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Oliver opened his mouth but quickly groaned again. "Ugh, I'd tell you to text me but none of you have phones", he whined. "I just have to do everything. "Three. That way you can all get properly fitted and shop or whatever." He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the cobblestone street, beginning the Craigs' shopping spree. Oliver tried his best to walk under the shop awnings, shading himself from the sun. I wasn't entirely surprised-he didn't look very comfortable and it probably sucked being unable to sweat. It was so weird thinking that Oliver was technically just a corpse...a corpse incapable of decomposing but a corpse nonetheless. We reached the bridal shop, Brink's Bridal sitting proudly in a cursive font on a black sign. Oliver pushed open the glass shop door and took a moment to relish in the AC. A blonde woman with a large set of boobs crawled out from underneath a mannequin's under skirt.

"Oli Scot", she beamed, straightening herself out. "What have you brought me?"

Oliver gestured to me as Maria eyed me up and down, like she was considering buying steak from a butcher. "Thorne, my new house mate", Oliver informed. "She's going to attend my party with me but I need a gown for her. I'm thinking drop-waist."

Maria, or I guess she was Maria, pulled a small fabric measuring tape from the pocket of her dress slacks. Without my consent, she started poking and prodding me. "She's so tiny", Maria tutted. "And so pale. Oliver, are you feeding her?"

"She eats when she wants to. Thorne knows where the kitchen is-"

"Put your arms up", Maria commanded. I stared at Oliver who had already found a chair to sit in. Maria poked me in the arm so I lifted them anyway. Having never been in a bridal shop, I kept glancing to Oliver in hopes he'd tell me what I needed to do but I don't think he realized it. "35...24...32", Maria counted, going from my ribs, to my waist, to my hips.

"And I want something with a lace up bodice", Oliver added. "Not one of those stupid zip up-"

"You've never laced up a bodice in your life", Maria scoffed.

"No but I've taken enough off so how hard should it be to put one on?" he argued. I snorted but somewhere, my brain wondered just who those bodices belonged to and why the Hell Oliver was removing them.

"Don't say that with your girlfriend here", Maria teased. She turned me to face her and smiled. "What do you see yourself in, doll?" she questioned.

"Oh, I-I don't know", I admitted. "I told Oliver these big gowns were stupid, but-"

"Gowns are never stupid", Maria interrupted. "Every girl deserves to be a princess. That's what I'm here to do, doll. So what do you see yourself in?"

"I never really thought about it", I mumbled. If I offended her, Maria didn't seem to care. She was listening to Oliver interject again.

"Drop-waist", he insisted. "With a lace up bodice. Preferably something silver with black accents. It'll make her look taller and thinner while still giving her the poofy skirt she wants. And I want a sweet heart neckline."

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