Chapter 43

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I was taken aback by the people here in the Philippines; they stare at me as if I'm some kind of an alien. Magdalena is getting stared at too, so I made sure I had my arms around her.

Different people in black suits came; they bowed at me and Magdalena, greeting and welcoming us; they took all our luggage as I felt a pinch in my side. It all happened so fast that Magdalena's action caught me off guard; the pinch did hurt me a little bit; and the words of Alaric echoed in my head. I'm becoming a human again.

"What was that?" She whispered yell. Definitely shook. It pulls me out of those thoughts too.

"There's a lot of  things to carry and I'm lazy." I sheepishly told her as she could only roll her eyes at me. I kissed the top of her head, starting not to mind the stares and all, it's just Magdalena and I.

"Before we go to my extended family's village I want to enjoy Philippines first with you, we have a month or two and we could stay there in my old village for the last week. How was that?" I nodded my head at Magdalena as I opened the door to the car that I've bought. It's a brand new Mahindra Thar Suv that is good for uneven surfaces.

I've decided to discard the thought of buying and using limousine here in the Philippines because damn the traffic is a disaster, especially in the city. I hope to get away from here and meet nature soon.

"I'll be okay with whatever you want and all of your decision, Baby. I'm just happy to be with you." I spoke as she nodded her head. Smiling shyly as she starts to fall asleep again.

"Where are we going ma'am?" The driver asked politely. I actually forgot she's there. Yes, I've chosen a driver that's a female and I made sure she's an ally because being uncomfortable in my sexuality around people especially with Magdalena  being around is something I never liked. So I chose someone who's open minded.

"We would like to go to the hotel nearby." I spoke. Magdalena was still tired after sleeping throughout the ride, she's sleeping in my lap now.

It made me happy, being in this position, Magdalena in my arms and all. This is such a perfect time as I took my phone out of my pocket and snapped a picture of the sleeping beauty.

Alaric's voice still rings in my head, I'm an immortal because of the black magic. Is that why I am cruel? A monster before? I was alive because of that sorcery and I'm starting to be soft now since I'm with Magdalena, a human. I am human too but the humanity in me was deep inside, drowning because of the magic he put on me.

I have a lot of questions and I didn't even know where and how to start, I'm confused and still shock about the information I've known. It was very overwhelming. And knowing that the people I thought was my family was the cruel one. I hope the twins are not involved though, I don't want to kill them.

"We are here, Ma'am." I snapped out of my thoughts as the lady driver spoke. I nodded my head.

I woke Magdalena up. She lets out a complaining noise that made me laugh in amusement. Moments like this is just really cute.

"Come on, Love. You can continue your slumber once you're in a soft bed-

"Or I could fuck you." Magdalena cut me and it caught me off guard.

"Magdalena." I spoke with such tone that made my girl smirk. She opened her eyes and fuck, those sun like eyes of hers again.

"You're so beautiful. Let's go the hotel now." I told her but when she saw the hotel I was talking about she looked at me as if I've grown another head.

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