Chapter 83 It's all the husband's fault

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 In the evening, the rays of light painted a picture on the horizon. The man came back from the end of the village and slowly entered the picture.

Dozens of young men, large and small, were holding hoes and shovels. If it weren't for the stern expressions on their faces, they would have thought they were returning from digging soil.

Ye Lonicera saw her husband-in-law on the side. He smiled unconsciously.

Cheng Langyu saw him walking up quickly and hurried over. "Slow down, don't fall."

Ye Rendong was caught by the man and put his hand on the man's neck. "My husband, I'm back."

Cheng Langyu picked him up and said, "Yes, I'm back."

Ye Lingdong nestled quietly in Cheng Langyu's arms, as if guarding his hard-earned orb.

"Husband, I'm back!" The wind flew past his ears, and Cheng Limin flew directly onto the back of Yan Tong who was sitting. "Daughter-in-law, hold me."

Yan Tong patted the big head on his shoulder, like patting a big dog. "Well, hold it yourself."

Seeing their completely different reactions, Zhong Lingxiu couldn't help but laugh. "How's it going over there? Have you found anyone?"

Cheng Limin was tired from hunching over, so he simply squatted next to Yan Tong and lay half of his body on Yan Tong's lap.

He said lazily: "That's just a coward. We went to his house and couldn't find anyone. After asking around, we found out that he had gone to town."

Cheng Langyu also walked that far and sat down with a stool. Ye Lonicera immediately sat on him.

"It turned out that he was going to the town but actually he went to the mountains. We met him when we came back and just gave him a meal." "The

second grandpa's uncle is back, and we will leave the rest to him. We're back."

Cheng Limin looked sideways at Yan Tong: "Maybe he will be thrown up the mountain by his uncle to feed the dogs."

Yan Tong smiled, holding Cheng Limin's face and rubbing it. "That's really good."

Cheng Limin said: "Hehe."

Ye Lingdong turned sideways and pressed his forehead against the man's shoulder. The man said: "I'm afraid the well at Second Grandpa's house needs to be renovated."

Zhong Lingxiu nodded and looked at the two groups of couples beside her and opposite. "I'm afraid you two need to help."

Most of the children in the second grandfather's family are in the county or town, and the only one who stays at home to farm is Uncle Cheng Niubo. The water in his well needs to be changed and washed.

"As long as he's fine, just use water from his family's well to drain it. You two stay here and finish eating, and I'll go cook."

Ye Lingdong felt a little sleepy and yawned slightly, half-squinting his eyes.

Cheng Langyu looked at whether he was going to sleep or not, and said, "I'll take Brother Dong back first. It won't be easy to walk too late."

As he said that, he stood up with the person in his arms.

As the sun set below the horizon, Ye Lonicera fell asleep unconsciously leaning against Cheng Langyu.

I was still thinking in my dream that if he had eaten the same meal last night, I might not even be able to protect the little Zaizai.

The couple had a good rapport, and Cheng Langyu's eyes turned cold when he thought of this.

Broken hands are cheaper.

As the days lengthen, the rice flowers bloom and wither like millet grains. The rabbit is missing and the black sun is sinking, and the green rice husks on the wheat ears are stretched.

Going down the slope, the rice fields were divided one by one. Except for the ones from Cheng Langyu's family that were extraordinarily strong, the others were graceful and graceful, with soft figures.

In addition to the rice, the corn leaves are also glowing with a soft light under the dazzling sunlight. The red-green hair on the corn doll has dried into a bustling brown-yellow-black color.

It's neither early nor late, it's time to eat boiled corn.

The weather is getting hot, and the cicadas in June are lying in the shade and calling "Cicada, Cicada".

Ye Lingdong was wearing a light moon-white shorts, sitting in the bedroom covered with sweat, sewing clothes as big as two palms.

It's hot, people are too lazy to move, and the big black rabbit released in the yard doesn't want to run away either.

"Ms. sir." Ye Lingdong's voice sounded lazily.

Cheng Langyu came from the hot kitchen with warm plum juice in his hand. "Husband, drink something if you're thirsty."

The juice was made by the sister-in-law who made all kinds of fruits and taught it to Cheng Langyu.

Ye Lingdong grabbed the man's wrist and leaned close to the edge of the bowl to take a few sips. The irritability in my heart suddenly disappeared a lot.

"Ms. sir, it's so hot today." Ye Lingdong pulled at the hem of his clothes.

Cheng Langyu is very angry. Seeing that my brother's lips were red and his teeth were white, and his face was so nourished, I couldn't help but get close and kiss him.

