Chapter 33

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"What is the meaning of this?!" I was unable to maintain my calmness when I saw my father smile at me as if nothing was wrong.

He looked taken aback by the action I just displayed, I feel ashamed of it but I'm too angry.

"What is the meaning of this, father? Is this one of your games?!" Still in shock, my father looks so clueless, so I throw the toy with his symbol on it and his eyes held confusion and then it hit him.

"Where did you find this?-

"Is that you?-

"No, of course-

"Then who?! I'm worried for my mate's safety because every second that I'm here means time for whoever wants to hurt her, now fucking answer me or else." I breathe in as I tried calming down, it's not just getting angry anymore, it's my inner vampire who's talking and the protectiveness is overpowering, my father did not seem to be mad about it though, he has mother, his mate and I know he understands me.

"Who the fuck is it father?!-

"It's my brother-


My siblings and mother suddenly appear, my mother coming to my father's side while my siblings just look confused as I am.

"Please sit down." I breathe in again as I followed what I was told to do.

My mate is on my house, I have put an enchantment to make sure that no one will enter that house without my permission, no human being and supernaturals in any kind, it's strong enough to kill them if they tried but it has no effect on me and Magdalena. It's just their to protect her, my mate.

"Listen to me talk before you react." My father spoke.

"Yes, papá." All of us except for my mother answered in unison.

"Fredrick was my brother that I thought I have killed a very long time ago, he was dead, I killed him myself and burn him into ashes." He started.

Father looked at the symbol that's on the toy and sigh, shook his head. I feel like memories are resurfacing and he did not like it.

"He was cruel, he wanted to rule every living being and even wanted to invade the other realm and that's just ridiculous and obviously everyone were not fond of him and so am I, though he was my older brother and I adore him before he suddenly became so vicious, a murderer of innocent and just pure crazy." He continued.

"I'm the only vampire who can end him and I don't have any other choice but to do it to protect our kind and other supernatural, he killed our parents too, he badly want to have the throne on his own. I don't know what sorcerer was it but I could feel it, he's alive, and he wants the throne." He suddenly looked at me.

"Your mate. Carina, she needs to go." My anger flare when I heard those words, I was shock to the strength I have that I did not notice everything floating, my family looks shock except for my mom.

"Say. It. Again." I was daring my father and he knows it's not a good thing to say it but-

"Your mate needs to go, you need to let her go, you need to reject her-

I was so fast my father did not see it coming, I had him pinned against the wall, gripping his neck hard, I know my eyes are turning red. Im angry at the mention of it.


"Ma! Stop her-

"Magdalena will not be happy if she knows you're acting like this." My brother's word got my attention and the mention of my mate's name made me aware of everything. I let go of my father and did not utter an apology.

"I will let go of everything I have, I will forget everything I have and everything I own, even you my so called family-

"You can't do that, Fredrick will hunt you down since you have a weak mate, he will attack the weakest and wound up your heart, you know nothing about him-

"He's not my brother is he?! You fucking failed to do one thing to make sure we are safe and now the crazy uncle you're talking about is threatening us and my mate, you know what I'm able to do, father. Ask me to let go of my mate and I will not rest until you're dead-

"Watch your mouth, Carina." My sister calmly said. I turned to look at her.

"You know nothing of how I feel right now, you haven't meet your mate so don't act as if you know how it feels like." That shut her up.

"All of you have been treating me like a fucking kid. Who helped destroy the demon? Who did you send to kill that demon? It's me! You made me feel as if I'm just some kind of a fucking machine, you don't care about me, you don't see me as your family, you see as a weapon-

"You know that's not true-

My mother tried interrupting but I cannot hear anything but Magdalena's voice ringing in my head, calling my name and hell did I waste another second to get to where she is, I was out of my family's sight before they know it. I'm not yet done with them.


"What happened?" I smiled when I noticed Poco, my lion that maybe got out of her cage.

"She's no harm." I sighed out of relief when it was not something I thought it was.

I spoke through our mind link because Poco cannot talk verbally, one of the things I've learned in studying how witches works.

She loud.

I laughed as Magdalena rush to be on my side, she's gripping my arms and I love it.

"She's no harm, Magdalena. Poco, her name is Poco."

"No harm? That's a grown lion!" She exclaimed.

I am totally aware.

I chuckled as I encircled my arms around her waist, leaned closer to her and kiss her head.

"You're safe, you're with me." I assured her as I instructed Poco to try and make my mate feel comfortable.

When my lion tried taking a step, Magdalena rush to hide in my back. I could hear the stubborn lion saying what a puss. I warned her that made Poco slowly and calmly approach my mate.

"Hey, it'll be fine, Poco has been with me since I'm a kid, she's no harm. Poco, this is Magdalena, my girlfriend. Magdalena this is Poco."

It didn't take long for my lion and Magdalena to get along, Poco is just like a big dog who just wants love and affection. I smiled at this, what happened in that house stays in that house and what I said is the truth, I will give up everything to make sure Magdalena is safe and sound, in my arms, mine and mine alone.

"She's like a big dog, so cuddly." My mate giggles as she played with Poco's fur, she was braiding some of it too.

"I actually have two, her name is Yuna and if you want to meet her she's just outside, in the backyard, Magdalena." Magdalena's eyes widen and a smile from ear to ear, it makes me very happy.

"Can I meet her?!" My mate said enthusiastically, I only nodded her head and she suddenly stands up and woke up the sleeping Poco who just followed us outside the backyard.

Seeing her smile, happy and just living her life is what I want, I will leave everything behind just to be with her.

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