all his damned glory.

" But it will surely take me to them now wouldn't it?" I rolled my eyes, I had to ignore him otherwise he was going to get hurt real bad.

" Don't say that!" He hissed at me.
" Why? Why!!!! Don't tell me you are in love with me or something. People died, your people and mine!!! And you are worrying about me ? Huh ?"
I shouted.
" I was meant to die that day, And now when I look at it, I should have died. It would have been the perfect punishment for you!! For your sins!!!"

I was screaming at this face, not caring about the tears his eyes controlled not the shiver he went through every time I came near him.

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