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I stopped to get gas, my mind reeling with questions. I pulled up to a 7/11, not thinking anything about it. While pumping gas, I got the feeling that someone was watching me. I discreetly looked around from under my bangs and saw the other vampire from last night. He was sniffing the air and looking at me with frosty, hypnotizing blue eyes. The pump clicked off just as I was turning away. I scurried around the pumps and around "Ballsack" to go pay for the gas inside. I pulled out my fake ID and headed for the alcohol. The first thing I grabbed was a 30 pack of Busch's Beer when someone grabbed me. "Hey!" smiled the dark haired vampire. His teeth weren't as noticeable as Oliver's but were still questionable. "Let me get that for you!" "That's not necessary", I said quickly. "I can get it." He locked eyes with me, like he realized he had to try a different approach. "You look really familiar? Have we met?" he asked. "No", I answered and it was basically the truth. I hadn't spoken to him in the cemetery. "Well, let's get to know each other. My name's Andy. Andy Biersack. Who are you?" Andy took the beer from me and I shrugged. "Thorne", I replied. "Really, I can take care of-" "So are you having a party tonight? This is a lot of booze." "No. I just figured a bigger case would be cheaper since that's the way it tends to work." Andy continued smiling at me. "Why don't I get you a drink sometime? How about tonight? At seven? We can meet at the corner of Bourbon Street, where the Tina Turner cross dresser hangs out by the gay bars. There's a really good gumbo place around the corner from there. Maybe we can-" I took the beer from him and forced a smile. There was no way I wanted to get caught up in him and Oliver. "Listen, Andy, you seem like a nice guy but I have a dinner date tonight and I really, really cannot afford to miss it." He bit his lip some. "Well hey, gimme your number and I'll give you mine so when you're done you can hit me up and we can grab a beer", Andy suggested.

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