Chapter 102 You don't have me in your heart anymore

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There is no need to collect the things in the fields over at the ancestral house. Zhong Lingxiu and Yan Tong have nothing to do at home except cooking some food for the family.

Therefore, after the two arranged their home. Early the next morning, I followed Ye Lonicera and his family directly to the mountain.

Also accompanying him was Lu Chaochao, who arrived at Shanghua Village on the same day as Qi Jiu.

On the road, a few people were walking behind, chatting while walking.

Ye Lingdong suddenly thought that he hadn't seen Cheng Lishen for a long time and raised his eyebrows. Then I heard Zhong Lingxiu say: "He started his apprenticeship from your husband-in-law, and now he works as a cashier for my shop in the town." "

Practice first, and then let him try it out in big restaurants after he has a year or two of experience. "

Ye Lingdong was stunned when he heard this: "That's a good relationship."

Then he smiled lightly and raised his eyebrows: "If you ask me, my sister-in-law's shop will definitely become a big restaurant in two years."

Who wouldn't want to? Listen to these good ones.

Zhong Lingxiu smiled and held her little Yuanxiao. "Brother Dong has a sweet mouth."

"No." Yan Tong casually grabbed it in the air, and a hard walnut fell on his hand.

Pecans are small, and children in the village like to play with them. All the way up, both sides of Yuanxiao's pockets were already full for Yan Tong.

"You have taken good care of the mountain." Zhong Lingxiu looked at the strong herbs growing under the forest. "But it takes some effort."

Ye Lingdong nodded with deep sympathy: "Indeed, just weeding will take a long time." Zhong Lingxiu said casually: "It's nothing. After a few years of planting, the land will be ready for planting


Lonicera was very convinced by Zhong Lingxiu's words: "Yeah."

Lu Chaochao stood behind the three of them in a flamboyant red dress, jumping around and touching the rabbit that was returned to the mountain.

When he saw Qi Jiu in front of him, he immediately rushed up from behind several people, just like the firecrackers set off during the Spring Festival.

The teenage brother directly grabbed Qi Jiu in front of him and held the child by the back collar. Chirping, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Ye Lingdong looked confused: "Are they having a conflict?"

In the past, when Ah Jiu saw Lu Chaochao, he would avoid him, and he would not rush up to catch people and say goodbye. Looking at it now, it was Lu Chaochao pressing Ah Jiu's head, as if he was settling accounts.

Zhong Lingxiu and Yan Tong looked up. Zhong Lingxiu: "I don't know. Chaochao has a lively temper and can talk to anyone." "

Chaochao is so old and has a sense of proportion. Don't worry."

Ye Lingdong chuckled: "There is no need for me to worry."

Only Yan Tong rolled his eyes, and the corners of his bright face slightly curled up. Then he looked at Ye Lonicera's side face. "Hello, Brother Dong. Once you go out, you can bring back a few people for your family to eat and make up for the meal."

Ye Rendong blinked: "So, you did bring a few back, right?"

Zhong Lingxiu imitated him. Blinking: "Yes."

Yan Tong smiled even more charmingly: "I was destined to you first, and then to us."

Ye Lingdong tilted his head, confused: "Second sister-in-law, how do you say this?"

Zhong Lingxiu patted her His head is full of compliments. "You are said to be a lucky star. You picked up your husband-in-law, met Lu Chaochao, and brought back Qi Jiu outside." "

If you include Da Hui, there is also Master Ajiu who came with you. Take a look, as soon as you come, How many people have we added to our old Cheng family?"

Ye Rendong: "How can this be related to me? They are obviously the ones who came to our door."

Yan Tong raised his eyebrows at him: "Think about it, if you hadn't found your husband-in-law, what would he have done? What's the matter with these people?"

Ye Lingdong said gloomily: "If I don't pick up my husband, I might freeze to death."

Yan Tong poked his face: "There are some things that you don't know yet? "

What?" Ye Lingdong was even more confused.

