Part 53

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"When she came back in Canada, her father was waiting for her, things got mess up, she was badly wounded, because as what I have gathered, around you, a human, she's got weaker." Keiran started as I sat down to my usual spot, the rocking chair while my guests who destroy my beach and restore it within an eyeblink.

I feel like I have lost my mind about what happened, I am exhausted, but I need to know, at least I could give justice to myself. At least I would have a reason to keep believing that there's still... us.

"We came, but we were too late, she's barely there and I have no choice, she gave me no choice, so I turned her into a vampire, that video I have shown you happened 2 years ago."

I was keeping my mouth shut the whole time as I watch Carina in a distant, she was playing with the kids around, having the time of their lives, not even sparing me a glance, I am desperate, but something in me is refraining for me to jump into her, maybe I am dying.

"She's a newborn and it means she gets to have another mate." I was fast to look at the Queen.

"What do you mean by that?" Finally, after a long time of silence I spoke, feeling my heart breaking at the mention of it.

"Carina have another mate, we don't know if she has seen that mate already." I nodded my head pursing my lips together, feeling my head aching at this. I feel like crying.

"Why are here though?" I ask. 

I need to make sure that I stop myself from breaking down, from crying my heart out, from screaming in pain, at least once they are gone, I could try and move on, I could start a new life.

It takes time to learn the difference between who to let go and who to be patient with. The same way it takes years to know what we deserve and what we don't.

I certainly did not deserve all of this agonizing pain, this loneliness I feel, she's here, yet so far, so close, yet out of my reach.

Maybe I was meant to be hurt by her. Maybe I was meant to sit with my pain for a while, those years I have spent in the dark. Maybe it was not for punishment. Maybe it was so I could finally lose the old version of myself, but the sad thing is, I love that version of myself...

Maybe I need something to shake me, because maybe without it, I wouldn't be able to move on to everything I have been asking for, but she is all I am asking for.

I watch as she carried Dave in the air and the kid extended his arm, pretending to be an airplane, I could see the smile she has, the laugh the kid has, that kind of scene is what I wanted.

The air has been different since they came here, colder, lonely and it feels so sad.

"We are only following her. If she does not leave here, we won't too. You see, Magdalena, she's become so powerful because of that dose of black magic that Alaric have given her, and her memories, they are lock up, a small trigger can cause a massive blood spill, we are walking in an eggshell here, she has become a literal killing machine, I honestly got scared when I saw you in the forest just earlier." I nodded my head, taking it all.

"She promised to come back to me no matter what." I spoke. A small smile growing in my lips.

"I guess she's fulfilling that promise." I heard Keiran spoke. 

We were interrupted when her phone rings, looking at the caller, I saw a smile, knowing it's her wife, she excused herself, now I am left with myself, with my thoughts.

"Hi." I held my chest as a gust of wind meet my skin, clutching into the cardigan I look up to see Carina, looking at me curiously.

"Did you really think I forgot about you, I mean, I feel like I know you, but I don't know?" My heart leap in my throat as I was lifted in the air, she has become so fast and she's not even hiding it.

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