Chapter 13

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Back to present time:

His Pov;
It's been an year year since I lost my family, an year since I broke every contact with the human.I didn't have anything to do with them when they were the one responsible for all this chaos.


Yes, I found out who started all this.
I somewhere knew who was responsible for all this but when four months ago my spies gave me the information of what happened in those labs the humans operated, I hated them with all my guts.They created some virus as a bio weapon to attack each other in war but instead it
got out of control and infected them, first the lab workers and then the entire human race.

They were responsible for all this,
the death of my family and me being a living dead body.....

And when their officials came to me requesting that I open my gates for them and allow them in, I accepted it but when I found out they were trying to sneak in one of the infected ones just because he bribed them, I ceased the entire engagement but it was late,
some of those 'zombies' had infected few of my pack members. The mutation that it resulted in was worse , just like Ethan our infected pack members weren't something out finest soldiers could handle.
I nearly lost my whole pack. That day I knew we should not believe humans, they were cunning, they were heart less. It shook my core of how dangerous weapons they were planning to use against each other.

My father respected them, always praising how even without a bond they lived together, how they didn't need a bond to love someone and I always second him but not now.

I still blame myself for everything and no one is there to tell that I am wrong or that it's not my mistake. May be even my pack see me
as a murderer but they don't have any choice rather than follow me, after all they are under my protection.

But I don't care what they think about me now, the only people I cared for aren't here anymore.

I am counting my days until all this is over, until another Alpha over throws me which seems impossible for the coming hundreds of years. But I will remain here, protecting my pack just like an Alpha is supposed to, just like a king is supposed to.

"Your grace!" My Beta came running,
smiling as if he had won a prize.

"You are smiling, looks like the works done." I said calmly but only I knew how much of relief it was for me because today was the last day our doors will be open.

"Yes Sire, every single pack has came inside our borders, no one is left out, all boundaries have been marked.Your planned worked sir. None of our kind will suffer that deadly virus."
He said.

" The wall, how much of it is left?" I questioned not wanting any delay in it.

"It's nearly complete, only the west wing ha-" he couldn't finish further.

"Nearly? NEARLY!!!!????" WHEN I ORDERED YOU TO FINISH THIS BEFORE THE FULL MOON, WHY DIDN'T YOU FOLLOW IT?" I grab the nearest table and threw it on the wall,
breaking it to pieces.

"Pardon us sir! Pardon us plz!" he cried clearly afraid for his life.

"Get the hell out right now before I kill you!!!!!" I screamed again.

It had to be done before the full moon,
otherwise those infected wolves will be very hard to fight and the west wing faced the wild and mountains which was a threatening Condition .I had to visit the west soon, to asses the situation otherwise our months worth hard work will go all in vain.

Hey everyone so you liked it?
Tell me in the comment section,
What's gonna happen next, you can even advice me about the plot, till then take care ❤️😍

Cheers to the end timesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora