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Oliver's POV

I was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching Batman with Adam West on IFC. Here's something these little kiddies will never understand. They wear the Bat-sign for the logo and know nothing about what Batman's really about. I sipped on the metallic red liquid in my wine glass as footsteps sounded over head. "Thorne's up", I mused to myself, looking at the clock on the mantle. 10:35. I went back to watching television until I heard Thorne coming down. She was dressed in black jeans, a red tank top, and a black denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up just below her elbows.

"Where are you off to?"I asked curiously.

Thorne looked at me with her luminous gray eyes and shrugged. "I thought I'd go grocery shopping or something", she replied.

"Oh, I wanna go!" I beamed. "We can get stuff to make curry. Have you ever had curry?"

"No", Thorne mumbled, turning red. "But uh, I don't need anyone to go with me. I'm just-"

"Well, your sister is out with the car", I pointed out. "She went to the shop and dropped Nikki off somewhere."


"So I'll take you in my car", I said, standing up. "It's in the carriage house."

"Uh, why don't you just let me go?" Thorne asked awkwardly. Her eyes kept shifting and I felt my face contort into a frown.

"You're not going grocery shopping, are you?" I questioned, stepping closer to her. I focused my thoughts on her and stared her dead in the eyes. A mental barrier fell and I knew I had her hooked. Maybe using the fabled hypnotic stare was the wrong way to get her to tell the truth but I hated beating around bushes for answers.

"No", Thorne replied. She was trying to fight me. I could feel it. She wasn't doing a very good job though.

"Where were you off to then?" I asked. If she had to lie to me then there was only place she would be going.

"I was...going to see...Andy", she mumbled. "He invited me out last night."

"You saw Andrew last night and didn't tell me?" I barked.

"He doesn't want me hanging out with you. He says you'll-"

"Thorne, Ballsack's a liar!" I snapped, pushing her away from me. "He's a blood thirsty, ravenous killer who's just using you to get to me!"

"Yeah and you're using me as some kind of human shield!" she snarled. "You're a fucking coward!"

"How dare you call me that?!" I barked, smacking her across the face. "You spend an eternity being hunted and see what it does to you! You don't even know what I have to go through on a day to day basis."

"I'm sure being a hedonist must be incredibly exhausting", Thorne snapped, putting her hand on her pale cheek.

"You could be a little more thankful, you whore!" I growled, looming over her. Thorne sank into the corner but tried staring me down. "I could've let him eat you in the fucking cemetery the other night instead of-"


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