Chapter 20

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Carina's P.O.V

Never know that I'll be in this situation sooner or later where my mate is sitting next to me while a bunch of my vampire guards are cleaning up her house. Yes, you read it right about vampires cleaning her house, no human being is probably awake right now or have the energy to clean a house after a party.

I'm so glad my family are not that dense and they really pretended to be drunk even though those kind of alcohol is just like water to us, but damn, I gotta put my undivided attention to the pretty lady beside me.


I trailed off not really knowing what to say and looking at Magdalena-

Magdalena Laurel, a gorgeous name for a gorgeous woman. I smiled like an idiot taking a U-turn, seeing the plain field for sightseeing as I look at my so called teacher looking outside the window with a small but content smile on her lips. I quickly look away afraid that I might kiss her right here right now.

After finally parking on a spot I know she would love, I heard her take a deep sigh and I move fast in order to open the door for her, hearing a small thank you coming out of her mouth.

I have blankets that I pulled out of my backseat, thick ones incase she got cold, I'm glad Rose City is not snowing anymore and summer is around the corner so I know it'll be a perfect time.

"You came prepared." I chuckled as I nodded my head not really wanting to spoil the aura around us by saying inappropriate words.

"Is there any song or artist you fancy on listening right now?" I asked as I readied my phone and connected it to my Bluetooth speaker that's built in my car.

"Any of Arthur Nery's song please." I nodded my head not knowing who the artist she's talking about but once I press the "Happy with you" I just know the vibes is going to be romantic and a little bit sexy. I'm really screaming inside me now hearing this kind of music.

"Woah, that's... Wow." I commented as I set up the food I cooked, yes people I can cook. I smiled when I see her smells the food that I prepared myself and just for us.

"I know right, he's my favorite since then. Did you prepare all of this, Carina?" My name. I nodded my head not really trusting my voice right now.

The air around us is somewhat awkward or it is just who thinks that way or I'm reading it all wrong? I don't want to say something that is out of line and I certainly don't want to offend her or to make her feel uncomfortable so I don't how to act, there's still a boundary between the two of us, she's my teacher and I am her student.

She is my teacher and I am her student but looking at the situation we are in right now, I don't think a teacher and student should be doing this, should I dare say late night date and sightseeing? That sounds romantic, im such a hopeless romantic vampire.

I am just looking at the sky admiring the clouds and the moon that seems to be so shiny and full tonight. No, if you're thinking about how it's not affecting me, well because I am a descendant from a leader and I am with my mate so my truest self is at peace.

The song is still playing as the background, also I can also hear the movements around because of the wild animals and her heartbeat.

She's thinking, I thought as I glance her way and find her already looking at me with a strange look on her face that I couldn't comprehend. I wish I could read her mind but no, she have to be so mysterious and my inhuman capabilities is just not working on my mate.

"How about this, we pretend you're not my student and I am not your teacher?" I was shock about what my mate just said that it took me a while to respond, my mind already thinking tons of things that I will say and do with her, but no I'm still thinking, trying to convince myself that she really said that.

"What?" I asked.

"I did not stutter, Carina. I will not repeat myself again because I know you heard it and aside from that, promise me that we will never talk or mention about what will happen tonight. Promise me." I was looking at her dumbfounded but I nodded my head, scared that she might change her mind and I lost this opportunity to be a stranger to her.

Not a student but someone, a stranger, someone she knows the name of or something.

"I promise, Magdalena."

She nodded her head as she looks up at the sky again and that's what I did. Silence settled between the two of us. I honestly don't know what to say.

I smiled watching the night sky glow with those bright stars. The pale full moon shone like a big ball in the night. We looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity as I feel calm with my serenity.

"You're thinking too hard." I looked at Magdalena who is already looking at me, with a different glow on her face and a very cute smile plastered on her lips.

"I seriously don't know what to say." I admitted. Scratching my knees out of habit.

"The name is Magdalena Laurel." She have her hand outreach, smiling from ear to ear that I feel like melting, my insides are fluttering in excitement but I don't want to startle her with my energetic side.

Be calm, be calm, be calm Carina! I keep reminding myself as I take her hand, feeling her soft skin against mine and I swear I saw how her eyes dilated and I definitely know it is the mate bond growing to the max and it seems like she's not stopping it.

"Carina Black." I said, trying to sound flirty with a sly smile plastered on my lips.

"Do you like reading?" I ask, trying to do the forget who we are in real life, I mean we are in real life but like- like, how do I say this? Whatever.

"Oh I love books!" The enthusiasm is now in the atmosphere and getting used to this at the moment.

"Really? What book that you have read that made you not read for a long time?" I ask.

I think I shouldn't have asked that but the look on her face tells me that she's going to tell me a nice but heartbreaking story.

"I have read tons of books and I don't have problem with all of it because I love it all but there's one book that I hate but love at the same time, you know that feeling that it's so good but it breaks your heart?" I nodded my head matching her energy and I know she saw it because excitement is seeping through her.

"The song of Achilles." She lets out a dramatic sigh as she leaned against my shoulder, again with this behavior of hers, it's really nice of her to let her guard down as I could only try to make sure she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

I didn't say anything because I have no idea about this book, am I too old? Nope, just a vampire, I'll probably read that from now on.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I questioned as I feel her shake her head, letting out another deep and dramatic sigh

"I don't think so, Carina. The wounds are still open and I need time healing, it really breaks me you know, have you read that book?"

"Not yet, but I will-

"Can I spoil you? Please please please." I laughed at the eager and excited version of her.

The atmosphere is getting comfortable and comfortable and her hair just smells like heaven, I wouldn't mind waking up with it all over my face every lifetime of my vampire life.

"I thought you don't want to open the wounds that haven't healed?" I teased her but she looks at me and have this you-make-sense face that made me laugh again.

"I love the sound of your laugh." I was taken aback with those words, my body literally froze upon hearing it, I may sound dramatic but Magdalena is someone who will not say it but perhaps I'm wrong. I'm back to lighty scratching my knees that I know she have noticed but didn't comment about it but she lets out a smile.

"Thanks." I said.

"And please, I want you to spoil me with this book. Tell me about it and what line you really love." I continued that made her eyes shone, reflecting the sky lights.

"My favorite line would be, "He is half my soul, as the poet say." I smiled at this.

You are half of my soul too, Magdalena.

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