Chapter 38

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I was alarmed by a ding in my phone, this damn phone. Setting the fire to a low flame, cleaning my hands on an apron I was wearing, I then pulled out my phone to check the message I had just received as the screen showed an unidentified number. My eyebrows squinting.

Magdalena is currently taking a shower; we would continue the paperwork that she intended to finish on the afternoon, but, well, some unexpected things happened. It's all my fault and my horny ass, so I'll probably do all of this once she's asleep.

I click the message and a relief feeling engulf me.

It's Skylar.

Hey, it's me Sky, just in case you're worrying or whatever. I'm safe and I'm with Karin if you're wondering, I don't know what went wrong or is it something I did that made you avoid us, but maybe something made you feel awful so you just want to handle it yourself or any problems that you don't want us to get involved, I understand it, dude. This is probably the last message you'll get from me because I am never going back to that town again or messaging anyone that I know except for Karin, she's my wife now and I also gave my lucky charm to Isa, I hope she's doing fine, I hope you're doing fine. Please don't respond and delete this message.

I sigh as I wait for Magdalena. I want my mate to read this message so she will be aware too, but a ding can also be heard from her bedroom, so I let it be as I continued cooking for dinner.

I cleaned her house, every corner of it. I don't know why, but I love doing things for her, and she just lets me do it too. I get back to the dinner I was making while drinking the blood in my glass, gulping till none is left. I made sure to clean it, leaving no trace.

I smiled as a pair of hands wrapped around my waist.

"Hmmm, that smells so nice. " I chuckled as I turned the fire off. Finally done cooking spaghetti, I made sure to search the right recipe for a Filipino style, my mate with her Filipino heart has been mentioning sweet spaghetti.

"That spaghetti looks so delicious, can we eat now, I'm starving." She pouted as I laugh in contentment. Pinching her cheeks as she unwrapped her hands around me.

"You smell so nice." I spoke as I pulled a chair so my mate could sit down.

"I always smell nice." She retorted. I raised an eyebrow making her roll her eyes at me.

"I love every smell you have though, even if your foot smells like fish, I'll clean it myself if you'd let me." I joked.

"You're so mean." I laughed as I heard my mate mumbles.

"I'm not mean, look I cooked your favorite. Shall we eat now?" I batted my eyelashes at her making her roll her eyes at me again. I have different ways to make your eyes roll, Love.

"I forgive you, now we eat." She said, getting excited as I put the bowl in the table full of spaghetti. Giving Magdalena a plate, fork and a spoon.

We both started eating, though I only ate little because you know why, it doesn't taste as much as what any other human can taste because only blood and her cum can only taste good in my tongue.

I waited for my mate to start talking, it looks like she have something in mind and I don't want to bother her, she would just tell me, I'll just have to wait for her to open up to me.

I finished my food while Magdalena haven't eaten half of her food. I just kept silence as I watch her eat, she seems so into her own world that she didn't notice me staring.

"I received a message from Skylar." She broke the silence.

"Here." She handed me her phone.

It's Skylar, Miss Laurel. I just really want to say how an amazing teacher you are, thank you very much, miss. I'm good by the way, sorry for my sudden disappearance. I'm safe and happy with Karin right now. I think that's all, oh, my friend, you know the new kid, Carina Black, she has a crush on you. It's actually funny because who wouldn't. I hope you have a good life, Miss.

"You had a crush on me?" I laughed with Magdalena as I handed her phone back.

"I do have a huge crush on you since day one. Actually, until today, Miss Laurel." I wink at her making her smile shyly.

Our evening consist of us checking the papers and writing it, computing and so on.

Magdalena would tell me something about her childhood, whatever she can remember, she would also show me a picture or a letter and I would read it and yes, we already set aside her paperworks, I'll finish it later, I love hearing her talk.

"And there's one time I came home with a hole in my shorts, I was with my friends doing our things in the mountains, we would slide or fly a kite, I'm so happy that day that I've forgotten the hole in my shorts." She showed me pictures of her shorts. I snorted, I can see the butterflies from her panties because of the hole. It made me laugh so hard.

We shared a good laugh as my Magdalena continued to talk, her paperwork already forgotten. She told me how they would have to race to get to a boat that is far from the shore. She talked about how she has enjoyed her childhood, and I can only smile at this. I love hearing her stories.

Magdalena have fallen asleep in my lap, snoring softly. I could only smile in contentment as I inhaled deeply. Being surrounded with her presence, being with her. My home.

When the day comes that she would ask me about my childhood or life. Would I be able to answer it? I'm still building the courage to tell her about who I truly am. I'm actually proud of myself for hiding- I mean I'm not hiding, I was just not telling her what I am.

I looked down to see my woman sleeping peacefully. I've used my teleportation to bring her in her room without waking her up, I need to finish her work so she doesn't have anything to do tomorrow at school, or maybe some students who have low grades will beg her for higher grade.

The night went on, I didn't sleep, I mean I usually don't, I would just close my eyes and cuddle with my love until the sun comes out. Tonight is different though, I didn't close my eyes but I did cuddle with my mate.

I keep on thinking about how I would tell her who and what I truly am. How would she react upon knowing the truth.

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