"It's okay now, but in a few days, the sun will be even stronger."

Ye Lingdong raised his head, his forehead and neck covered with sweat. "Ms. sir, I'm hot."

Cheng Langyu looked at him with red eyes and looked eagerly at the bowl in his hand. "You can't drink anything cold now, my husband, give you a fan."

He wiped his face with his big hand, sweat sliding down his porcelain white skin.

Ye Lonicera felt uncomfortable wherever she sat, and she couldn't stop the impatience in her heart.

"Mr., I want to eat grapes. I want them from the well." Ye Lingdong simply put down the things in his hands and leaned sideways into the man's arms.

The man was very angry, and Cheng Langyu was like a fireball now. "My body is hot."

Cheng Langyu put his big hand against his brother's waist. There was only one layer of summer shirt between him, and the warmth in his hand spread directly to his waist. "We won't eat the cold ones. My husband will pick fresh ones for you, okay?"

Ye Lonicera twisted left and right on Cheng Langyu's body and stamped his feet anxiously. "I want something cold."

"I'm hot!"

Qi Jiu and the other children shook their heads habitually when they heard what happened every day.

The three of them are doing fine, and they don't feel the heat is unbearable even when they are running and jumping outside in the summer. If you feel uncomfortable at home, you can go to Yuanxiao's house. Yuanxiao's mother will also make ice-cold ice bowls, which are delicious.

Cheng Langyu had no choice but to pick the person up. "Let's go out and take a look, okay?"

Ye Lingdong sat on the man's arm, his sleeves were pulled up to expose his arms, and he lazily pressed against Cheng Langyu's neck.

From behind the small courtyard, Ye Lonicera was carried up the mountain by a man.

This section of the road that is often taken up the mountain has been paved with stone slabs by men. They even carved out a piece of land in the mountain and built a pavilion to shelter from the rain and enjoy the shade.

At the hottest time every day at noon, the honeysuckle leaves cannot stay at the foot of the mountain and will be greedy for the cold.

He already had the thinnest skin on his body, and when exposed to the sunlight, Ye Lonicera's entire body revealed a radiant white color.

These days, Cheng Langyu has taken good care of her.

"Hot!" Under the sun, Ye Lingdong lay on the man's body and buried his head.

Cheng Langyu quickened his pace and entered the forest in the mountains. The sun above was blocked by the trees.

Occasionally the wind blows in the forest, and the honeysuckle leaves slowly calm down, like a cat with its belly spread out, looking lazy.

Cheng Langyu's big hands inadvertently pressed against his flexible waist, and his skin was as smooth as warm jade.

Touching the front, the previously skinny body was wrapped in soft and elastic skin. Especially in the lower abdomen, if you put your big hand on it, you can clearly feel the slight bulge.

"Sir." Ye Lonicera blew the forest wind and was carried up step by step by the man.

"Are you comfortable now?" Cheng Langyu was still so gentle.

Ye Lingdong patted the big hand on his waist: "Ms. sir, let me down."

"Stop falling and walk slowly." Cheng Langyu followed him.

During this season, many wild fruits in the mountains are ripe. Wild peaches, wild apricots, wild plums and wild grapes, all kinds of berries...

Honeysuckle's favorite thing now is to find these.

The wild fruits in the mountains are not particularly sweet, but have a lot of water and are sour, which is exactly what honeysuckle likes now.

"Mr. sir, where is the apricot tree we saw last time? Is it ready to eat?"

The apricots are very sour, but the honeysuckle leaves are just right for eating.

Ye Lonicera walked in front, and Cheng Langyu opened his hands to protect him from behind, like an old hen.

Along the mountain road that goes straight up, there are transplanted fruit trees on both sides. You can pick a few honeysuckle leaves and eat them by walking a few steps.

Cheng Langyu said: "I haven't washed it yet. I picked it and went back to eat."

Ye Lonicera turned back and smiled and said: "I'll just eat a little bit." As he said that, his thumb and index finger were still touching the gap the size of a grain of rice.

The forest was empty, and the nearest mountain was almost searched by Cheng Langyu and his wife. Nowadays, medicinal materials and fruit trees can be seen everywhere.

Cheng Langyu grabbed the white paw and held it. "Aren't you looking for an apricot tree? We have to walk a little higher."

It was hot at this time, and there were not many animals coming out of the mountains. As the couple walked, Ye Lonicera stood still.

He smiled brightly and opened his hands towards Cheng Langyu: "Mr., I can't walk anymore."

Cheng Langyu heard the doctor say that his brother also needs to exercise properly now. "Let's go for a walk again."

