Chapter 16

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Ms. Laurel's P.O.V

"You've been spacing out." I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my father's voice, watching as the car move slowly because of the rushing teenagers, excited to go to their destinations or to celebrate the winning team.

"Dad?" I called out for the man who made sure my life won't fall apart, glancing at me, smiling and looking back to the road, he reached out for my hand and squeeze it in a fatherly comforting way.

I missed my father, we barely see each other because of my teaching career and because I moved here two years ago, wanting to live the life I've always wanted and also to pursue my teaching career, life in the province don't have a lot of opportunities so I moved here once I got my teacher's license, applied and luckily got accepted.

I also asked my father about moving in a new place, new country to a better paying jobs and I'm happy that he agreed, though we barely see each other, at least he don't have to use an airplane to get where I'm living.

"Im so happy you came." I stated happily.

"I will never miss your birthday, Len." I smiled at the childhood nickname I have, it was given to me by my mother because she thought my name is too long and she was the person who named me.

"Even though you're a big girl now! Look at you kid, you're a grown woman now." He laughed so hard, his getting old and I'm aware of that, I just wish he stays longer.

"Thank you, dad." I said, pushing the hurtful thoughts away as we finally got out of the parking lot, seeing Carina laughing with the people I think is her family, she waved enthusiastically at me that made me smile a little bit bigger than I should, I waved back, but more calmly that made her facial expression more happy. The effects I have when it comes to her.

"I see you have your favorite student." I shook my head as Carina's form fades away, looking at my father who have a teasing smile plastered on his face that made me laugh.

My father was once a car shop owner, he's the only person who can save cars in my former town back then, I mean he was the only one who have it and it was enough to feed me and my siblings when we were younger and they have bigger dreams so they left the town as soon as they graduated college and me being the youngest was left in my father's care, my siblings would send us money though so it's not that hard for the both of us especially when my father was slowly losing costumer because of lots competition, he was devastated, that's why once I graduated and found a job, I asked him if he wanted to leave our town too, and he agreed, hoping to have something to do.

"So how's your life here, dad?" I asked, trying to change the topic about Carina.

"I accepted a job that works near here." I can feel that he's very excited about this job he's talking about but is holding it in.

"Tell me about this job, dad."

"As a personal car repairer, it's a family I'll be working for or that's what I thought, they said it's their daughter or something, I'm not really sure because we haven't talked personally, but they gave me my first payment, saying for my uniform and stuff, I really don't have any idea still but i already received the money so...

My father trailed off, sensing my aura about this work, it's kinda suspicious and knowing they already gave him a money for the job he haven't even started.

"How much money did they gave you, dad?" I asked.

"Five thousand dollars-

"Call them now." I interrupted him, giving that kind of money to someone who haven't even done anything is really something suspicious.

My father knows not to make me mad or upset, because he knows what my attitude is, he raised me himself and he said I have my mother's wrath.

He parked the car and take out his phone, typed something and looks at me, something in his mind shifted and he smiled at me cheekily.

"So, I actually already spent the money for something." He cautiously spoke.

"What something, dad?" I asked, getting impatient and I know my bald father can sense it.

"For a surprise."

I was watching him as he tries very hard not to spill this surprise and then it made sense, how he had came here without asking money from me or my brothers and sisters, he don't have a work and it is very suspicious for him to be here without it, he had used the money and i know this surprise is a birthday party for me.

"Invite them in my house,dad, and we can talk about this there. I don't want you to overwork yourself." I said as I'm finally calming down, I don't want him to feel ashamed of himself or be offended with my words.

He nodded his head as he typed and call for this boss of him.

I feel bad for doing this because he seems very excited about it but a large payment means lots of work and my father is not that young anymore.

"Hello, good evening, sir."

I stayed quiet in my seat as they talk and I watch my father who would glance at me apologetically.

"Yes sir, I would love to have you at my daughter's birthday, she wants to meet you too." My dad looked at me and press his phone, muting it for a second or two.

"He's asking if he could bring his family, they are five and he said he would bring extra foods too because his daughter won at something today, so it'll be like a double celebration with strangers?" I raised an eyebrow at this but the look in my father's face is making me feel guilty and I really want to see this boss of his, to know if they are some people I could trust. I'm pretty good with reading people.

I nodded my head, not trusting my voice this time as my dad continue his conversation with this person.

"Thank you for your time, sir. Sorry for bothering."

"Yes, you could bring your family, sir."

He was nodding his head now, his boss is probably talking about something and I'm not some kind of vampire to hear it.

"See you, sir. Thank you." My dad ended the call and put his phone on his pocket. I remembered this Levi's jeans, I gave it to him when I first received my paycheck.

"He said they'll come over for dinner." He said, going back to road and arriving at my house. Seeing cars outside that made my heart jump in joy, I looked at my father who have a huge smile plastered on his wrinkled face as youth is leaving his flesh.

"Your siblings also decided to help me." He cheekily smiled at me as I happily exited the car, I just hope this boss of him is not some assholes who thinks that he owns the world and I really wish they don't ruin my birthday, I'm starting to regret my decision about meeting this person today.

MagdalenaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon