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That was kind of a thought provoking question. That means all of the Christian wars fought were fought over...nothing? Christianity based things were nothing. Society was years behind in advancement due to fake churches criminalizing thinkers like Da Vinci. Of course, Nikki and Valerie weren't concerned with how wrong history textbooks were. They were concerned with how to prove Oliver was who he said he was. "Oi, I know. Easiest test there is. Go get me a mirror", Oliver demanded. "This way I don't have to turn or do anything painful."

My older siblings exchanged looks before Nikki trotted off to the bathroom. "So why are you here?" Valerie asked.

Oliver shrugged from his spot on the floor. "Well, I figured since I kept your sister here from becoming a late night snack for a friend of mine, you all could let me stay the night here before I go home."

"Where is home?"

Oliver made a gesture over his shoulder like it wasn't a big deal. "The plantation house out in the bayou. Parish Estate."

"You mean the haunted house where all the human remains were found?" Valerie asked.

Our vampire acquaintance shrugged. "Yeah. My farmhand was concerned when he found a small graveyard in the back and didn't believe me when I guessed it was started by my great great great grandfather." He grinned and for the first time all night I saw the large white canines sitting proudly on either side of his mouth. I guess he noticed me looking because he winked at me. "Do you like them?" he asked. "They're all natural, no filing, no caps, nothing."

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