Chapter 13

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Days have passed and my mate is nothing but kind, not a different kind, or too kind, just what she usually treat her students and in all honesty, it's pissing me off, I mean, I like it, she's kind to me, but she's treating everyone else like that and I'm not like everyone else.

I know I have said that I'll take this slow, her pace, human pace, but I know she's resisting it, she's getting used to the bond to the point that she just put it aside, the feeling is there, the glances were there too, but I don't think she sees me as something more.

She's scared, I can tell that, I know that she have lots of questions and I definitely want to answer those questions, but I know she'll pass out and worst, she will think that I'm some kind of a freak, I will not let that kind of thing happen.

And I've decided to play a game, she's beautiful when she's kind and I know she will look hotter when she's a badass and that my friend is my game. Make her bad, not bad to everyone else but to me, make her treat me like I'm some kind of exception.

I smirk as I saw her silhouette, she's wearing the same kind of outfit, so dressed up, well, it's getting cold in here, not that I can feel it, it's the people around me who's wearing layer of clothes, so I should go with the flow.

Wearing a red and white v-neck shirt to go with my black leather jacket and my black pants, the army boots that's too heavy for a human being.

I know she's used to me carrying her things but not today, I walk towards her and although I want to smile towards her and greet her like I usually do every day. I just walked passed her.

"Good morning, Black." She said, her tone still soft as ever made me want to just surrender and blabber anything, but I just ignored her and pretended that I never heard her, she let out a sigh, a sad one, but I gotta hold it.

"Sup man!" I smirk at Issa as we do the hand thing that the three of us have. Skylar and Isabella and me became the powerful trio at school, especially at the court, basketball made us stronger.

"Where's Sky?" I asked her.

"Probably sucking her girlfriend's lips somewhere." We both laugh at this, and yes, Skylar and Karin are out and they became the power lesbian couple, first ever to come out in school and after that, lots of girls have the courage to be their true self and I couldn't be more happy about that.

"Which lips? The upper part or lower part?" I joked that made the both of us cracked up again.

"So what's up?" I look at my shorter friend who have a curious look in her face. Me on the other hand have a confuse look.

" I mean, I saw you walked passed Ms. Laurel. You didn't great her like you usually do." I shrugged my shoulders at her and just smirk ahead.

Skylar and Isabella don't know about the real me, I know that's not how you should be with your friends but what should I do? I must keep it hidden from the human being about myself, they can be ignorant sometimes.

The bell finally rings as we depart, saying our goodbyes as she told me that the three of us will meet at the court again because two days from now, the basketball game will happen.

"Good morning, dude." I fist bump Skylar as I greeted her back, we did the hand thing again that I really find funny because we would do the peace sign and pretended that's it's scissor, you know what I mean.

"You should wipe that lipstick off of your face, Sky." I point out and she immediately wipe it, Issa is right, they're eating each other's faces.

"Good morning class. Please sit down." We all did what we are told as my mate started her class, I'm just playing with the pen in my hand and decided to just doddle, even though it was only stick people, I'm not into arts people, I suck at it, I'm just bored.

"Do you care to explain what's on your mind, Ms. Black? Did I bore you that much?" I snapped out of my daydream and look up, the frown in her face made her look cuter. I raised an eyebrow and just shake my head.

"Are you mute now? Use your voice, Ms. Black." And I really hate the fact that she's still using my last name, like it kinda hurts that she usually call some of the students in their first name, why can't I get that kind of treatment?

Because you don't want to be treated like everyone else? A thought came that made me shook my head.

"There's nothing in my mind, Ms." I spoke, my eyes still staring directly at her, she could get me to my knees whenever she wants but no, she won't do that, I bet she can be freaky. I mean, as they say, innocent in the streets, a freak in the sheets. My smirk became larger and it didn't go unnoticed by my mate.

"You definitely have something in mind. Care to explain, Ms. Black?" You don't want to know what's going on in my head lovely lady. I know I'm pushing buttons here, but what can I say? I'm enjoying this and as long as she's good, I'm fine with it.

"It's nothing Ms. Laurel and please can you just do your thing and mind your own business?" I snapped at her, immediately regretting it after I saw her saddened face, oh no. It's breaking my heart, but before I could say something else, she cleared her throat and compose herself and looked away from me.

"Oh, forgive me then, stay after class." I slouch in my seat as she proceeded with the lecture about chemicals, it was all about chemical bonding, their reaction and their number of atoms, it was simple, I didn't get much from her after our little talk and let me tell you girl, her heartbeat is increasing, I don't know what it's all about but she's mad. And is it crazy that I'm enjoying this?

And the sweet melodious bell finally rings, I can't believe I just used the sweet melodious on that disastrous sound really, but whatever, I'll just have to stay here and let my math teacher wait for me in class, it's not like I'm going to fail.

Everyone finally got out and when it was only my mate and myself, she stands up from her desk to the door and I heard the door clicked, she locked it, ohh I'm getting excited here.

"Are you okay?" Was her words that shocked me to the bone, I look at her, trying to figure her out, and fuck, I can't read her mind!

"What?" I asked her, still in shock at her words.

"I don't know, you're acting weird, you didn't greet me this morning which made me sad and you snapped at me, and I feel like you have a problem, and you can tell me anything you know, because as a teacher-


So this all out of her kindness again? Because she's my fucking teacher? It was so good but when she mentioned that teacher thing again, I know where this shit is going.

"I don't have anything to share with you Ms. Laurel, and I'm gonna be late." My voice is not what she used to hear from me, I'm acting professional, what I usually do with my parents business partner and I know she will notice that.

I stand up and walked passed her but a hand hold my wrist and I try to pull away, it's like my life is being suck by the force of it, my knees have weakened because of the electric effect her touch gave me, she's doing this thing again! She's making me weak! Goddamn it!

"Let me go, Ms. Laurel." I spoke, I think I just used every fiber of my being just to construct those words, and luckily she did and I leave her behind with a heavy heart, but I know I'll always come back to her though, not now. When I opened the door what I saw really shocked me.

"Didn't know you would have the heart to tell that kind of thing to your mate."

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