Ye Lingdong's mouth tightened and he turned around to continue.

After walking less than ten steps, Ye Lonicera turned around again and opened her hand.

Cheng Langyu sighed softly. The step he was standing on was two steps lower than Ye Lonicera. She bent down and hugged him again with her legs around her.

The clothes made of soft cotton on Ye Lonicera's body were soft and gentle. He smiled and hugged the man's head.

Cheng Langyu was helpless: "How can I leave, husband."

"Just leave like this."

Cheng Langyu rubbed his head, but Ye Lingdong's clothes were opened a little.

"Hmm." Ye Lonicera's ears turned red.

Cheng Langyu's eyes were slightly curved, and his handsome face had a hook. He bit the bead with his lips, and the person in his arms bowed and softened.

"Mr., be gentler." The sticky voice was soft, making my ears itch.

The fingertips that were so calloused pinched the man's earlobe and rubbed it again and again. "Ms. sir."

The tip of Cheng Lang's jade nose was pressed against the flesh, filled with the aroma of honeysuckle leaves. He was breathing heavily and his voice was hoarse: "Husband, don't seduce me."

Ye Lingdong's red lips were soft and soft with a smile. "I didn't."

Cheng Langyu looked at him with a smile on his face, and when he had enough, he circled his neck and caught him.

In the end, Ye Lonicera could only stare blankly at the sky above the forest before being beaten and carried away by the man.

Leave a scent all over the place.

The apricot tree is not far from the pavilion.

The honeysuckle was first placed in the pavilion unconsciously. After regaining consciousness, she looked at the man's big hands picking the yellow and orange wild fruits from the tree with a red face.

This tree is big and looks five or six years old. The branches are luxuriant, and the trees are full of yellow egg-sized fruits. A lot of overripe ones fell on the ground.

Ye Lingdong watched helplessly as the man casually pulled the branch down, then fished it out a few more times with his other hand.

After a few moments, the cloth bag I brought felt heavy.

But what he noticed was the man's hands, which were long and rough and calloused. It feels itchy but comfortable...


Ye Lingdong lowered his head suddenly, with red clouds flying on his face. He pinched the hem of his clothes with his fingertips and was embarrassed to look at it again.

Come to the mountains and harvest a bag full of wild fruits from honeysuckle. Then he was led down the mountain by the man.

In any case, the restlessness in my heart finally dissipated.

The summer heat is annoying, but Zhong Lingxiu's business is booming.

Ye Lingdong would sometimes go over to help, and as long as Cheng Langyu wasn't around, he could get some relief.

The sun in the sky is fiery red, drying the corn stalks in the ground until they become crispy. All the men of the Cheng family went to the fields. It was time to harvest corn.

In the early morning, before dawn, Ye Lonicera was woken up by the man next to her.

He muttered and turned over: "Mr., have you gone?"

Cheng Langyu stood up from the mat with his arms bare, and the sweat on his body soaked the mat with human-shaped marks.

He is wheat-colored all over and has big muscles. He doesn't look too exaggerated, but he is strong.

What Honeysuckle likes most is to be touched to sleep.

The sun has not yet risen in the early morning, and now there is a bit of coolness blowing from the window. Very comfortable.

Cheng Langyu pulled a corner of the blanket and put it on Ye Lonicera's belly. "My husband, please sleep a little longer."

He held the mat with one hand and patted Ye Lonicera's back with the other, coaxing him softly.

Ye Lonicera was already feeling heavy now, and soon her breathing became smooth again.

Cheng Langyu quietly put on his clothes and went out. Qi Jiuzheng was neatly dressed and stood waiting outside.

"Getting up so early?" Cheng Langyu asked, looking at the child standing up straight.

Qi Jiu grabbed the small basket and waited for Cheng Langyu to throw several stacked baskets on his back before walking out with him.

Cheng Langyu: "Don't practice Kung Fu anymore?"

Since Qi Jiu shamelessly took root here, as he became more and more familiar with the Cheng family, the child began to practice Kung Fu early every day and supervised Cheng Shao's writing.

It also saves adults a lot of worry.

Qi Jiu's little face relaxed, and his bun-shaped face moved as he spoke. He said: "Help Dad with the work."

"Can you reach it?" Cheng Langyu had to bend down to take a photo of the child's head, which made him question whether he could reach the one-meter-tall corn doll. .

Qi Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Can't I chop down the pole?"

Anyway, it will be chopped down and taken back in the end.

Cheng Langyu nodded and went back with his little tail.

