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Andy beamed and exhaled a cloud of smoke. "That's why it's illogical to think Oliver wouldn't like you because you do what you do", he explained. "Being alive for 600 years and feeding off of living people isn't exactly something 'normal' to the everyday person."

I wanted to smile at Andy but my muscles just wouldn't let me. Unlike Oliver, Andy was still human inside and it made him easier to talk to. Oliver was a vampire. That was it. It was like Sykes couldn't remember how to be human. Andy wanted to eradicate the vampires to I guess figuratively reclaim his life from them. I leaned against him and breathed a sigh. He suddenly tensed up under me, a low growl coming from inside his chest. "Thorne, we need to leave", he said quietly.

"But why? Where will we go?" I questioned.

"Oliver's. It's close", whispered Andy. He forced me to stand up and led me through the small park to a black car. The entire time, his glowing blue eyes looked around like he was expecting something. "Here's to hoping whoever's here isn't a friend of his."

"Whoever's a friend of who?" I asked. Andy rolled his eyes as we got into the vehicle. When the doors were shut, he turned on the engine and set us into drive.

"A friend of Oliver's", Andy stated.

"Oh..." I was quiet as he sped back to the estate. I didn't want to go back to Oliver's house. What if he didn't want me there? "What if he kicks me out...? Or tries...you know."

Andy sent me a sideways glance and frowned. "He has to accept it", the slayer said firmly. "I've already made it across the threshold so if he tries doing anything to you, then I'll do worse to him. Just because you're his doesn't mean I'll just stand aside if something happens." I bit my lip, the realization of the situation and what Andy just said he was willing to do for me made me tear up. My eyes stung and I tried blinking back the salty drops while Andy drove. When we arrived at the plantation house where Andy escorted me inside it was dark inside, meaning everyone was probably asleep. That didn't keep Andy from continuously trying to get me to change.

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