Chapter 37

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Monday morning came and it was a preparation for the upcoming graduation ceremony, the teachers are busy doing their paperworks while some students are busy chasing those teachers and begging for their grades to get passed.

Some students who have nothing to do are gossiping. Skylar was still the main topic inside the campus, I am bothered because the thought of her getting kidnapped by some vampires are really serious but something deep inside me is not worried at all, knowing that Karin is nowhere too. I don't know why I'm not worrying but time will tell.

I shut off my mind and let myself get drown with my mates presence, a peaceful and quiet, she was just checking and arranging papers, Magdalena claims that she could do it and told me to just sit and read something. I did not protest at all because as much as I wanted to help her, I think it would lead to something else so I picked up a book that was written by Bianca Sparacino "A Gentle Reminder" and the first page got me smiling like crazy.

It says...

"The right person will know how to hold your love. The right person will choose you as deeply as you choose them. You will not have to quite the way you care, you will never feel like you are too much. You will not have to beg for the love that you deserve. One day, you will be met where you are. One day, you will be someone's favorite thing, and you will not be confused, you will not feel like you are fighting for someone who isn't fighting for you. One day, you will understand that it never mattered how tightly you held on to the wrong people, how intensely you tried, because the right people were always going to find you. The right people were always going to stay." I'm reading out loud.

I glanced at my mate to see her already looking at me, her stress features just earlier softens.

"Hi." I softly uttered.

Magdalena smiled in return, I could see the tiredness in her eyes as she mate got up from the chair she was sitting on, lock the door and strutted towards where I'm sitting.

She didn't say a word but I know she wants to sit in my lap and I happily let her. I feel my Magdalena relax as she put her head on my shoulder, I rub her back and whispered.

"Have some nap now, Love." I brushed her hair, caressing her scalp as I feel her fall asleep in my arms, some students would try to knock but before they could, my magic would cast them off.

I closed my eyes too, still caressing her hair as I let my mind wander and remembered the time I was lashing out at my family. I inhaled deeply and feel my mate stir, I am surrounded with her presence and I feel so safe, the irony right? I am the vampire, she's the human, I should be the protecting and making her feel protected, but right now, even on her most vulnerable state, I feel so safe.

She calms those thoughts I have in my head, are my parents plotting for something? I no longer know what it happening to them because I already shut off the link I have with them.

I inhaled deeply again as I murmured words of enchantment, my hands glowed red as I continue to murmur the words needed to locked the magic inside her. It would make her protected from any supernatural, they wouldn't be able to read her mind and hypnotize her, only I can break the spell, one of the most important spell I've learned upon taking class in witchery back in my realm.

I open my eyes and I know it's crimson red, feeling myself going back to its original state I smiled when my mate woke up.

"I really need that sleep, though it's very short, I mean it's nap for a reason." I chuckled and nodded my head.

"You really mean it?" Still sitting in my lap, Magdalena whispered, I hummed encouraging her to tell me more.

"When you said you were going to marry me?" I embrace Magdalena softly as I nodded my head.

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