It's dark now, but when we enter the cornfield behind, we can still see roughly. Cheng Langyu said: "I'll collect it from over there. If you want to chop it, don't chop it here and there, you know?"

Qi Jiu nodded seriously: "I know." It's not a heavy job.

As soon as Cheng Langyu left, Qi Jiu grabbed the knife and swung it like a kitchen knife in a cook's hand. It stood upright, and fell down neatly in a row.

Qi Jiu broke off the corn and threw it into the basket accurately. But I didn't put a few in, and it was full.

He thought for a moment with his little hands behind his back, then quickly ran home and pulled out several empty baskets of incense.

When one row is finished, continue to the next row. Not long after, everything near this corner of the yard was cleaned up.

The basket was filled and he took the basket back to the house.

The sky was already bright, and a golden light danced from the east line.

Ye Lonicera also started cooking at this time.

Ye Rendong's family only has two acres of land behind the yard, and Cheng Langyu works alone in the land. But although the foot of the mountain is cooler than outside, when the temperature rises at noon, the sweltering feeling is uncomfortable.

Therefore, when harvesting corn, we usually go out in the morning before dawn and return home before the sun fully rises. If you are in a hurry, you will get some after the sun goes down in the evening.

However, Ye Lingdong's land is not very large, so he doesn't need to work so hard.

"Ajiu, come back and drink some water before going."

In this house, Qi Jiu basically doesn't care what he does, and the children will discuss with the adults before doing anything. But from then to now, the couple never said anything against what he did.

After all, in their opinion, Qi Jiu had his own thoughts on things.

Qi Jiu's face was flushed. Except for the temples which were a little wet, there was no sweat on his forehead. He took the bowl and drank it down.

"Slow down, don't get hurt, you know?" Ye Lingdong warned.

"I know, daddy." After saying that, the other two children got up, and Ye Rendong saw Qi Jiu taking the two out.

Ye Lonicera went back to cooking.

In just one morning, Qi Jiu went back and forth five or six times. Ye Lingdong always observed their expressions and relaxed when he saw that nothing happened.

The collected corn is piled in the yard to dry in the sun, and it can be easily threshed in a day or two.

The men at home are tired these days, and Ye Lonicera endures it no matter how uncomfortable it is.

It took two days to pile up half the yard.

The remaining corn stalks were all chopped down and spread out in the field. They were then tied into bundles and brought back after the sun had dried them.

The cicadas are chirping, and honeysuckle leaves are sitting in the main room grinding corn. Beside him sat a child.

"Sister-in-law, how is the harvest?" Qi Jiu easily scraped off a row of corn kernels and rolled them onto the pile of small golden kernels on the ground with a clanging sound.

The palms of Ye Ling Dong's palms were rubbed crimson, and he looked at the children after hearing this.

Bao'er is very strong, and there is already a pile under the buttocks. Qi Jiu's soles were now completely buried in corn kernels. Just Ye Lonicera and Cheng Shao were slower.

Ye Lingdong was also used to asking questions like a little adult, and said: "It's worse than those in the village, but it's still relatively good." In the

first year of opening up wasteland, the whole family watched carefully. Watering, fertilizing and weeding.

The corns are not uniform in size when taken back. The small ones are only half the size of a palm, and the large ones are as thick as a calf. But fortunately there aren't many bugs, and the weather is nice this year, so there aren't many moldy and rotten ones.

In the yard outside, Cheng Langyu piled the threshed corn paste in a corner alone, and spread the peeled corn kernels very thinly. If the sun is good, it can be stored in the warehouse after four or five sun exposures.

Ye Lingdong sat in the main room, facing Cheng Langyu. Underneath the long gown, I could see that my belly had expanded due to sitting.

Ye Lingdong watched the man's glistening sweat slide down his wheat-colored face, down his neck where veins appeared, and disappeared into his clothes.

On his forehead, wet hair stuck to his forehead, his Adam's apple rolled up, and his falcon-like eyes fluttered with thick eyelashes.

So handsome!

Ye Lonicera's heart trembled at the sight.

However, growing crops is tiring.

Even in such a strong sun, I have to go out and turn the corn in the yard every once in a while. Planting crops is not finished until they are collected into the barn.

After finishing the yard, Ye Lingdong watched the man enter the shadow of the main room from under the light. He stood up slowly, patted his clothes, poured out a bowl of water soaked in patchouli that he boiled every day at home and gave it to the man.

Ye Lingdong's almond-shaped eyes were slightly bright: "Mr., drink water."

Cheng Langyu took it and held his arm: "I know, do it by yourself. Don't walk around, this thing is easy to fall if you step on it."

