Chapter 16

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Aina's pov:

I could sense something moving around me. Even when I was in a state of unconsciousness, I swear I could feel a person sitting next to me on what ever i was lying on.

I tried opening my eyes but was unable to. It was my laziness and no interest in living that encouraged me to stay that way but at the same time there was something or someone.. who was continuously disturbing my sleep. My mother called me idle, lazy and I agree with her always. When I was alive, healthy, sleep was something I wanted even if it was toxic but it was my therapy to skip this world temporarily.

And now, when God was offering a permanent sleep, I wanted to destroy everything which or whom was trying to snatch it away from me.

"Plz just once.... Open your eyes, just this once and I promise you won't regret living plzzz...." with a broken cry, I heard a man speak.

Who was he?
May be an angel?
(But you weren't that holy for being cared by an angel.)

My inner voice said.

Days passed and I couldn't keep the count of days I felt him near me.
Sometimes near my head, watching me breath.
Sometimes I felt something wet which I figured were his tears.
Sometimes I heard him say sweet things which I couldn't find the meaning of as they were always in a different language.

Often, I also heard growl which reminded me of that wolf I killed that day. Those growls scared me triggering nightmares.

While I was in coma, I had known that I wasn't dead but didn't know for how long because those people who were currently surrounding me didn't feel much human to my hears.

They talked about witches, wolves and moon.
They could sense my heart beat.The way my heart beat rapidly when that certain someone came to me at night.

My happiness when ever I was fed.
It all made sense, I had landed myself in to super natural beings.

One day when no one was in the room, I was able to open my eyes for the first time.
It felt weak to be in this position for so long. My eyes were blurry.
As I tried sitting up, my vision was welcomed by a big room that looked straight out of victorian era but it had every modern facility and appliance which I had not seen even before the apocalypse.

Trying to stand up, I knocked a flower pot like thingy that had....wait WHAT had fishes..glowing fishes....WOW.

Picking it up I felt my head go round due to weakness probably so I reached for any support but what came in my contact was a hand.

I steadied myself and turned to see who it was.

Infront of me stood a man in his late twenties, his eyes were the colour of grey similar to ice. He had reddish a d fair complexion with well kept body.
But what amazed me was his height,
I was below his shoulders, it felt like I was a dwarf.

He was beautiful..
And I didn't know what to saw about this  ..... God's perfect creation.

The room screamed wealth, and he was definitely a rich man seeing his attire and the ring he had on his finger.
Some people were so lucky that they had everything, looks and wealth.
And then there was me...
Hope less and careless...

I was zoning out again while staring in to his eyes but was suddenly dragged out of it as I saw a proud smirk like frown forming on his face.

Thankless people.

Why can't these people be kind and beautiful at the same time, ughhh..

"So you decided to wake up.." came his heavy but husky voice.
Hmm I have heard him somewhere.
Wait a minute was he talking to me?

" You talking to me?" I said blankly.

"Well there isn't anyone except you who was lazy enough to sleep for a month" he said rudely.
Ohh boy I am going to enjoy freaking him out with my laziness now yippee.

But did he just say  FOR A MONTH !!
I want my mum to know this 😅

This wasn't what I expected from this man but alrighty ....'taunt you gave then taunt you will have'

"You should really get some manner classes on 'how to treat a person who has woken up from coma' you Rudy!"

I retorted back clearly angry on him and his way of talking.

"That's the answer you came up with?" He smirked, clearly amused but I wasn't going to let him get away with this.

"Why???" I batted my eye lashes to him and it did make him uneasy which he covered effortlessly.

"Did you expect me to fall in your arms and be a mute" I asked sweetly.

"Well it would have been better than what you are doing right now" he said
irritatingly and started to exit the room.

"Wait!!!" I walked towards him ignoring the fact that I was comatose just 5 minutes ago.

"" he said while turning abruptly.

"Okayyyy chill dude, it's not like I will di-"

"Shut up, why did you stop me?"  he narrowed his eyes on me.

"Oh yeah ....I wanted  asked where am I and how did you find me and--"

I started but he cut me off and said.

"We will eat something first and then talk" ending this he didn't wait and left the room.

"At least tell me your name, we humans need intros you know" I called out from behind.

You liked it? I know I was late but wasn't feeling like writing something but ... here I am now so enjoy and share and like😍😘

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