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I felt my hands get tense. Why would Oliver have had other mortals unless he was sleeping with them? We were friends. How could he do that to me? He was the one who kept kissing me. He couldn't just say no after all this time. "Well, yeah? Like who?" I finally questioned.

Oliver shrugged. "Well, I've had a few girlfriends and friends", he murmured.

"Girlfriends?" I demanded, though some part of my brain told me I was being irrationally angry. Who the Hell was Oliver to have girlfriends if I was his only true friend?

"Thorne, I'd like to remind you that I'm 600 years old", he said matter of factly. "Yes, I've had girlfriends."

"What the fuck, Oliver? I thought we were-"

"Why are you getting so angry?"

"You told me I'm your first real friend in ages. And then you go around making out with me everywhere like we already are dating and telling Andy and Jake that we are-"

"OmiGod, Thorne, I wanted Ballsack to back off of you", Oliver hissed, pushing me back. "Why is that wrong?!"

"Because you can't make decisions for me", I snapped.

"And you keep bringing up what I said today like you want to be together", he barked. "You're trying to force yourself on me!"

"Says the fucker who used his stupid powers to convince me to move in with him!"

"Then leave. Nothing's keeping you here other than your knowledge of what Ballsack's willing to do to you."

"You're using me like a human shield", I growled. "It's about time you got treated the same-"

"I'm risking my life to keep you from blood suckers like Maria and Kellin and Ballsack and you-you want to just throw that away. So go. Fucking go Thorne. I thought we were friends. Fucking whatever."

"I will", I yelled. Oliver's now solid black eyes watched me get off the bed and head for the door. "Don't expect me back."

"I was hoping you'd say that!" Oliver smirked. Something inside me snapped. I wanted him to want me to come back. We were friends. We were...maybe more? At least sometimes it felt like it. Oliver told you no my brain laughed. I bit my lip to keep from letting go of any tears and stormed out of his room, down the hallway, and down the stairs. I never once bothered to consider my room or the things I had in there or my siblings.

I needed to get out and that's what I was doing.

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