"Your head is so big, you can't hold so much. Just don't think about it."

"Let's go pick peaches!" Yan Tong took a big step and immediately sped up.

Zhong Lingxiu shook her head, there were too many.

Ye Lingdong tightened his clothes and chased after him: What! Playing riddles, I'll go back and ask my husband!

Follow the narrow stone road and climb the steps.

The curved stones extend upward along the terrain, with a distance of more than one meter wide, just suitable for one person to pass. On both sides of the stone road are pruned fruit and flower trees.

Standing on the stone steps and looking up, on both sides of the road, there are mostly heavy fruits embedded in green leaves.

There are perfectly red nectarines and green persimmons. There are also jujubes the size of your thumb. But the most attractive thing is the ripe and sweet smell of nectarines.

"It's almost here." Yuan Xiaoxiao shouted in surprise.

"Your brother is much better after taking it off." Zhong Lingxiu pinched his little bun face, as if thinking of something, her eyelashes drooped.

"It's a pity that your father is not at home."

With his body, climbing more mountains will definitely bring many benefits.

Yuan Xiao raised her eyes and looked at her mother-in-law. "Mom, do you miss daddy?"

"Pfft!" Yan Tong and Ye Lingdong both laughed. "That's not true. My sister-in-law talks about it every time she leaves the house. Why don't you think about it?"

She was reserved at that time and rarely showed such emotions. But among the sisters-in-law of the Cheng family, it doesn't seem so out of the ordinary. Because among the three people, none of them are very different from the little brothers raised by normal families.

Yuan Xiaoxiao hugged her with two little hands and said with admiration in her eyes: "I miss my dad so much too."

Zhong Lingxiu picked up the little guy and glanced at the people around her. "That's it, how do two uncles understand how our father, Yuan Xiaoxiao, is not at home?"

Yuan Xiaoxiao hugged his mother's neck, his forehead obediently pressed against the side of Zhong Lingxiu's face. He clasped his little fingers and looked at the two uncles behind him.

"Uncle Min goes home every day. Uncle Ayu is always at home. It's been a long time since Dad Yuanxiao came back."

"Yuanxiao is so pitiful." As he said that, the child put his bun-shaped face on Zhong Lingxiu's shoulder. Squeezed into a meaty glutinous rice dumpling. Very cute.

"No." Zhong Lingxiu's eyes flashed, looking like a resentful woman in a boudoir.

The sadness made the two of them laugh while holding their stomachs.

"It sounds like I haven't seen you for a long time." Yan Tong smiled enough and pulled Ye Lingdong forward. "Didn't I just go to town to see someone yesterday? I feel so lovesick when I come back." "

Tsk, tsk, tsk, we've been married for so many years, and we still don't get tired of it."

Zhong Lingxiu changed back to her original appearance in a second, and kissed her little bun face happily. "Our father is so good-looking, can't you get enough of Yuan Xiaoxiao?"

Yuan Xiaoxiao kissed her back. "Yes, Dad is good-looking."

Yan Tong rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, your husband is the most handsome."

Ye Rendong smiled and pulled Yan Tong's sleeve. "Okay, okay, let's not bicker."

"Go to the field and pick peaches."

The peach tree has a large crown and several thick branches spread out. Generally not very high and easy to climb.

In this mountain, in addition to the smaller peach trees transplanted on both sides of the road, there is also a peach forest.

There are about four or five trees inside. Although they look few, they are all big trees that are more than five years old. The branches and leaves are lush, and the honeysuckle leaves are taken care of when cleaning up the mountain. One tree can pick about a hundred pounds of peaches.

There is no end to the food.

Ye Lingdong and his men walked behind the two men, Cheng Langyu. My husband was tidying up the woodland there and taking care of me by the way.

After arriving at the ground, in addition to nectarines, there were also a few hundred-flower peaches. I don't know whether it was caused by previous generations or whether it was caused by evil.

"Pick it!" Zhong Lingxiu looked at so many fruits with joy. "It's rare to see so many fruits."

