Chapter 2 freedom=Wow

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Today was the day we were going to step out of the boundaries that limited us to the confines of survival when those monsters came.
Let's just say all of us were kind a attached to this place and did not want to leave it but the shiny chance to escape all this limitations out threw our all fears and emotions.
"I don't wanna leave,I think something bad is gonna happen and I don't want it that way"my brother Seth told me.
"I am going to protect you don't worry,it's a chance we have to take in order to survive plus if that radio has anything true in its news we are going to be saved from starving to death".
"Why aren't the others leaving then I think they know how we are going to end up that's why they are not coming right??"
"Of course not most of them have little children and us going there is because if it's genuine then we can also guide others there too and they won't have to face any difficulty reaching there"was my petty reply,
even though dad wanted to do this, I had my own doubts.It is true how no one is heard of going there except us.
Let's see what happens in the future but for now I am going to concentrate on my coffee.


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