Chapter 15

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"We can do this! We will destroy the other team guys! We will win this game with ease, remember your training, teamwork!" And Skylar the captain keep talking as I watch my mate from afar, I think I have memorized her words already, Skylar have been talking for some time now and I couldn't accept the fact that my mate is talking to the other teachers and not at me.

I was serious about what I said to my big sister that I would take good care of myself and my mate, yes it's bad to stalk her every move, but I can't help it and knowing that they don't have a lead is really something too.

R E D H O R S E!

I can already hear the cheers of people as we, the team Red Horse walked out of the locker room and the crowd intensifies, I smirked as one of the opponents look at me but  looked away sensing my aura, we are winning, that's a fact.

The whole court is full of Christmas decorations, Christmas is in the air as Isabella and Sky were saying and I couldn't agree more. Snow is all over the place and also the vampire or wolves are too, some are pretending to be a police officer or a janitor or even just a normal person walking around the street, I can sense them, but they never approach me, they just bow from afar and I would nod my head at them as they go back to whatever they are going.

It's annoying, it really is annoying but I have no choice, it's for me and my mate's safety, I have no idea what's going on and I just don't want anything that will hurt my mate-

"Go Carina." A sense of comfort and that warming feeling ignites inside me when I heard a whisper that made me snap out of my thoughts, I look at the person and to my surprise, it was indeed my mate, she was shock when I look at her probably thinking that I wouldn't be able to hear it, but she immediately cover it up with an encouraging smile that made me smile so big and I didn't waste my opportunity to wink at her that made her shake her head smiling from ear to ear.

"GO LITTLE SISTER!" I was shook to hear the voice of my brother that made me immediately look at them scared that I may have snap my neck on how fast I turn my head to look at them and there they are, I'm actually glad that they try and blend in with the people around because they are not wearing an all black outfit, I mean it looks cool and all, but we are so pale and too attractive that the attention may too much.

My mom, sister Victoria and brother Victorino waved enthusiastically at me while my dad buff his chest and give me a sign of how proud he is of me.

"Show them what you got, little one." I nodded my head at him and smile brightly at my family and before finally focusing on my game I steal a glance at my mate as I watch as she looks away when I look at her. Gotcha already baby.

"I hope my parents would come, this is like the last game, we, seniors have for high school." I look at Skylar who have spoken those words and I think that's the reason why the crowd is so heavy, it is because this is the last game the senior will have, what an honor to be part of this team and their last championship.

"Maybe they are late?" Isa tried assuring our friend who feels so somber but keeps covering it up.

"Maybe, let's just focus on the game." I watch as Sky tried to cover up her watering eyes that I can't help but pat her shoulder, encouraging her.

Probably sensing it, I heard Karin cheer for her girlfriend and I'm so glad that she did, I saw how my friend smiled brightly at the cheer leader and nodded her head with a flying kiss.

It didn't take long for the game to start as our tallest, I mean me, goes in the middle for the jump ball. Every basketball game begins with a jump ball. During a jump ball, two players stand on either side of a referee who then throws the ball up between them. The team that loses the initial jump ball gets the first possession of the second and third quarters.

I jumped when I heard the blow of the whistle and got the ball for my team and the game begins.

It's an easy game for me, unfortunately.

Basketball does not exist in my world, there's some games but it's mostly boring one's like sword fighting or something that includes witch craft, I mean we are capable of it, but I aced it all already and I just want something that's not familiar with me. Like basketball and some of the games I tried here but did not find it interesting other than this game that I can bond with my friends with.

I smiled as our score keeps on rising and rising as the time runs, I usually just help my team score by stealing the ball from the opponent and give it to my team and yes, it's really easy but the smile they have and the cheers erupting every time we scored is just heart warming.

My eyebrows goes up as I saw one of the opponent's members tried to sprain one of my friend on the team that made me realize what they're up to, luckily the referee call for a timeout and I immediately check out my teammates.

"What was that, Kimmy?" Kimmy is a trouble kind of a kid but is trying to get better and she usually keeps to herself that's why we just talk if needed. I understand her though, getting through a phase of learning to love yourself is kind of pushing everyone to be able to focus on one selves.

"Bro, I think I'll be in trouble, these people are my enemy outside of the school, I think I'll be doomed if I'm not careful." I think that's the longest sentence I've ever heard from her that made me curious, reading her mind as I found out those are gang members she just joked on, a petty fight I guess but the ego of these people.

"Okay, just make sure you watch your steps and all I'll be behind you, bro." Using the 'bro' call sign, I think she calls everyone bro. She nodded her head as I listened to the plan for the next game. The opponent is way far behind and I decided to shoot this time.

"Go! Go! Go!" I walked as I received the ball, maybe I'm a little bit show off as I throw the ball half the court that everyone goes silent and erupted once again when it goes straight to the ring.

"That's a good one." I heard my teammates cheer that made me smile to myself, sometimes it's not about the game, it's about the joy it brings everytime I scored or just assist them.

I would steal a glance at my mate every now and then and it really boost me up because those glance is knowing she's already looking at me and she never looks away that makes me warm inside. This is overwhelming. A good kind of overwhelming.

I already saw Isabella's family who are cheering beside my family and also with a family friend, Zairah the hunter, they are my father's friend too, the Queens of the other vampire realm with her wife and kids, Love and Jasmine. They are so cute with their triplets!

'I hope you're just late.' a mumble from Skylar that made me feel sad about my friend. Your presence is enough, I remember looking for my parents and siblings when I won a tournament back then and when I saw them, it's like I'm suddenly so happy. It breaks a childs heart not seeing their family on a game that means to them.

The game ended and obviously, we won. I shout so loud as I go straight to my mate, I don't know what's up but I run and didn't stop myself when my body just move on it's own, I'm full of joy and with the crowd all over the place cheering us, I hugged my mate so tight, feeling those emotions I've never felt before, she's so shocked and couldn't move for a whole second or two but she embrace me just how tight I'm embracing her.

"We won." Finally calming down, I was still embracing her when I said those words as I feel her head nodded in my shoulder, slightly bending over to hug her so tight, I could lift her if I want to but that's crossing the line, hugging her out of nowhere is crossing the line but she haven't realize it yet, so before she could, I remove myself away from her body.

Human pace~

I smiled brightly staring at those sun like eyes of her as they never ceased to amaze me and I could stare at them forever, really lost in the moment, it's like the crowd and the noise just fades away as I feel our face moving a little bit closer and closer...

"Carina! It's time for pictures!" I could kill this son of a gun who interrupted our moment.

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