"There are many in the mountains. Sister-in-law, if you have time, you can come here more often and go up the mountain to have a look." Ye Lonicera held the branch, held a small peach in her right hand, and gently twisted it, and then it fell. In hand.

Zhong Lingxiu trampled down the weeds under her feet. Climb up the tree with all your strength. "If we didn't have any land to plant in front of us, I would move a few trees back."

"Just like the monkeys, be careful when you fall!" Yan Tong's voice suddenly came from next door.

Ye Lonicera looked up. Yes, one of the two sisters-in-law climbed higher than the other.

"You all should be careful!"

"I know! I just like to worry about these things." Yan Tong returned downstairs.

Lonicera japonica had no choice but to stand on the ground like a child king, and together with the children picking peaches on the ground, they searched for peaches in low places.

Soon, just picking the good-looking ones, the basket I brought was full in less than two quarters of an hour.

Cheng Langyu and Tu Fei had been sitting there silently chatting until they saw everyone coming down. Cheng Langyu, who had been busy for a while, also took a break. He said: "Go down the mountain and go home."

Tu Fei immediately pricked up his ears: "Eat?!"

Cheng Langyu squinted: "What a beautiful idea."

Tu Fei drooped his head: "Oh."

Zhong Lingxiu patted the things on his body, Look at the three backpacks on the ground, all full. "That's enough."

"If we eat, one backpack is enough. Brother Dong, don't you want to take it to the town and sell it? Give it a try. If it doesn't sell, you can put it in my shop or use it to make food. Let's share the money equally."

Ye Rendong knew that Zhong Lingxiu was looking for a way out for herself. He smiled obediently and said, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

"Thank you, my family."

Yan Tong carried a backpack and hung it directly on his body. He stood upright and said to the people standing beside him, "Let's go down the mountain."

In the afternoon , the carriage went from the ancestral home to the town, while Ye Lingdong stayed at home to look after the children.

Zhong Lingxiu and others came and went, and the foot of the mountain returned to tranquility.

The forest birds tilted their heads and chirped softly every now and then, mixed in with the noisy chirping of cicadas, adding a bit of restlessness to the summer.

After Cheng Langyu returned with his people, he continued to stock up on rice, noodles, vegetables and meat at home.

Five days later, at the foot of the mountain, the chirping of cicadas, the chirping of birds, and the sound of rocks hitting each other complement each other.

Construction started on the house.

Because later Lu Chaochao said he wanted to settle here, the house built this time simply had three bedrooms. It was just money shared between Lu Chaochao and Qi Jiu, and the house built by Ye Rendong's family was for Ah Jiu to sleep in.

It was a hot day, and after finishing the corn harvesting and harvesting the rice, Ajiu hired long-term workers from the town to help with the food at home.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the foot of the mountain would not be busy at all.

When the rabbit is short and the bird is dark, life flies by very fast.

By the end of August, Tu Fei had moved into his new house, and the farm work at home had come to an end.

August 15th, Mid-Autumn Festival.

Ye Lingdong's family had tidied up everything inside and outside the house early, and then it was time to prepare dinner.

On the other side of the wall, the two families share a courtyard wall. There is a small door in the middle of the courtyard wall, which is always open on weekdays to facilitate movement on both sides.

Ye Lonicera brought over the meat prepared at home.

Cheng Langyu was holding Cheng Yuanqing's little Zaizai, who had changed into a new suit of clothes, with three taller dolls running in front of him. Let's go to the new house for dinner together.

It also adds to the popularity.

The night wind seems to have been soaking in the Yunshui River all day long, and it is cool.

On the big table in the yard, there were mooncakes sent by Zhong Lingxiu, snacks bought by Lu Chaochao, and dishes brought by Ye Lingdong.

Today, Lu Chaochao returned to the county to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival with his father. There was still Ye Lingdong and his family in the yard.

On the table, Tu Fei was chewing on the braised chicken feet in his hand, while the child was playing hide and seek in the yard under the moonlight.