Cheng Langyu's body The hot air mixed with the familiar fragrance hit his face, and Ye Lingdong smiled and hugged the man's waist.

Cheng Langyu was helpless: "My body is all sweaty."

Ye Lingdong smiled and let go: "I don't dislike you."

Cheng Langyu put the bowl down, and her husband's body felt cool and comfortable to hold. He was also reluctant to let go.

Not long after the break, dark clouds blocked the sun.

The wind gradually picked up, and there was a muffled thunder in the sky, making the honeysuckle shiver.

"Ms. sir, it's going to rain."

"Stay at home and don't come out." After saying that, Cheng Langyu grabbed the things and collected them.

The rain in summer comes at any time, and the rain is so big that it can make the corn kernels tremble.

Ye Lingdong was anxious and swept around with a broom. The other children saw this and followed suit.

After a while, the rain turned into a small waterfall. Losing quickly, I stole most of them. The rest were blocked with sacks while they continued to move to the main room.

When the cleaning was finally done, many golden corn kernels were scattered on the ground.

Several people in the family were all wet.

"Go and change clothes quickly." Ye Lingdong pushed several children into the house. Qi Jiu stood there waiting for Cheng Shao to come out. Unexpectedly, Cheng Baoer came into the house first and said, "Ajiu, you get your clothes first."

Before Ye Lingdong could speak, he was carried into the house by the man.

In this kind of weather, the temperature is not low, and you won't catch a cold even if you get wet.

In the bedroom, Cheng Langyu stripped the leaf of honeysuckle before it even came off.

After taking off my clothes, I could see clearly that my lower abdomen was already like a big melon exploding.

"Thank you for your hard work, husband." Cheng Langyu hugged him with a blanket and went to the closet to get some clothes.

The wet hair of honeysuckle stands on the cheeks, giving it a clear and fresh beauty. "Thank you for your hard work, sir."

He smiled happily. "Ms. sir, hurry up." Seeing Cheng Langyu changing clothes one after another, Ye Lingdong couldn't help but urge.

Cheng Langyu put the two people's clothes on the bed, skillfully hugged Ye Lingdong, held his long hair, and dressed them one by one.

Dressed neatly, Cheng Langyu breathed heavily: "I'm going to take a shower first."

"There's no hot water!" Ye Lingdong said hurriedly.

"Cold water is better." Cheng Langyu turned around and kissed him a few times, put Ye Lingdong back on the bed, and then hurried out.

The rainstorm comes in waves, with sunny spells coming one day and then another.

The body covered with it left, and the shocking muffled thunder came into Ye Lingdong's ears again. He clutched his chest and frowned in discomfort.

Ye Lingdong stood up and almost got rained on when he opened the door.

He tightened his clothes and headed to the bathroom in the backyard.

"You won't be afraid if you stay with your husband." Ye Lingdong thought this way.

Passing by the main room, Qi Jiu was painting in the courtyard. This is something he often likes to do. I don't know how such a young child would have so much time to learn these skills to the point of being considered sophisticated.

Ye Lonicera walked along the eaves and slowly touched the bathroom.

He called out outside and opened the door to see Cheng Langyu pouring cold water on his body.

The honeysuckle leaves clang and the door closes. "Ms., I'm catching a cold!"

Cheng Langyu sighed in his heart when he knew he was coming. "Husband, you go out first. Don't get splashed on yourself."

Ye Lingdong puffed up his cheeks and sat down in the corner. He blushed when he caught a glimpse of the energetic thing.

But stay inside.


There was a thunder, and Ye Lingdong clenched the flesh of his palms tightly, almost falling off the stool.

Cheng Langyu knew that he was afraid, so he wiped him off hastily and came over to hug him to comfort him.

"Don't be afraid, my husband is here."

Ye Lingdong held the man's shoulder and back which were still warm even after passing through the cold water. The chin rests on the hollow of the shoulder. "Ms.-"

"Yes, I'm here." Cheng Langyu hooked up his clothes, put his arm around Ye Lingdong's waist, and dressed himself with the other.

Ye Lonicera rubs against the person and slowly lets go. "My husband, please put on your clothes first."

Cheng Langyu hooked the tip of Lonicera japonica's nose. "It's all because of the husband."

Ye Lingdong grabbed the hem of his clothes, and his toned body was wrapped in clothes. Thunder continued, and lightning rent the sky.

Ye Lonicera nestled directly into the man's arms and into her own nest.

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Hunting, farming and raising a husbandWhere stories live. Discover now