Chapter 47

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In times of our lives, we will meet a lot of people, some or most will introduce us to what is not love, to what is betrayal, violence, anger, distrust and rage. Some will make us feel unworthy, will make us feel unsafe, untrusting... and the need to be silent, but despite all of the damage, the traumas and these shitty negative people have caused, we will meet those sunshine, rain and rainbow, there would be someone who would understand your silent, who will listen to what you are trying to say without even speaking, someone will understand your habit of choosing to be left alone, there would be that someone who would understand why you are the way you are, they would be patient and will make you feel safe, they would gain your trust, they would introduce you to what is love, to what is peace and what it feels to be home. 

 I smiled as Magdalena strum the guitar, I was also shocked to know that she is a guitarist from back then, though she was an introvert, there are people who knows her talent. She's a natural musician.My love has mentioned that she once played on a cafe, so she was able to pay for her tuition and daily necessities. I was moving my head, jamming and feeling the emotions she feels while she sings a Filipino song, it's Pasilyo by Sunkissed Lola. 

 Pasilyo is a bisaya word that means aisle, the song is very beautiful as it is, it's all about your other half walking in the aisle while you stare at her with joy, nervously and pure excitement.

 Naglakad ka ng dahan dahanSa pasilyo tungo sa altar ng simbahan. 

I had to bite my lips with the emotions I feel, Magdalena stared at me while singing, I am mesmerized, in awe as she continues to sing while strumming the guitar, it was full of emotion, I could feel it to my bones. 

 We are currently sitting in the balcony, the dim, brown lights making this so romantic and just perfect, I feel like going in one knee and popping the question if she would want to marry me. I could only swallow, nervous for even thinking about it, I'm not ready, I know she's not too. The air was chill and comforting, the sound of waves in the background as she plays, sing and strum the guitar, it actually looks like her fingers are dancing in the string of the instrument. 

"I miss that." Magdalena mumbles. I know what she meant. 

 "It's been so long since I've played a guitar." Magdalena looked at me and smile. 

 "You still got it, you're a natural musician, Love." I complimented her and it made me wonder why she never played back then.

As if reading my mind, my Magdalena spoke.

"I actually don't know why but I think it's because of how busy I am with work and it's just like, we just sometimes see each other so yeah, it slips out of my mind." She explained that made nod my head, smiling at how cute she is.

The air suddenly feels heavy and out of my reflexes I was already on Magdalena side, in my defensive mode when I feel Alaric's presence, though he is not a threat to me, he could harm my mate and I'd kill anyone without a single thought if that ever happens.

"What is going on, love?" Magdelena asked in confusion as I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

"Alaric." I told her as I felt other vampires too, rogues.

"Show yourselves!" I was using a voice I've never thought I would be using again, and I know Magdalena could feel the tension, there are a lot of vampires surrounding this area and I will not hesitate to let out the beast if I have to.

"Chill, I have come here to talk." Alaric made himself visible with two other vampires, a man and a woman.

"Sorry I had to come here uninvited, and I have probably interrupted something?" Alaric stated as he tries to see my girl. Who by the just bravely stepped out of my shadow.

"You must be Magdalena." Magdalena nodded, smiling sweetly like she usually do to people.

"Please sit down, and yes, you have interrupted something, but Carina and I will be continuing that something later on." Alaric laugh and he took the seat in front of him, he gestures to his companion to take the seat too as I observed them, I've read their minds as soon as they put their foot in this building.

"What is it? Just please get to the point so we can finish and why bring some of your people?" I asked as I took a seat too, pulling Magdalena down making her sit in my lap.

"Well, I have come to inform you that your father is looking for you, dead or alive." Magdalenas hands grip mine, I caress it using my thumb and kissed the back of her neck.

"Why?" I am shocked, but I maintain the straight and stoic face as I waited for him to talk.

"This is Layla and Gorn by the way, my friends." I did not care about his companion, but I acknowledge them by nodding my head, we don't want to create enemies, aren't we.

"We really don't know why or what is the reason behind all of this, but we think the reason is because you were no longer part of the family as what we have gathered, you have cut ties to all of them right? The secret of the family is with you and because you're no longer part of it, we think that's why they want to kill you." I smirked when I figured out what the Layla girl was talking about.

"He is afraid, isn't he?" I guessed and as if some idea came into Alaric's mind, his face lit up.

I kissed Magdalenas cheek, trying to assure her that everything will be fine.

"You know he won't stop until you're dead." I nodded my head at Alaric's words as I feel Magdalena tensed up.

"Its getting cold here now, Love, you can go inside if you'd want-

"I'll stay." Magdalena cut me off. I could only nod my head.

"Tell me more Alaric." I demanded.

"Knowing him, he would target your weakness and we all know who that is, your mate, and since the black magic in you is fading, you might not be as strong as you were, so I suggest we perform the ritual again. To make you strong than before." I clenched my jaw.

"Can't you find someone else to perform the ritual?" I asked.

"I've mentioned before that out of millions of beings I have tested, you are the only one who can control and is alive with the black magic within you, and you are the target. You need to be able to protect yourself from these kinds of beings and for the safety of your mate." I am only calm because Magdalena is in my lap.

"What is your plan then and why did you bring so many?" I mentioned the army of rogue vampires that made him laugh.

"Safety first. Actually we are planning on choosing another place to stay, we don't stay in the same place for a very long time, that's what I've been doing. I want to make sure they are all safe. I hate to say this but you are the only one who can stop all of this misery, I'm sorry to put this in your shoulder but it needs to be done, he needs to die or he could kill us." He sounds serious, worried and I sense a fatherly comfort from him.

Alaric sighs as if deep in thoughts and yes, I could feel the pressure that it brings, now my so called father want me dead. Just how ridiculous is all of this.

"I will discuss it with Magdalena and I'll find you-

"You can just text or call me, phones exist."

"Of course. " I said as he handed me a card, his phone number on it and all of them said their goodbyes and it was left with silence.

"I'm scared." Was the first thing that Magdalena mumbles.

It breaks my heart to hear it, I could feel that bad feeling sinking deep within me and I can't help but blame myself for everything. We wouldn't be here in the place, in this type of situation where Magdalena could get killed-

No. Definitely not. No one will harm her. No one.

Why is it so freaking hard to just be happy, why does this bad things keep coming, why... Now that I have my safe place, my home, there was someone who wants to destroy it.

They can't if I destroy them first.

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