Chapter 105 Don't go back when you're here.

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When the time comes, the Cheng family, the married girls and their buddies in the back mountain cook together.

The kitchens of two houses at the foot of the mountain were requisitioned.

Simply because there are many people, it can be done quickly.

At the back of the yard, the men weighed the bundles of salvia and transported them to the front yard for storage. The people brought by the old doctor followed the other men and carried the medicinal materials to the small road to the main road.

About a hundred men divided their work and led a long dragon from the small courtyard to the main road. Either hugging or carrying things, like ants moving things.

At noon, the two children who ran to the back mountain followed Qi Shisan.

"Sister-in-law!" The child was affected by the lively atmosphere outside and shouted loudly before reaching the yard.

It sounds beaming with joy, and there is a kind of vitality that belongs to a child.

After hearing this, Ye Lingdong leaned out from the kitchen door and said to the two little children who came in: "Bao'er, ask the uncles outside to eat."

Tables have been set up in the yards on both sides.

The food above was brought out and held in porcelain bowls. There were also some newlywed girls with women's buns and their brothers, busy serving dishes to the table.

Ye Lingdong put the last dish of his own, chicken stewed with mountain fungus, on the table. The man washed his hands in the river outside and came in to sit around.

In the hall, the old doctor was sitting. My brother-in-law and his wife opened another table in the room.

Ye Lingdong saw his husband-in-law accompanying the guests, and he carried out the sorghum wine he bought at home. To the outsiders: "The drinks are here. Brothers, if you want to drink, pour it yourself, I won't greet you."

The men are all Ah Jiu's people, and Ah Jiu calls Ye Lingdong his father. The men said loudly: "Madam, please eat, we will do it ourselves."

Ye Lingdong was quite familiar with them after several months of dealing with them. He caught Qi Shisan inside and said, "Thirteen, keep an eye on it."

"I know, sister-in-law." Qi Shisan smiled honestly.

People outside were busy eating, and Ye Lingdong looked at the old doctor's table. Apart from him and Cheng Langyu, there were just a few children in the family. Ye Lingdong sat directly at another table and gathered together neatly.

Men are strong and eat a lot in the morning when they are busy. But wives who are busy from morning to night cooking for so many people are also tired, and one meal consumes a lot.

However, the amount of work required was so large that Lonicera Lonicera did not think about half-heartedly doing it.

To put it more closely, we are all one family.

Therefore, the food at Ye Lingdong's house is not much different.

Everyone was eating and picking up vegetables while talking and laughing. Ye Lingdong was also happy to hear those interesting things beside him.

After lunch, a group of carriages on the road also left.

Ye Lingdong hugged his little Zai Zai to coax him to take a nap, and he just took the little Zai Zai out and went out. When I walked out, I saw Ah Jiu's smiling face.

"Ajiu? Zaizai is asleep." Ye Rendong thought he was here to find Cheng Yuanqing.

"I know, I'm here to find daddy."

Ye Lingdong's eyes flashed with doubts. Looking at the child's appearance, he suddenly thought of the old doctor's matter. "Ah Jiu, did you call the old doctor for help?"

Ah Jiu tilted his head and said with pure eyes: "Dad, I didn't call."

Ye Lingdong took the back of his head with one hand and walked out. "Daddy doesn't like children who don't tell the truth."

Qi Jiu grabbed Ye Lingdong's hand and shook it. "Dad, it's really not the

case." "I just mentioned it to Grandpa Lu."

Ye Lingdong flicked his forehead: "What did you mention?"

They didn't see Qi when they went to deliver medicinal materials to Doctor Lu last time. Jiu followed. Could it be that there is someone special to help him spread the news?

Qi Jiu pulled Ye Lingdong back into the house. "I said that from now on I will take care of my own stuff."

Ye Lingdong paused and looked at the confident child in surprise: "Homemade stuff?"

"Baiyao Hall is not from our family." Ye Lingdong said softly. "Is it possible that Ajiu can still take over Baiyao Hall under our noses?"

Qi Jiu's eyes flashed slightly, and he said with high spirits: "That is...impossible."

Ye Lingdong poked him with his fingertips that were pale from the cold. little face. "Humph, you're a kid, you know how to say something and leave something behind."

Qi Jiu chuckled, brought his father to Cheng Langyu, and then walked out happily with his little hands behind his back.

"Hey! Ah Jiu, what did you just say you wanted to do with me?"

"I'm looking for you." said the person in the room.

"My husband." Ye Lingdong entered the main room, and his husband took an abacus and calculated the accounts against the records.

Cheng Langyu held the person in his arms with one hand and sat down.

"I'm cold, please warm me up, husband."

