Chapter 36

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"Trick or treats!" Giggles of children can be heard as I stood in Magdalena's front door with chocolates in a bowl, a huge one.

In a freaking dinosaur costume.

Magdalena too is wearing one but she's been taking pictures of me, which I find crazy, she can't see me, but the smile and laughter was worth embarrassing myself.

"Mommy! It's a big dinosaur!" Enthusiastically said by a  youngster. I wiggled my butt, wiggling the dinosaurs tail in the process as I kneel down so I could let the kid get some chocolates, I usually tell them to take everything they can because I bought a lot of chocolates.

Hersheys, Reese's peanut butter cups, KitKats,Tootsie Rolls, dairy milk, any chocolate that I saw, I bought it, any sizes or whatever the price is. It was worth it. I love seeing kids in their costumes, they are the cutest.

"Oh thank you very much, now that your basket is full we will go back to our house so you can sleep okay?" I smiled at the conversation I just heard as Magdalena took pictures of me and the kids.

Some dogs are in their costumes too, with their fur mommies and daddies. Magdalena is just taking pictures or casually talking to the parents as they pass by.

My mate have mentioned that she would ran out of chocolates back then so I made sure that wouldn't happen, kids and parents love to pass by here on her place because she was generous when it comes to candies and easy to get along with.

Everyone are having so much fun and I did too, I love this kind of events, it brings so much joy in me. I've never thought I would be experiencing this kind of event, wear something ridiculous and give out chocolate to this kids that I don't know, but their contagious smile and cute giggles makes me want to have kid on my own.

Would Magdalena want that? I mean I can get her pregnant if she'd want to, I'm a vampire and I've learned witchcraft, I can get her pregnant if she's ready. Her body her choice.

"You've been a good dinosaur!" I laughed as I heard Magdalena talked.

"I am always a good." I cockily said.

"I know you are, let's take a picture!" That's what I've been waiting for.

"You can't get us a selfie because of your tiny little hands." I teased her laughing as she hush me.

"Uh excuse me, ma'am. Can you please take a picture of us. I would really appreciate it." Magdalena politely asked, as the woman nodded her head, getting the camera from my mates grasp and taking a picture of us.

A lot of snaps as we both did a lot of angles and positions, I could hear her giggling at everything we were doing as I let myself be carefree and childish.

"Thank you very much." Magdalena said as the lady handed her the camera.

"You're such a cute couple. It's nice to know you're no longer alone, Miss laurel." I smiled at this as the two woman said their goodbyes.

"It's Mrs. Jan, she's a parent of one of my students back then." I nodded my head as I waited for another kid to show up and it didn't take long as I was handing out chocolates again, excited tiny voices and grateful parents.

Finally as the night is getting deeper, the chocolates are finally gone, I did hide some so I could taste it though. I undress the costume and finally I can move freely, those tiny hands are not nice at all.

"That's comfy." I mumbled as I layed on the couch, waiting for Magdalena to come downstairs, she's been on her room for like 10 minutes.

"Magdalena, are you okay?" I called out as she replied a short yup.

I took the chocolates that I hid in my pockets and started eating it.

I was shook with the flavors in it, it was melting in my mouth and the bitterness is just so good.

"You look like it's your first time to eat a chocolate." I literally jump in my seat when I heard my mate talked, it made her laugh and I was shock that I didn't see or hear her coming, is this chocolate that good?

"It's my first time." I said as I continued to eat the chocolate, not minding a thought to my mate as she chuckles and turned the TV on, it was an action movie.

"Let's cuddle once your done-

"I'm done!" I immediately said as I swallowed the remaining magic chocolate.

"Wash you hands and then we can cuddle." I nodded my head, did as what I was told and took off my shirt to get more comfy, she's used to this as I love it when I'm topless, I love giving her comfort.

She settled in my chest, her eyes on the TV while I relax and start brushing her hair, the blanket covering both of us.

The meeting with her distant friends was fun, I get to know them, had fun with them but I did hope that we have more time. Magdalena still have a meeting that day.

The meeting was all about graduation, it would be next week, last week of November and Magdalena started telling me about her plan to visit her country, telling me stories and everything that she missed about Philippines and how she's so excited about coming back after a very long time.

"You're not going to spend your Christmas with your family?" I heard her mumble, the TV shows conversation in the background.

"No." I answered.

"Why?" She asked further more. I kissed her forehead.

"I don't really want to talk about it." I know she can sense about the shift of the atmosphere around us and I'm glad she didn't asked more, instead she kissed my lips softly and goes back to laying in my chest.

"No pressure, Love." She mumbles as she continue to watch the show in the television.

About marriage, we haven't talked about it yet and I would be lying if I say I don't want to talk about it but as I said, pressuring and making her feel uncomfortable is not what I want so I'll just let her take her time and wait for her. I kissed her head as continued to brush her hair with my hands.

The night goes on with that, she watch the movie and I watch her, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep though. I held my mate close and I feel myself thirsting for blood.

I stood up slowly and dressed myself using my speed. I went out hunting and caught a deer, which I pleasantly fed. However, as I returned to my mate, I noticed a group of large men acting suspiciously. I overheard their chat, and their ideas outrage me.

"Let's just break in and rob the house." One of them suggested it, but before they had a chance to consider another option, their heads detached from their bodies. They were all destroyed. I burned them into ashes, and a satisfied smile settled on my lips. I guess I was still into cruelty after all.

I return to my mate and hold her in my arms once again while she sleeps soundly, as if nothing had happened.

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