Chapter 29

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Magdalena did not come with me saying she has a lot of paperwork and I truly understand that. All my best vampires and wolves and even witches are surrounding her house, full protection mode, I even hired some human, if anything happens to Magdalena, they will be gone.

"He's a half witch." I looked at my brother who is telling us about the information they have gathered.

"He's real mate died that made him weak, but still able to hide his true self. I believe it has nothing to do with the war that's coming, father." He announced that made my father nod his head.

"An invisible enemy is hard to destroy, it's hard to defend ourselves if we cannot see who is trying to destroy us." My father commented.

We are all sitting in the meeting room that's lit only by candles, it's dark, these walls are protected that's why what's been discussed inside will stay inside the room, no vampires or any supernatural can hear anything outside of this.

"Carina, you know what you need to do." I nodded my head and waited for my father to give me signal to go.

My eyes are already turning blood red with the anticipation and the hatred I feel, his death is what I want today, he had put my mate in danger and he shall die. No one harms my mate. No one.

"And one thing, he adopted a child and turned that child into a vampire and he's been protecting it too, it's the same boy you knock out at the cafeteria, he's been found lingering outside their house and tried fighting me." I nodded my head as my father finally give me permission to go.

I was fast to walk away. It's a rule to not use our inhuman ability when walking out to do something, be out of sight first and disappear.

That's what I just did. I teleported once the door close behind me and when I arrived at the dungeon the guard instantly bow down and opened the door for me.

"Leave." I said and another bow then the guard is gone.

I walked inside and smelled an awful scent, he's really half witch, now that his magic is gone I can sense everything about him and I didn't like it a bit.

"I heard your mate died." I spoke. My voice cold and uncaring, I find no mercy because of what he have done to my mate.

"Yeah." He said as he looked up and that's when I stare deep into the eyes of this fool.

And I wish I did not.

"My mate rejected me a very long time ago and I totally feel devastated, I was angry, I was mad at everything, because the only person I thought I would spend the rest of my life doesn't want me." He started talking as if I didn't know about it. Maybe he just want to slap it on my face.

"And what could I do? She was able to resist the mate bond because she is a human." I remembered Magdalena, she once tried rejecting it and I'm just glad we're not in that part anymore. My chest aches with that thought.

"So I let her go." He was already having a hard time breathing but still manage to talk, I guess he still have a little bit of witch in him. Gilbert is now looking down, he's a bloody mess, his hair full of dried blood and dirt. I want to show some pity but I could not.

"She was already inlove with a human when we met and I could not just kill that piece of shit because he makes my mate happy and when she's happy, I am full of joy. Hearing her laugh, seeing her smile is enough for me." Tears are flowing down his face and I watch with a poker face, I leaned on the wall and wait for him to continue talking.

Gilbert is chained and the chain is attached to the roof so he's kneeling, his hand and feet are tied up and every time he moves it'll hurt like a bitch because the chain is made from pure silver.

"I watched as my mate got pregnant, I watch as she have her own family, I watch everything that happened to her life and I tried to think that it's for the best but I want it to be me. I want to be loved and I want to be cared for like any other vampires or wolves or any supernatural with their mates." He looked up at me as if he was trying to make me understand but my face remained cold and  unbothered.

"And then when my mate is finally having her last child, a girl, I thought it was my time to have that someone I always wanted in my life. I waited for the right moment but your father managed to know what I've been doing. It's in the rule to never bother a human if they are not your mate and even if they're your mate, if you are rejected then leave them alone." He spat, his words full of hatred.

I totally understand him, but as a vampire who's mate was in danger because of someone is really not a good thing, my judgement is clouded when it comes to Magdalena, her peace, her safety and everything involved with her just matter to me and I don't want anyone making her feel uncomfortable.

"You were not following that rule." I said, my voice nothing but dominance, cold and emotionless.

"I know. I know I am wrong but what would you do if you were on my place? I have no one, my parents abandoned me-

"Because you killed your twin for power, you want to have it all. You were selfish and what you were doing was just you being selfish, do not try to put me in your situation when it's all your fault." I cut him off.

"You can't be wise and inlove at the same time." He muttered.

"I was clouded with the thought that I have found my mate, I was so happy." He said. His voice breaking at the end and then he laughed like crazy.

"You don't deserve any mercy, you deserve to die in pain. Just because your mate rejected you doesn't mean your life ended, you have eternity, you're immortal but you're acting like a fool, you're even older than me and you act like a fucking child." I said in range, the thoughts I have read from his memory still clear as day.

"I'm not even sorry about it, I'm happy about it, everything was going well with my life but then you just have to enter this human world and disturb my peace! You fucking bitch!" A punch landed in his head that made his whole body meet the ground, breaking his bone in the process and ending his life. A simple punch really ended him.

I kick him, step on him, smashing his head on the ground until I'm satisfied with it.

"Just because your mate gave birth to Magdalena doesn't mean she's going to be your mate, that's not how it works and Magdalena is mine." I said before leaving the place.

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