Ye Lingdong stopped when he was about to stand up, turned around in front of the man, and pressed his lower back against the table. His cool hand touched the man's big hand.

"It's obviously warm."

But as soon as he touched it, Ye Lingdong smiled and lay quietly in the man's arms without taking his hand out of his big palm.

Cheng Langyu pinched his two cold claws with one hand and stuffed them into the hem of his clothes, pressing them against his belly through a layer of middle coat. Then he put his arms around his waist, making him lean against him comfortably.

A gust of cool wind blew, only briefly passing over the embracing couple, but it could not take away any warmth from Ye Lonicera's body.

Ye Lingdong buried her head in the man's neck and spoke muffledly. "Ms. sir, have you figured it out?"

Cheng Langyu patted him on the back and said, "I've figured it out. I'm just waiting for you to come over."

"We have a total of 20,340 kilograms. Take the single-headed one with you. Half of it was sold in the town and half was given to Dr. Lu."

"We also need to include the raw salvia roots that will be reserved for next year. One acre costs one hundred kilograms, and the people in the back mountain will follow suit next year. Counting fifty acres, then we will keep them. Five thousand kilograms."

"Except for Bai Yaotang, which took more, ten thousand kilograms, the rest were sold to a total of thirteen drug stores. Including those who made up the zeros. That's 14,250 kilograms. Fifteen cents per kilogram. , a total of two hundred and thirteen taels of silver were sold.

"Just right, the big head is right. "

"That's more than one hundred and sixty taels of silver earned. " "Ye Lingdong's eyes were bright. The tiny spots of light flickering in his eyes were like thousands of fireflies gathered together, flickering and flickering. It was really beautiful.

"No! Also include the wages paid to Ah Jiu's family members. "

Cheng Langyu lowered his head, his lips touching her husband who looked up at him. "Yeah. But it's not bad."

"Thank you for your hard work, husband."

Ye Lingdong felt the warmth on his forehead, feeling the love and care of his husband, and he showed a slight dimple.

He whispered softly: "Ms. sir, you can rest assured."

Cheng Langyu said: "Ms. sir, I have never been worried. I believe in you."

Ye Lingdong thought that when he first proposed growing medicinal materials, spending the money to buy the seeds was like gouging out his body. The same meat. After two years of continuous planting, there was no harvest in the first year.

But at that time, he just thought that he must plant it. He didn't want to see his husband come out of the mountain covered in blood again.

In the following year, those who sowed seeds also grew up, and some planted using root cuttings. The two phases harvest together, and what you get is the result of two years of hard work.

Ye Lingdong gradually relaxed and lay quietly in the man's arms, closing her eyes.

"Mr., that's great." The words were relaxed and Ye Lingdong exhaled a thick breath.

Cheng Langyu kissed him. "Yeah."

Ye Lingdong lay down for a while, originally worried that other people in the family would see it. But after waiting for a long time, I didn't hear the voices of several children.

"Ms. sir, where are the rest of the family?"

"Cheng Shao and Tu Fei went to the back mountain, and the others are still loading the car. Let's go help too."

Cheng Langyu reached into the hem of his clothes and touched his husband, who was already warm. hand. He said: "Husband, just stay at home, it's cold outside."

Ye Rendong thought about his Zaizai sleeping on the bed, but did not refuse.

After watching Cheng Langyu go out, Ye Rendong put away his pen, ink, and abacus and took them back to the bedroom.

I caught a glimpse of Cheng Yuanqing, who was still sleeping comfortably under the quilt.

He leaned over and sat on the bed, took off his shoes and tucked himself into the quilt. Reaching out to put the sewing basket on the bedside table on his body, he picked up Cheng Langyu's torn clothes and mended them.

The couple often went into the mountains, and Cheng Langyu's clothes often had some tears.

But the clothes for doing work don't need to be very good. Even if it is patched, as long as it is clean, it will look good no matter how old it is.

I have been busy in the mountains these past few days, and several pieces of my clothes have been torn and yet to be mended.

The person on the bed had his head lowered, his long hair half-twisted, and a strand fell softly on the side of his face. The black hair sticks to the fair skin, making the whole person as elegant as white jade.

It seems that the breath all over the body has become light and soft. Just by being next to him, your body and mind will relax and indulge unconsciously.

Cheng Yuanqing slowly turned over on the bed, holding Ye Lingdong's legs tightly with his little arms. The little mouth moved, and grandma's voice was so cute that Ye Lingdong's heart trembled.

He paused and gently touched his child's face. "Zai Zai."

The sky was getting dark, and the sounds outside were silent like sunset.

While Ye Lonicera was doing her work, her hands relaxed.

When Cheng Langyu returned home, he saw three children sitting in a row on the threshold. As soon as he opened his mouth, the three children all raised their index fingers to their mouths.


Cheng Langyu asked while patting the dust and dirt on his body.

Several children nodded in unison.

"I'll go in and take a look. If you're hungry, go ahead and grab some snacks to eat."

As he said that, the children got out of the way.

Cheng Langyu gently pushed the door open and went in, and saw her husband sleeping sideways on the bed. Next to him was little Cheng Yuanqing, who was lying on his stomach and facing the door, with his eyes wandering.

"Shh." Cheng Langyu motioned to the little baby not to scream.

Close the door to keep out the cold wind. Cheng Langyu saw his child clearly and smiled absentmindedly.

"Wetting the bed again."

Ye Lingdong faintly heard the sound in his sleep, and his body twitched, and he was about to wake up. Cheng Langyu took two steps in three steps, approached the person, patted him on the back, and hugged the person to his body.

He looked at a large piece of wet quilt and poked his little Zai Zai in the face.

Then, as if being pressed down by her husband, she fished the little Zaizai over.

Ye Lingdong felt sleepy, and a warm hand was placed next to his ear, which made him feel so comfortable that he rubbed his head sideways.

Immediately, a foggy voice sounded.

"Brother Shao? Ah Jiu? Come in."

After saying this, Ah Jiu opened the door and came in with his ears pricked up. Cheng Shao followed closely behind, his little cheeks still moving.

"Ajiu, hug Zaizai. I wet the bed."

After saying this, Qi Jiu, who is experienced in raising children, knew what to do.

First, he picked up the little baby's clothes, and then picked up the little boy, half wrapped in horns, on the edge of the bed and carried it away.

Go back to the house next door and change.

However, it was Cheng Shao who helped change it.

Cheng Langyu looked at the corner of his clothes that was a little wet, and first picked him up. Then, with one hand, he pulled off the wet quilt on the bed and placed it on Zaizai's crib.

Then the small mat underneath was torn off. It's not wet underneath, so it saves a little trouble.

There was a ready-made quilt in the cabinet, and Cheng Langyu took it out and spread it.

Even after all this trouble, the husband he was holding with one hand still didn't wake up. He just hugged himself tighter and tighter, like a little kitten.

"Ms. sir." Ye Lingdong muttered in his sleep.

Cheng Langyu put the person on, took off his clothes and covered him up. "Well, go to sleep."

He patted the person gently.

Ye Lonicera's breathing became smooth, and Cheng Langyu got up to see his bed-wetting kid. When Ye Lonicera wakes up again

in the evening , it is the time when her husband holds her and feeds her. This scene seems a little familiar. Ye Lingdong stared at the side of the man's face, his eyelashes seemed to be sticky, and he wanted to open them but couldn't. Only when the food is put into the mouth does one know how much to move. Cheng Yuanqing, who was already good at grabbing a spoon to make a paste, sat in his own basket, digging for food while staring at his two fathers with big watery eyes. "Hehe." He smiled, showing his small teeth. The small pear dimples on the face are shallow, just like the honeysuckle leaves.

Cheng Langyu put one leg behind his backpack and touched his sweet boy. "Eat slowly, Zaizai will have to eat by himself when he is older."

Cheng Baoer looked at the baby who was not as big as himself, and then at his sister-in-law. She thought to herself: "She will definitely find a husband-in-law who treats her so well in the future."

The kind that is more fun than playing house.

Qi Jiu ignored his father's words and fed the baby beside him some food from time to time. "You're so old, you don't even have all your teeth."

Cheng Langyu said, "Well, you can eat it by yourself. I still have a husband to take care of."

Qi Jiu frowned: "Humph. We are still children."

Which adult would feed a child in front of him? Dad is not ashamed!

Cheng Langyu raised his eyebrows and looked at Ah Jiu. "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, Ah Jiu."

"Hey, what did Dad call me for?" Ah Jiu smiled silly.

Ye Lonicera doesn't know all this.

He was eating in his sleep.

Carriages came and went on the road, and long convoys stopped for several days.

People in Shanghua Village and even Xiahe Village know that Cheng Langyu's family is selling Chinese medicinal materials for money.

In the village, except for the Cheng family who knew about Cheng Langyu's family, other families were far away from each other, and they all started talking about it when they saw it for the first time.

Now is the slack time for farming, and many aunts and uncles are busy at home. People visiting from house to house kept talking about the Cheng family's affairs for several days.

However, those in Shanghua Village who are jealous can only be jealous.

Who doesn't know that last night, the news that someone in the village was bitten by a wolf has spread throughout the village.

He is talking about Laizi Zhou, Laizi Zhou in the village.

Zhou Laizi is now about forty years old. He is the youngest of seven sisters in his family.

He got a son when he was old, and the Zhou family loved him very much.

But who would have thought that this man was involved in all kinds of bad things, and now that he is forty, all the sisters in the family have broken off relations with him.

Speaking of which, this person has something to do with the Cheng family. I used to like to take Du Qiuhong's son walking around the streets.

Now, I often do some sneaky work in the town.

But last night for some reason I was bitten by a wolf. When I crawled outside the village, I was still picked up by the villagers and brought to Doctor Tu.

Early this morning, the Cheng family gathered at the ancestral house to talk about this man.

In the main room, the stove was burning brightly. Cheng Zhongshu was wrapped in a thick cotton jacket and did not smoke the cigarette rod in his hand. He just said: "Did I go to your house last night?"

Cheng Langyu took his husband and sat aside.

He pinched his husband's hand under his sleeve and played with it. Hearing this, he said, "I don't know. I just heard Dahui yelling twice."

"I don't care."

Tan Chunliu looked embarrassed. "I went outside this morning and heard something. It was said that one of the legs was bitten off. There were also two cuts on the face."

Cheng Lang said calmly, "It's not my family's fault, and I won't admit it when you find him."

"If you want to blame it, blame him for being greedy."

Ye Lingdong lowered his long eyelashes and stared blankly at the little cub in his arms. When I woke up this morning, there were scattered footprints outside the yard, and there were some scarlet blood stains.

It's a good thing that all medicinal materials are put in the yard, otherwise many of them will be stolen and there will be no seeds next year.

He was also worried that the Cheng family came to them early in the morning to discuss the issue of privacy, but his heart dropped when he saw his second sister-in-law casually inviting people to eat.

Suddenly, he heard his grandpa say. "This matter is not our family's business. We pretend that we don't know about Zhou Laizi's sisters and brothers-in-law."

"Do you understand?"

"I understand." Cheng's family members said in unison.

Yan Tong pouted, his charming brows and eyes full of indifference. "Don't go back once you're here."

Cheng Limin knew his wife's past, and hurriedly patted his hand and smiled: "Husband, we don't do dangerous things."

Yan Tong said, "What are you thinking about? Silly."

Not long after he said these words, a group of people came to the Cheng family's ancestral house noisily.

Who are those sisters and brothers-in-law who are not Zhou Laizi?

"From the Cheng family! Come out! You hurt my younger brother, but you closed the door tightly to prevent anyone from entering!"

"It's pitiful, my younger brother was in his prime, and he couldn't push him away. How will he live the rest of his life!"

said the speaker. She is Zhou Laizi's eldest sister, who is the same age as her eldest aunt Du Jinhe.

They are all grandma, and their skin is really thicker than the average person. I don't know how many walls.

Ye Lingdong leaned on her husband and sighed when he heard the voices outside:

It is best not to reveal your wealth.

The life of the people in Shanghua Village is not much different. No matter how rich they are, they are just like Uncle Nian's house, which has a brick house and they can eat meat every now and then.

No matter how poor you are, just like the Shuanzi family next to the Qin family, they live in a thatched house and watch the weather for food, but they can still raise a big man like Shuanzi.

If you are rich, you won't go anywhere, and if you are poor, you won't always be hungry.

The gap is not big. Some people who are not happy with their lives cannot keep an eye on others.

But who would have thought that Cheng Langyu would only come back after being away for several years, but in the eyes of caring people in Shanghua Village, he would have hundreds or thousands of taels of silver hidden in his pocket.

If you put this on a small-minded person, you will definitely not be able to peel off a layer of skin, and it will be disgusting.

No, not only was he being targeted by the scammer, but he was also being targeted by relatives who had broken off the relationship with the scammer.

To put it bluntly, just look at the money and it is yours, it is shameless.

Ye Lingdong suddenly looked bad as he listened to the shouting curses and lyrics outside.

He quietly looked at his husband. Although his face was calm, his brows were gloomy.

How could he, the person next to my pillow, not know that he was annoyed?

The matter is easy to solve, but I feel disgusted.

The more the Cheng family listened, the more they couldn't sit still, and they all looked at Mr. Cheng.

When the old man saw his fierce grandson and several more powerful eldest grandsons-in-law, he waved his hands and said casually: "Don't let anyone get into trouble."

The old man was not easy to provoke when he was young. It would be better if he didn't provoke him. Black hands.

After that, Zhong Lingxiu took the lead, and Cheng Limin protected his family by his side. Yan Tong casually grabbed a wooden stick, while Cheng Langyu left her husband in the yard with a group of children.

Cut off by yourself.

Ye Lingdong only glanced at her husband's gentle eyes, and the door suddenly closed in front of her.

The author has something to say:

Thank you (??????)

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thank you all for your support!

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