Chapter 12 continued

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Flashback continues:

His Pov

I never took myself as one who would cry over a girl but she wasn't any girl for whom I was wailing right now as I lowered her to the grave, she was my hope, my other half, and I was alone now not knowing how will I live my whole life alone.

It felt as if daggers were thrown at my heart as I threw sand over her.She did not deserve this, We didn't deserve this but what could I do now since nothing was left of her except her body and we were bounded by soul, her and I .The life less body Infront of me was nothing more than a reminder that I couldn't save her, I was a lost man, a man who couldn't save his own family.
Thinking all this, I didn't know when the time passed and the last person placed his flower in respect of their dead queen, one whom them or me would never know who or what she was.

Wiping the last dried tear, I proceeded towards the graves that belonged to my parents.
Seeing them like this, I was sad that they had so little time with us, yet in a corner of my heart I was happy that wherever they were, they weren't alone...they had each other and they would watch over their children.

As I finished paying my respects to their burial, my Beta came running not caring about the surroundings,
"If it isn't important, I will have your head this instant." my voice boomed in the empty graveyard.
"H-HH..umans ....they ..they are...rree...."he was stuttering as if he had seen a ghost.

"Tell me!!!" I shouted again.
"Sssir...Ss...Sirr humans are attacking each other ...they are eea..ea..eating each other.Our spy tried to reach your sssis...sis ..sister bbbbutt....."he stopped.

"Say it!"I pleaded not wanting to hear his next words.

"Tt..there was no sign of her or her family." he ended.
"Oh my- find them...send every soldier in the human world I don't care-"

"But Alpha you know we can't afford exposing ourselves to them." my Beta cuts me off but I didn't care.

"I don't care it's our sister we are talking about right now." I said and rushed to the main entrance of our palace.

"Beta!!!" I shouted for my friend and my second in command.
"Yes sir!" He came running after a second.
" There is a vault at the back of dad's library, password is my birth date. Go there and activate all the buttons and systems you see, it will be easy for you."I handed him my phone which had all the information for it.
"Bring all the pack inside before I return and wait for me but, if before me anything that is not us arrive, seal the gates.."
"But-" he tried to reason.
"It's an order." I ended the discussion.
"Yes sir" he said.
"Good" was all I could say
"And one more thing, where is my younger brother?" I asked.
"He was in his room one hour ago ....."
My Beta answered.
and then it dawned upon me that no one told him whatever was going on.

"I hope he is not outside our borders." Was all I could pray and ran towards my Jeep.
But just as I started my engine, a pack member mind linked me that they had found my brother near our pack's practice field.

"Sir your brother..he is injured!!!" A man told me through the link.

"Is he breathing, tell me what type of injury he has??"I asked worried for my little brother.

"Something or someone has bitten him, an animal may be" he said, clearly horrified by whatever he was seeing.
"Sir I think you sho--OH MY GOD!!!!WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!!" the same man screamed.

"Hey hey!! Talk to me,answer me right now?!!!!" I tried mind linking him and finally he answered.

"Ah..Ahhh....ah AAALPHA, young ppp prince, hh...he is attacking us, he bit me and my daughter"crying he said.

"W-What-howw...."I didn't know what to say.

After this I couldn't form any link with him again, not knowing what to do I accelerated my Jeep towards the field and prayed it was just a joke.

Exactly after half an hour, I was standing in front of the field facing more than ten dead bodies of pack members, shredded to pieces.
"Grrrrr grrrrr" just when I was trying to assess what had happened I heard my brother's growl.
"Ethan!!!!" I screamed his name and..there he was standing on top of two bodies, biting into them.
His back was towards me but when he heard me and turned around, I knew he wasn't my brother..he ..he looked like him but I knew he wasn't there anymore.
The thing in front of me was looking like a hybrid, human like body but had long sharp nails and pointed teeth but what scared me the most was his empty eyes,they weren't the same lively green ones that he had been gifted by our mother to us siblings.
In their place, only dull green pupils lied who screamed death.
"Ethan? Brother are you okay? What ha-"as I started to talk, he jumped at me.

"Ahh" I groaned in pain as my back hit the rocky field.
"Stop it, what are you trying to do!!!"I tried stopping him, I knew Ethan was strong but not stronger than me as I was older but right now it was getting difficult for me to cease him from...from biting me?.
It was odd how he was trying to bite me, eat me, if I put it clearly.

With a lot of strength, I pushed him away as it was getting hard holding him down.

"What's wrong buddy? Why are you attacking me, don't you remember me? I am your brother."
I tried reminding him, it must be witchcraft or something like that, there couldn't be any other reason for his behavior.
I pushed him.
"Grrrlllll grrrrrrll " again he started running towards me and attacked me as if he was mad.
Now I was getting tired, this boy had a lot of strength which I couldn't comprehend how.
He jumped at me again and held me down.
He was grabbing my neck now and my breathing was cutting off. I wanted to attack him but I knew if i did he won't be able to survive.

"Ssstop..St..Stop it ....Ee.Eeethan, I don't want to hurt you.". I begged but it looked as if he couldn't understand me. Not seeing any other way, I allowed my wolf to take over and used all my remaining strength punching him on the jaw.
And just I as expected, he was thrown to several feet's away.

"Shitt!!!!" I coughed and not waiting for my breathing to recover, ran towards my brother.

But just I reached him, there was blood coming out of his head.I had hit him so hhhard ...hard that his head had cracked.
"Oh my....Oh no..bbb brother! I didn't kk..know..ww... how..wwwhy.." I didn't know what to say, I had unknowingly killed my brother.
"Ethan?" I called.
No response...he was dead and it was all my fault that I could not protect my family.
I had brought shame to the word 'man'. I was a weak king, a man who deserve to live and die alone.
I was cursed.

Hello novas!!!!!
Did you like it ? I know it's UN even but bear with me.I am trying to do it the best I can.
So plz share it among your friends plz,plzzzzzz plzzzz.
I know you will.
See ya and take care.Love you all❤️💗

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