Ye Lingdong had a smile in his eyes and was wearing Cheng Langyu's newly bought gown. The robe was covered with a layer of gauze, which was as bright and white as the moonlight. Her dark hair was spread loosely and stuck to her cheeks.

Coupled with the beautiful light smile between the eyebrows and eyes, the whole person is gentle and soft. It gives people a feeling of being in the mood for no reason.

If it weren't for the moaning of the little boy in his arms, Cheng Langyu thought happily, it would be a rare moment to seriously appreciate her husband.

Mid-Autumn Festival is a day for admiring the moon, reunion, and a good rest.

Ye Lingdong lowered his head and gently patted his cub to sleep. When the moon came up, the couple invited the children back to the house to wash and sleep. Tu Fei, who was drunk and in a daze, was left alone.

The children all go back to their own homes.

Ye Lingdong held the little Zaizai like a stack of arhats, and was carried into the house by her husband.

Her dark hair was spread loosely, covering half of the bed like black mist.

After so long, Lonicera japonica, which had given birth to cubs and was somewhat fleshy, has now lost weight again.

However, he is no longer as thin and skinny as he used to be, which made him feel distressed just by looking at him. Instead, it was like opening up, and the whole person was like a tender bamboo shoot, turning into an elegant beauty like a green bamboo.

"Husband." Cheng Langyu's figure was dull.

He put Cheng Yuanqing's little Zaizai on his own little bed, and then he lay on Ye Lingdong's body.

Ye Lingdong could tell what her husband was thinking by hearing the sound.

He blushed and caught a glimpse of his little cub's little bed. Respond softly. "Mr. Sir."

The moonlight was like water, and the ink was misty. The hazy moonlight spread quietly into this room.

The shiny white wrist was gently held by the rough palm. Although there was a gap, it could not move at all.

Veins appeared on the palm, and the hand with sharp knuckles gradually moved up until the fingers of the white palm were interlocked.

With a cat-like hum, the wind blew again. She softly wraps up the person lying with her neck crossed.

The door opened and closed, and Ye Lonicera nestled into the man's arms again. Exuding an alluring laziness.

He half-closed his eyes, his long eyelashes trembling. With red eyes, he said warmly: "Mr. sir, you haven't finished telling me what happened last time."

Cheng Lang pressed his waist with her jade hands and said in a low voice: "Where did you talk about last time?"

Ye Lingdong's ears were itched by the blow. . He turned sideways and hid his head. "Speaking of the good relationship between the second sister-in-law and the Chaochao family, and the relationship between the Lu family and the Qi family of the imperial court."

The reason why I asked about this was to go back to the ambiguous words Yan Tong said when picking peaches a long time ago. if.

Ye Lingdong kept this in mind, and would ask Cheng Langyu about it later when he found time.

Cheng Langyu broke those things apart and told Ye Lingdong in detail. Just like a bedtime story.

"Then let's talk about the Ajiu family today?"

"Yeah." Ye Lingdong said with a nasal voice, lying on the person.

"Ajiu said that his uncle is Chaochao's father, and the husband has heard it before. In other words, it turns out that Yan Tong, Lu Chaochao and Ajiu knew each other." Cheng Langyu paused, "But I guess Before coming to our place, Ah Jiu didn't know our second sister-in-law."


Cheng Langyu kissed his forehead: "Because the second sister-in-law is at war."

"General!" Ye Lingdong suddenly lay on Cheng Langyu and straightened up. "I think about it. Do you remember Tu Fei yelling this? I thought I heard it wrong at the time."

Cheng Langyu bit his nose: "Well, it's this."

"Husband, I still remember that Tu Fei sent me back in my hand. Is it something?"

Ye Lingdong really couldn't calm down at this time. He hugged the thin blanket, rested his chin on the man's shoulder and stared at his almond-shaped eyes.

Silly and cute.

