Chapter 29

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Aina's POV

I was washing my face after an adventurous round with my new friends.

But as I stood up, a heavy sound called my name.

My world stopped when I heard his voice, that calm
Cold voice, I hated so much.

Suddenly turning towards him and seeing him there, my knees gave up and I fell on the rocks.

My hands bleeding again front the healing cuts from before.

"Be careful!" He barked angrily and came towards in a flash.

He pulled me from one hand and straightened me up.

"Are you alright?" He asked, concerned for me. But I know it's fake.
His eyes were assessing me, quietly making sure that I wasn't seriously injured anywhere else.

"What are YOU doing here?" I finally asked him as if I didn't know. Huh ...

It looked like my question woke him up from a dream cause the next thing I saw was his eyes flickering orange and yellow on and off...

He is really weird.. why do I forget that always....ughhhh

And then he gripped my arm tightly and glared at me as if I had killed his cat.

"Ahhhh... Leave me you beast.. I am a HUMAN.... " I screamed at him. But he ignored me kept his grip tight.

"You are asking ME that" he whispered with anger..

Till now, all the soldiers were surrounding us, clearly enjoying their KING having a loss of word Infront of me.

"Yes I am ??!!! Why are you here??? Huh??? Can't you let me live for a moment?? Don't I deserve to remember that I am alive!!!!!!!" I shouted at him.

"What.." he left me with a push and draged his hands over his hairs.

"Do you have any idea what could have happened? You could have gotten killed by these ... These b..beasts" he said, eying my friends.

"Still better than being your wife." I spat.
Hearing this he looked at me threateningly and then grabbed my hand roughly. Pulling me towards his horse.

Neehhhhhhhh....nehhhhahaaaha..... It looked like my new friends were not going to take it easily, seeing me being manhandled by this cold hearted man.

Hearing them, the soldiers pointed their weapons at the horses.
"!! Not them.." I grabbed his hand tightly, silently begging him to let them live but he wasn't looking at me.
His back turned, not paying much attention to them.
He again tried to pull me and make me walk towards his horse but I couldn't budge.l not after knowing those innocent creatures were in danger because of me.

"Plzzzz...." I tried brokenly.
Hearing this he turned slightly but ignored me again and faced forward.

" I won't forgive you for this.." I said for the last time.

And that did it. He stopped right then and looked at me for a moment.

"You won't forgive me for a beast?" He turned completely and faced me.
His tone surprised and broken or so I thought.

" I won't, for something I love" I said quietly, not able to look at him in the eye.

"Love..." He looked at me bitterly and started walking away without me.

" Leave them be.. and make sure your Luna knows about their whereabouts" he said and went to sit on his horse.
And as expected the men backed away.

It took me a minute to understand what he said but when I did, I took a sigh of relief.

"Are you coming or not, we are going home.." he asked impatiently, not giving a thought.

His question again made me remember the things I was running from.
The things I had to face now that he had found me.

"Home?" I asked. Not able to comprehend his words.
He looked at me for a moment, making me uneasy and unable to understand what storm behind those eyes.

"..... Sorry.. not home actually.. Prison.. let's put you in your prison again." He smiled at me bitterly and in a second went away on his horse , without taking me with him.
Wow.. he knew how to make the situation worse.. doesn't he.

And what I hated most was, that a part of me expected him to take me with him and not leave me be tended by his minions.

" Luna....." A soldier approached and broke my trail of thoughts.

" Yes" I answered, still staring at the retreating figure of my newly wedded HUSBAND of one night.

" Here is your ride, the king linked us to take you to the palace immediately. He will join you shortly after tending to a matter" he said humbly and pointed towards a carriage.

I wasn't in a mood to create more drama, so without a sound I mounted on the horse not before bidding goodbye to my new friends.
And may be the soldiers prayed the same cause I saw him relieved a little more than need on my affirmative response.

Mean idiot....


Heyyyyyyy everyone !!! A long one I guess. Enjoy?!!!!!! And stay happy and healthy 😀😀😀😀😀

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