Chapter 21

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His Pov;

I took her way too lightly. Her childish behavior is worse than my niece's.
I know I shouldn't have behaved like that to her in the garden but she always brings out the extreme in me.
I am not like that...
She always bring the beast in me with her craziness.

I was writing a letter to the other kingdoms who like us were able to save themselves from this apocalypse.
I was going to inform them about her arrival and how they should stop sending marriage proposals to me again and again because she was here now but when she barged in without my permission claiming that I killed her people.
It angered me.

How could she blame me for all this when it was her species that almost killed all of us. My family is dead because of her people.
According to me what all they deserve is only death;!!!!
And that's what I told her, I know I was wrong but she couldn't just come here and judge me when i have a kingdom to take care of.

After my answer she left and I tried to calm my self down, Concentrating on the letters I was writing.

Suddenly again

A knock was heard as her voice came after, requesting me to open the door.
I didn't want to as her being here would drag me out of the work but no body could ignore your mate king or not.

As I opened the door and asked her what she wanted.

To my horror she had this weird smile on her face, clearly not her genuine one.
And for a moment I knew why she was mated to me. She was head strong and feral like me and low key I loved that about her.

She came forward and I asked her what did she want but noticed a can she was hiding behind her.
" What is it?" I asked.
And her being her showed me.
It was kerosene, why couldn't I smell it before??... Oh.. her scent masked it from me, she had a very strong scent which always put me in a trance.

The next thing I knew she was pouring it all over me and my room.
Is she mad? clearly..
I ran after her, luckily she didn't have anything to light it.
But as this thought ended she grabbed my lighter and stood in front of me smiling. Her eyes challenged, questioned me for all the things I didn't do.

I tried to stop her, not giving a damn that myself was also drenched in that kerosene. She was the one I was worried about.
We wolves were save from fire and current as far as I knew and our mates too. But she was human and I hadn't claimed her so she was vulnerable to all these things..

Just as I thought,the minute she lit it and dropped it, the flames enveloped the table along with her side of the body and in minutes she was on floor in front of me, blacked out...

"Nooooooo!!!!!". was all I could say as I ran to save my mate...

Cheers to the end timesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin