Chapter 96: If you want anything, just say

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"General!" Tu Fei said.

Cheng Langyu paused, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the only person under the eaves, Yan Tong.

Yan Tong, who was holding the baby in his arms, had a soft side face and was extremely gentle.

He continued to coax the baby and looked at Sheng'er after a moment's delay. Seeing a savage shouting, he asked, "Lang Yu, what is this?"

"General... um!" Cheng Langyu frowned and covered Tu Fei's mouth the moment he spoke.

Ignoring the man's struggle in his hand, Cheng Langyu said slowly: "The man who came to the door said he was Qi Jiu's master."

Tu Fei was taller than Cheng Langyu, and he covered his mouth and leaned back. A big cock that wants to be strangled and slaughtered.

The bright eyes hidden in the thick hair gradually became blurry.

Is not it?

The general seems to have died in battle?

But he looks a bit similar.

The clear blue sky reflected in Tu Fei's pupils became clearer and clearer, but his mind became more and more confused.

When he felt that his heart was about to explode, he struggled to slap Cheng Langyu's palm.

Cheng Langyu let go of his hand and glanced at him leisurely. "There are no generals or soldiers here. If you want to stay here, just be a farmer."

"Don't bring unnecessary trouble in."

Tu Fei patted his chest and gasped. "Ahem, cough, I understand, don't be so cruel."

Tu Fei was aggrieved.

Cheng Langyu glanced at him. "Can you look like a man?"

Tu Fei immediately stood up straight and straight.

At this time, two "big geese" came out of the room with their little hands behind their backs and their necks raised. One is named Qi Jiu and the other is named Yan Mu.

The moment Tu Fei saw that little appearance, he burst into tears. He ran towards Qi Jiu on his hands and feet.

"Young Master!"

The voice exploded like a firecracker, and the tail note even made a few twists and turns.

Qi Jiu's neck flashed and there was a click.

"Ah! Daddy, my neck!"

Ye Lingdong hurriedly came out with a shovel. Then he saw Cheng Langyu quickly rush to Qi Jiu's side, hold his head and push him, and there was another "click".

It's so cruel that it's like twisting your neck.

Ye Lingdong was shocked and ran down: "Is everything okay?"

"Mr., please be gentle." Ye Lingdong pulled Qi Jiu's body, pinched his neck and turned it slightly to check.

Cheng Langyu retracted his arms and hugged Cheng Yuanqing's little Zaizai, looking at Qi Jiu's sweet smile with deep eyes.

The leaf honeysuckle is inspected. In the blink of an eye, he saw Cheng Langyu holding the baby, both of them looking like orphans and widowers, looking completely lost.

Ye Lingdong waved the spatula and grabbed the person's wrist.

Sighing softly: "You are such an adult."

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him in the yard, Tu Fei immediately squatted in front of Qi Jiu like a hill: "That's right, you are such an adult.

" Tu Fei's eyes were bright: "Young Master~"

Qi Jiuyi I shivered and got goosebumps.

"Can you be normal?" Qi Jiu put his hands behind his back and had a sullen face.

Cheng Langyu was disgusted, so he circled Ye Lingdong's waist with his right hand and went to the kitchen.

Ye Lingdong pulled her hand back and leaned closer in a low voice: "Mr. sir, your hand is touching my waist."

Ye Lingdong tilted his head and felt that the strength in his waist was weakening. He pursed his lips and smiled and said: "There is no one here in the ancestral house. I will help my second sister-in-law to cook."

After entering the kitchen, Ye Lingdong saw him but did not speak. She laid her hands on the man's chest, propped her feet up, and moved her clear eyes to carefully observe his face.

He still had the same handsome face, but there was no smile, and his lips were almost pressed into a straight line. Especially those eyes staring at him, mixed with indescribable grievance, loss, and pity.

Ye Lingdong: My husband is getting better and better at acting.

However, you still have to coax your own people.

Ye Lingdong held his face with both hands and said warmly: "We are all fathers now, so don't be jealous, okay?"

Cheng Langyu raised his eyes aggrievedly and then lowered them.

Ye Lonicera chuckled. "Ms. sir, you've already acted."

Cheng Langyu was stunned for a moment, and all the grievances and pitiful things were gone.

He held his chubby hand and brought it to his lips, and the hot breath made his fingertips curl up slightly. He said seriously: "Why are you jealous? No."

"Don't say it!" Ye Lingdong quickly covered his mouth.

This man really thinks about teasing himself all the time.

Cheng Langyu saw clearly the red color of his earlobes and immediately felt relieved: "Okay, don't tell me."

Seeing that he didn't seem to be faking it, Ye Lingdong softened his eyebrows.

Moving his eyes to the doll held by the man, Ye Lingdong murmured: "Are you asleep?"

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the egg-like face with his fingertips, which was fleshy and smooth. Let him put it down.

Child Cheng Yuanqing was annoyed, and her long, curved eyelashes trembled a few times. A paw waved over.

As a result, it was out of reach.

"Aww!" He clenched his little hands into fists and huffed angrily.

"Little piggy." Ye Lonicera chuckled. The red beans between her eyebrows are as charming as peach petals, making her look a bit gorgeous.

Suddenly, a shadow covered him, and his eyebrows felt warm.

Ye Lonicera hurriedly pushed the person away.

He immediately covered his face, and a different color gradually appeared in the corners of his eyes. "It's broad daylight, and it's still in the ancestral home."

Cheng Langyu smiled softly, and the sharp features lost their evil aura, leaving only the gentleness of a book.

Ye Lonicera's heart skipped a beat.

Before he had time to react, the deliberately lowered voice struck his ears.

The hot air sprayed on the ears, and he slowly said:

"Husband, the rice is going to be burnt."

Ye Lingdong was obviously having his eyelashes fluttering, so he was shocked when he heard this.

"Yeah!" Ye Lingdong's steps were messy, and he hurriedly turned around and opened the lid of the pot.

When he saw the bottom of the pot that was still quite wet, Ye Lingdong saw the man coming over to laugh, and became angry: "Mr., did you do it on purpose?"

Cheng Langyu's smile grew wider: "How could that be?"

Yan Tong walked for a while. Baby, just carry the person into the bedroom.

In the yard, Cheng Shao and Cheng Bao'er were playing with rabbits, while Qi Jiu, Yan Mu and Tu Fei bumped heads, whispering about little secrets.

"Young Master." Tu Fei smiled naively. Under the stiff beard, you can vaguely see a set of fine white teeth.

Qi Jiu patted Tu Fei, who was squatting in front of him but was still taller than him.

"Don't call me young master."

Yan Mu sat on the stool, holding his face and looking around. "It's rare that you can find this young master of yours after traveling so far."

Tu Fei's eyes widened and he strictly followed Qi Jiu's words: "Don't call him young master."

Turning around, Tu Fei's face under his hair and beard creased with laughter: " Young Master, what's your name?"

"Call me Ah Jiu." Qi Jiu said.

"But, how did you find it?"

At that time, he was entrusted to Cheng Langyu's hands as soon as he woke up. My impression of this person seems to be quite old.

In his previous life, he never saw this person again until his death.

Seeing his beggar look, Yan Mu crossed his legs and said, "Let's ask along the way, is it a small stone?"

"I don't call you stone now, call me Tu Fei." Tu Fei said with a smile. "That's because I'm smart."

Tu Fei said proudly. "Besides, Cheng Langyu retired from the battlefield before, and the general asked me to send him back. Apart from Mr. Lu's place, that's right here." "

But, I met him in the town."

Qi Jiu bit his cheek Meat. No wonder he was given to Cheng Langyu at that time, but he agreed to come and see him off without asking.

Yan Mu: "So you still have such a connection."

Qi Jiujiao said to Yan Mu respectfully: "Don't you want to go back to dry medicinal materials? Grandpa Tu saved you, and you haven't paid back the money yet." "

How about you? Give me some?" Yan Mu pulled Qi Jiu's sleeve and shook it twice.

"What a beautiful idea you have!" Qi Jiu pulled back... unable to pull back.

Speaking of money, Tu Fei's eyebrows drooped.

"Little Master... Ah Jiu, Cheng Langyu said that you will support me from now on." As he said that, his face dropped, "I have no money." "

Okay." Qi Jiu agreed directly.

After all, he was still his own guard before, and he still had to take care of what he should take care of.

When Tu Fei heard this, he immediately smiled and said, "Thank you, little master, Ah Jiu."

"Humph, you didn't even lend me money to support such a big man!" Yan Mu complained with a slumped face.

Qi Jiu took out his ears and asked doubtfully, "Why should I lend it to you?"

"I'm your brother!" Yan Mu crowed loudly like a big rooster.

Qi Jiu said suspiciously but firmly: "I don't have any brothers."

Yan Mu stomped on the ants, gasping in anger. "I am your brother, and you still deny it! It's a shame that I took you like that when you were a child!"

Qi Jiu said expressionlessly: "Haha, if you throw me into the puddle."

Yan Mu: "Look, isn't this it? You still remember!"

"Also, you, you hold grudges!" Yan Mu pressed his fingers against Qi Jiu's round belly.

Qi Jiu opened his hand: "Just hold grudges!"

Yan Mu was so angry that he suddenly thought of what Qi Jiu asked him last time. Consciously win back a victory.

He quietly touched the child and lowered his voice: "Don't you want to know about your brother?"

Qi Jiuli adjusted his sleeves and took a few steps back. The little fat man put his hands on his knees and sat down.


"What are you pretending to be?" Yan Mu pulled him excitedly, "Let me tell you, can you lend me some money?"

Qi Jiu smiled more and more obediently.

The anticipation in Yan Mu's eyes almost overflowed with his smile.

Who knows, Qi Jiu said: "No."

"You don't need to tell me, I know it."

Yan Mu denied: "You know? Impossible!"

Qi Jiu smiled mysteriously and raised his fingers at Tu Fei. After reciting a few words silently, the big man hesitated for a moment, wanting to leave but reluctant to leave.

"Still not going?"

Tu Fei pursed his lips and covered his stomach: "I'm hungry, Ah Jiu."

Qi Jiu forgot that they haven't eaten yet. But when he thought of Tu Fei's appetite, Qi Jiu bit his cheek meat again.

Since you promised to support people, you have to do it.

Qi Jiu touched his sleeves and handed him his money bag. "That's all, take it to eat."

As for why he wasn't allowed to eat here, Qi Jiu felt that even if he made a big pot, it might be enough for just one Chinese character.

"Humph, you're stingy. You're giving him free food and you won't even lend it to me."

Qi Jiu glanced at him and said, "Oh."

"Grandpa Tu will be back soon."

Yan Mu could only hold his breath and run back. "Qi Jiu, just wait!"

Qi Jiu smiled and said, "I'll wait."

Seeing the person go away, Qi Jiu looked at the two children who were playing house. He sighed softly and clenched his chin in a daze.

"The kid is so nice."

"Aren't you a kid anymore?"

Cheng Langyu stood behind him at some point.

Qi Jiu was stunned and stood up with a frown. He opened his hand to pick up Cheng Yuanqing who was holding him. "I'm not a child."

"I'll take care of Zaizai, Dad, go and do your work."

Cheng Langyu touched his head without saying anything, and went back to light the fire with his long legs.

In the house, Ye Lonicera is putting the cooked dishes into the pot. Seeing Cheng Langyu come in, he said, "Ms. sir, is Ah Jiu okay?"

"Okay." Cheng Langyu sat back to where he was.

Ye Lingdong smiled at him and continued what he was doing.

The day was a little hot. Ye Lonicera was busy on the stove, and some beads of sweat slowly appeared on the tip of her nose.

Cheng Langyu looked at his green clothes and his thin waist that was stretched out by his belt.

He said: "Husband, please rest for a while, I'll do it."

Ye Lingdong chuckled: "I'm just waiting for your words."

Cheng Langyu scratched the tip of his nose. "Don't wait, just say what you want."

The couple changed places, and the stove hole was burning wood. You don't have to sit there all the time, just hand it over every so often.

Ye Lingdong simply sat further away and asked, "Mr. sir, have we discussed the house?" "I'm

gone. I'm not here anymore. I'll go there again in a few days." Cheng Langyu said.

Ye Lonicera: "As long as it's not winter, business should be good on weekdays."

"It's okay, I'll go there in a few days."

Ye Lonicera shook his head: "There's no rush, the Salvia miltiorrhiza on the mountain should be weeded. It's five now The ginseng that grows out of the month is as high as a hand. But there is too much grass, and the medicinal materials cannot be found without pulling."

"Okay." Cheng Langyu said.

The kitchen was cleaned up and the food was served.

Cheng Limin and Cheng Zhongshu came back from outside.

"Lang Yu is here." Cheng Zhongshu put down the hoe, took off the cigarette rod from his mouth and clamped it on his fingertips.

Cheng Langyu: "Master."

Cheng Zhongshu knocked the cigarette pole on the hoe pole and said slowly: "Isn't your uncle back yet?"

Cheng Langyu took the hoe: "No."

Tan Chunliu looked at Xiao The grandson was there and he quickly washed his hands.

"Come, let me hug you."

Ye Rendong handed Cheng Yuanqing's little Zaizai to him. "Grandma, you should stop working in the fields when you are old. We have a lot of people at home."

Tan Chunliu smiled lovingly: "You didn't do anything, you just pulled grass. It didn't take any effort." "

Eat quickly, don't be hungry. . Where is your second sister-in-law? Let him come out to eat too."

Ye Lingdong said: "I'll call him."

"I'm here." Yan Tong packed himself up, changed into other clothes and came out. Before he reached the table, he was pulled to his side by Cheng Limin. "Sit next to me, husband."

