Chapter 8

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Should I just get out of here or wait for my mate? If I wait, we will be alone together and that would be a big disaster, would I be able to control myself? I mean, it's bad enough that I have ditched her class and I never showed up at the PE class.

Yup, I ditched the classes I know she'll be present, it's part of the plan, a plan which would be useless now since I'm currently sitting inside her classroom, I already told Skylar and Issa that I'll be at the gym before the practice starts.

I expectantly look at the door when her scent hits my sensitive nostrils, the vanilla that can weirdly mix with honey, has a creamy, warm, comforting, yet also slightly exotic scent, it was a pleasant kind of scent that purposely calm me down, with an earthy quality of the honey, it just made me miss the forest.

"Ms. Black?" Was her word when she saw me sitting, she give me a weak smile that made me grip the edges of this table. I scratch the back of my neck as she sits down and take her things out of her bag, maybe she's doing something and I'm just going to disturb her.

With a paper in hand she stands up, her body swaying in every step that she takes, her sandals making noises as she handed me a paper, or should I say a test paper.

"We had a test and you missed it, that's why I'm giving you a chance to take it and can you tell me why you didn't show up in my class or in your PE?" She asked, her tone nothing but gentleness that made me feel the churning in my stomach.

I hate to say that I'm a pervert when it comes to beautiful woman, she's a beautiful woman, oh, I'm not being a pervert, I'm just admiring right? There's a difference between being a pervert and admiring. Yeah, I'll keep convincing myself about that.

"I- I don't know." I was a stuttering mess, now I can't form a word. I shouldn't have look at her in the eyes! Now I'm stuck.

"Are you ignoring me, Black?" I gulp as my mouth went dry, she's using another tone, a tone I know she will only use when she wants something. And I noticed that she's someone who's kind but can be dangerous when she wants to.

"W-what? W-why would I, uh, ignore you?" I tried playing it off, I swear to Dracula if I'm a human, I'll be sweating right now, I'm sorry great grandfather if I swore your name.

Everything would be so much better if I can hear and read her thoughts, but no, in times I need that ability to a certain person, my mate, it won't work, funny right. I'm just thankful that I still can hear her heartbeat that seems to be beating too fast.

Today she's wearing a white button up shirt, a black trousers that made her look aesthetic in a very magnificent way and let's not forget about the cute sandals she's wearing that raised her for like two inches, but I'm way taller than her, she have gold earrings that complemented her eyes.

"I saw you at lunch." She said, her tone is more softer right now and she's already sitting in her desk.

"Should I start answering this Ms?" I asked, trying to change the topic, and I really hope she'll let this go or else I might go crazy and spill everything in front of her. And thankful she nodded her head and let out a sigh of frustration.

Am I enjoying this? Absolutely not, though I like messing with people, she's different and I know there's a lot of questions in her mind right now and I know she's really confused which made me feel guilty.

What do I do? Of course a human can't process everything within a small amount of time and if I ever told her everything, she'll probably freak out and I don't want that to happen, she'll probably ignore me for the rest of my vampire life and that's the most terrifying thought that came in mind.

Silence occurred while I answer the test with ease, it was so simple that I finished so quick, I was just pretending to write something because I don't want to go out anytime soon but the practice will start. I look at my watch that says ten minutes more and the practice will begin.

I was told that a game was going to happen in the end of the month and I'll admit, I'm excited about it, I took liking with basketball easily, and it was easy too, so I'm glad that Skylar was there, it's not like I'm depending on her, but more like I'm happy that there is someone familiar, especially now that I made a triple with Isabella in the group.

"I'm done." I played with the strap of my bag as I stand near my mate's desk, she seems so invested with whatever she's doing because I heard her heartbeat skipped a beat when I spoke and she looked at me and nodded.

"Umm, can I go?" I awkwardly asked her.

"You have practice right now?" She asked instead of answering. I was actually glad that I get to hear her voice before I leave.

"Umm, yes." I answered.

"Okay, meet me at the parking lot after practice, I will need your help." I nodded my head when she looks up and straight to my eyes, I don't have any other words to say. Especially now that we are too close, and it's just four feet but the pull is there, it was undeniable, the force, the tension that surrounds the room was too much, so I turned around and left, I didn't look back, knowing that her eyes were on me the whole time, scared that I might do something I would regret.

I'd rather wait than lose her in the process.

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