"My husband said before that the lieutenant general asked someone to send you back. Wouldn't that mean..." "

Well, General Yan, who has not yet become the second sister-in-law, asked someone to send me back." Cheng Langyu held up her husband's hand The words came out bit by bit from the back of his neck like a stream of water.

Leaf Lonicera:! ! !

"Ms. sir." Ye Rendong called in a tone of disbelief.

Cheng Langyu changed positions, held his chin in her mouth, and whispered, "Yes."

"Second sister-in-law, she is the savior."


"We have to thank him properly!" Ye Lingdong suddenly got up.

Cheng Langyu's eyes flashed with white light, and the ice muscle and jade bones were right in front of him. He instantly threw down his husband like a wolf and a tiger. "Husband, I'm afraid the second sister-in-law doesn't want to mention the past."

"Huh?" Ye Lingdong was confused.

"So, let's just leave it as it is!"

"Oh, okay." Ye Rendong was still immersed in the fact that his second sister-in-law was once a general.

Cheng Langyu's eyes became darker and his hands tightened. "Husband, you don't have me in your heart anymore."

"No way." Ye Lingdong responded subconsciously even if his mind didn't turn around.

"Then husband, please let me see if there is any!"


The night was as cold as water, and the room was charming.

The little man, who had been separated from his father's bed early, was snoring as he slept. Like the moon melting into the clouds, covering itself tightly.

The next day,

Ye Lonicera rarely slept in.

When he woke up, Cheng Yuanqing's son was lying in the creaking nest.

He held his feet high with both hands and played with them quietly. It didn't disturb my sleeping father at all.

Ye Rendong smiled at his sensibleness, and her long silk-like hair was picked up by her white fingers and swept over the little Zaizai's face.

"Good morning, Zaizai."

"Ah!" When Cheng Yuanqing saw that his father was awake, his eyes lit up, he let go of his feet and opened his hands towards Ye Lingdong.

Ye Lingdong picked him up and laid him on his body, and covered him with the quilt.

"Like a little turtle."

Cheng Yuanqing raised his neck and shouted, "Ah da!"

"Dad, not Ah Da." Ye Lingdong nodded his delicate little nose. "Where's your dad?"

Cheng Yuanqing stared at the tip of his nose, his round eyes turning into cross-eyes.

Ye Lingdong chuckled and kissed his little face full of milky fragrance. "Let's go find your father. Okay?"

"Ah! Ouch."

Ye Rendong grabbed the small clothes folded by the bed and put them on him bit by bit. Then he cleaned himself up.

After tying up her hair, she used a comb to shave the little boy who was blinking at him a few times.

With his hair combed flat, Ye Lonicera picked him up and bumped him up.

"We Yuan Qingqing have grown up a little bit, haven't we?"

Cheng Yuanqing grinned: "Yeah."

Ye Rendong said: "Yeah?"

Pushing the door out, Cheng Baoer's voice was loud and clear outside: "Sister-in-law, let's eat. Now."

"Daddy, I'm holding Zaizai." Qi Jiu came to Ye Lingdong and opened his hands.

Ye Lingdong handed Cheng Yuanqing to him. "Okay, I got it."

"Ajiu, bring Zaizai over and I'll wash his face."

Cheng Langyu brought the last meal to the table and called to the children: "Serve your own food."

Cheng Shao, Cheng Baoer, Tu Fei, who had brought his own food, also joined in the fun and lined up beside the pot.

Cheng Langyu took off his apron and took the basin from his husband. She glanced at his rosy face and curled her lips with pleasure.

"Did you sleep well, husband?" Cheng Lang's eyes were soft and he said warmly.

Ye Lingdong scolded him: "Okay."

Cheng Langyusi nodded politely: "That's good."

Cheng Yuanqing waved his hands: "Ah."

Ye Lingdong looked away from the man, and Cheng Yuanqing, who had red earlobes, nodded: " OK, you also know 'OK'."

The author has something to say:

Hey hey hey~

5 bottles of the cat eating mint; 2 bottles of 21180254;

1 bottle of 56768007, jthclnjhl;

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