"Are you clingy?"

Cheng Limin smiled: "Clingy."

Cheng Zhongshu couldn't stand it anymore and waved his hand: "Have a good meal."

I'll stay here until the afternoon. I have other things to do at home. . Ye Lingdong and Cheng Langyu took a few children home.

On the field ridge, various figures walked by. The thigh-high rice leaves are stretched out, and the slender green leaves hit the visitor's legs softly and sharply.

When the wind blows gently, the rice fields stir up waves like a green sea. The rustling sound is like soft clouds, which is comfortable to listen to.

The family walked forward slowly, holding each other's clothes.

Ye Rendong followed Cheng Langyu and suddenly asked, "Ajiu, where is your master?"

Qi Jiu raised his head and said, "I asked him to eat."

"Didn't the meal just be prepared at home?" Lonicera said.

Cheng Shao and Cheng Baoer opened their little paws and stared at the grasshoppers that jumped up as they passed by the field. As I walked, I almost fell behind.

"No, he has a huge appetite. He will eat up." Qi Jiu said seriously.

He stretched his hand forward, suddenly grabbed a big grasshopper, and handed it back to Cheng Shao.

"Then we can't send the guests away." Ye Lingdong said softly.

"It's okay, he's not a guest, he's a member of his family." Qi Jiu hesitated for a moment, then said, "Dad, can I let him live with me?"

Ye Lingdong said after considering it: "I'm afraid it won't work, the three of you will share a room. , can't sleep."

"That's right." Qi Jiu tilted his head and said cutely, "Daddy, can I build a house? It's next door to you."

Ye Lingdong paused after hearing this, and turned around to look at this tall-legged child. .

"Our family doesn't have that much money to build another one."

"Besides, don't we have to build two more houses? Then your master can sleep with you."

Qi Jiu shook his head and pulled Ye Lingdong: "No, I said This is another one. I built it next to my father's house."

Cheng Langyu's footsteps were silent and he moved forward quietly. Walking like a sheep carrying the honeysuckle leaves behind its coat.

Hearing this, he said: "There is still vacant land on the left. If you want to build on it, build on it." The

foot of the hill where Cheng Langyu's family lives is all land designated for building houses and the top of the hill is rented. If you build another house, you don't need to buy any more land.

"Seriously, Dad."

"Well, you pay for it yourself."

"Okay!" Qi Jiumei smiled.

Ye Lingdong looked back and forth, not understanding how Qi Jiu wanted to build a house in just a few sentences.

When the two children at the tail end heard about building a house, they were not just playing house, they were actually building a house!

Cheng Baoer immediately shouted excitedly: "We want it too!"

Cheng Shao glanced at the tall figure in the front and muttered in a low voice: "I want it too."

He touched the dozens of copper coins he earned from selling rabbits today in his pocket. There was a slight smile on her delicate and tender face. They made money before Ah Jiu. If Ah Jiu could build a house, they must be able to do it too.

Unexpectedly, my sister-in-law's voice came from the front: "You have a house, you don't need to build it."

"Yes?" Cheng Baoer tilted his head.

"That's the one in the south of the village. Just move there when you grow up." Ye Rendong raised his hands and put them on Cheng Langyu's shoulders. The dense rice leaves around the waist were swept up to the legs, making a crisp rustling sound.

Cheng Shao relaxed his hold on Qi Jiu's clothes. He said in a soft voice: "That is also my brother and sister-in-law's."

Cheng Shao clapped his fingers: "Living together is not enough."

Ye Lingdong chuckled: "In this way, if brother Shao gets married in the future, will he still need it? Live with my eldest brother and sister-in-law."

"Yes, we are a family." Cheng Shao's eyes were clear and he answered smoothly.

Ye Lingdong shook his head and ignored the child's childish words. "Ask your eldest brother about this matter."

"Brother!" Cheng Baoer was very angry.

Cheng Langyu said ruthlessly: "No, you don't have enough money."

Cheng Baoer: "How can Ah Jiu do it?"

Cheng Langyu: "He has private money. He still has a lot of money."

Cheng Langyu still remembers that when this little kid first came here, he took out everything in his pockets. I found a broken jar and buried it outside the yard.

At least, dozens of houses can be built.

Qi Jiu really said: "Where is the private money? It will be given to my wife in the future."

Cheng Langyu: "That's not enough."

Qi Jiu puffed up his belly: "I am still young, I can earn for many years!"

Cheng Langyu Dian Dian Cheng Yuanqing's little Zaizai. "Yes."

"Let's hope we can give you some more in the future."

"Hehe." Qi Jiu grinned.

The author has something to say:

Thank you~

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