Chapter 7

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The next day is like the other day, most students would still stare at me like I'm some kind of an alien or something? I still smile as I walked past everyone though, who's busy with whatever the hell they are doing, I don't really care.

Knowing that this kind of scene was only in my head back then when I was reading books in my library is something I would cherish, like imagine, it was all in your great imagination but now it's coming true, I'm just patient. I'm proud to say that, I have a mate to pursue, who's I feel like a hard headed one and I have two friends who's waving at me now.

"Morning people!" I shouted at them as the two shouted back at me, yup long time no see, as if, we were separated for like just half a day and I know they spent it sleeping their ass off.

Skylar is the youngest daughter of the mayor in this town and that's why she can be a brat sometimes, most of students here are rich actually, I don't really care about their wealth knowing that I'm sure I'm the wealthiest here. To think that my car is just an Audi and that made me look low, well, I don't complain, my car, Levitina is gorgeous and so does her name.

My class with Ms. Laurel ended before I could even think about it, I just spent my time staring at nothing and thinking about certain things that I don't even know. What she said yesterday really affected my confidence about us but I'm the youngest daughter of the Black family, a royal one, I don't back down on anything, especially now that we're talking about my mate.

I have a plan, in order to have her, make our bond grow and let her do the chasing? But I will not let her chase me though, I'll just give in and we will live happily ever after.

Lunch came and everyone rushes out of the class, I don't really know what's the big deal of classes, I love learning even though I probably know about the lesson but still, it's nice to appreciate teachers, but if their a bitch, I don't give a shit but I will respect them, a little bit.

Finally arriving at the cafeteria, I saw the two of them sitting already at our table, I ordered something and sit down with them.

"Ms. Laurel seems weird today, she would glance here every now and then, maybe she have a crush on you, dude! Lucky you. I think you got her attention." I smirk at this and just continued eating my food, pretending not to hear a word they said.

I never imagined myself distancing myself from my mate, it was tearing me apart to be away from her but I want the human pace as my parents told me. I asked them about it and they said I probably lose my mind, because according to them, it would probably make me go crazy, but I don't feel anything close to being crazy.

Jealousy is in the top of the list if ever we have some listing here about the things I felt, Ms. Laurel is kind, everyone knows that, every eyes that I would meet, every mind I would read around the campus will always have that thought about the teacher.

Everyone adores her, her kindness is radiating as they say, I would hear people talking about it, they would say they are thankful because of my mate, the things that she did like not getting angry when a student is unable to pass the assignment in the right time because of the personal reasons or valids one.

"Do you know her name?" I asked Skylar who shakes her head while munching her food, after swallowing it, she started talking.

"It's for the teacher's safety, that's why knowing their names is prohibited here, but you could always ask her. Ms. L have her eyes on you." She teasingly bump my shoulder with hers as I nodded my head, I don't know when this thing would last, me ignoring her would be hard, because the bond is there, I'm a vampire with needs and I just hope my heat won't come quickly, because that would be disaster.

I remember being chained inside my room when my heat came, the lust is everywhere and I don't want to touch anyone that is not my mate.

And heat means making sure she's in my arms 24/7, yes, heat with a royal vampire last like that, it was difficult, so difficult that it was my siblings and parents always came to feed me with blood.

Now that I found my mate, I thought it would be simple, easier but what the heck, it was so fucking difficult.

You asked for it. You want something exciting right. My inner voice mock.

The bell finally rung indicating the end of lunch. I stand up and wait for Skylar and Issa to throw our garbage in the trashcan nearby, well, they shoot the trash and it was a perfect shot.

"Now that's how you do it." The two mumbled as they fist bump and take their things with me walking first at the center.

"I'm really curious about your relationship with Karin." I started and I heard her let out a sigh.

"We'll talk about this later." It was Skylar who whispered in my ear. I'm in the middle. I just realized that I'm the tallest among the three of us and Issa is the shortest, but compared to some average girls, the three of us are taller.

"Hello fellas, what's you next class?" She asked the two of us.

"We have advance English together." I informed her.

"Really? We have the same classes then."

Sitting down, the three of us started talking about random stuff when the teacher comes in. The topic was boring, my thoughts keep coming back to my mate when I closed my eyes and tried figuring out where her location is, and well, she's in her room, talking about her topic.

"The three of us should hang out? I think we would make the best trio." I looked at Issa who whispered and Skylar who scooted over nodded her head, I don't know but it was probably the best, I mean I don't have to lean closer because I'll hear them from 50 miles if I want to, but I don't want them to suspect.

"That'd be cool." I whispered back-

"Ms. Black." I snapped my head to look at Mrs. Suka. The Japanese woman looks angry but I couldn't careless.

"Yes?" I asked, sarcasm dripping in my voice.

"Why are you talking during my lesson?" Her hands are now in her waist, indicating that she's not happy at all, me on the other hand is excited to get in trouble. I stand up and cross my arms. She's one of the hated teacher here because of the attitude she have and so inconsiderate.

"Why are you teaching during my conversation?" I sassed and smirk as the teacher face turned red. My classmates mumbled 'ohhs' while some just snickers.

"You're new here, Ms. Black. Your attitude will get you nowhere and stop talking back to me or detention." She answered with the same sass, I could hear some of my classmates mumbled a 'fight, fight, fight' that I know I'm the only one who can hear.

"I'm talking back? That's how conversation works right?" And that did it.

"DETENTION! GO TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!" She shouted her lungs out that made me laugh, an evil one as I pick my things up and smirk at my friends who are shaking their heads with a proud smile. Why does this feel right? Guess it is in my nature.

I knocked at the principal's office who mumbled a 'come in'. I opened the door and she was shaking her head at me. The audacity of this woman.

"Your second day here and you are already causing trouble." She tsked as she handed me a small index card.

I look at it and here I am, so freaking confident that ignoring my mate would be a piece of cake. Jokes on me.

"Since the original disciplinarian is out of town, Ms. Laurel will handle you."

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