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I frowned and shifted a little. If I wasn't staying at Oliver's house, would he try to eat me or suck all my blood or whatever vampires do? Supposing that was the truth, then that meant I couldn't leave the house without a constant fear of him hunting me down. Silently I tried redirecting my thoughts onto the television as the undead creature tidied up his home around me. It was kind of weird watching him. The same guy who bit me earlier and transformed into some freaky caricature of himself was now dusting off his fireplace mantle and washing the windows. At this point I was used to seeing him behave like a self-indulgent lord so watching him act as a domesticated house wife was...amusing.

"What's so funny?" Oliver questioned once he heard me giggling. I shook my head as I tried stifling my laughter. "Haven't you ever seen a man clean a house?!"

"I haven't seen an egoist like you clean a house", I smiled.

"Well pardon me", Oliver said. He sat down in an arm chair, perpendicular to where my feet were on the couch. "Take off your shoes you twit. What the bloody Hell is this shit?"

I didn't think about the fact that I had changed the channel to something really lame while I was laughing about Oliver. Immediately I started to blush as Oliver tried prying off my cowboy boots. "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding", I mumbled, watching him inspect the heels. "It's kind of gay."

"Disgusting", Oliver hissed to himself after he clapped my shoes together and dirt fell on the floor. He looked back at me and shrugged. "Well if it's gay, why are you watching it?" he asked.

"Because", I replied, shifting into the pillows. Oliver raised an eyebrow.

"Because is a stupid answer. Why are you watching it."

"I like the dresses", I said.

He smiled. "Well, what's so special about them?" he asked as his eyebrows came together.

I rolled my eyes and changed the channel quickly to Scooby Doo reruns. "Everything."

"What is everything?"

"They're big", I murmured. "And sparkly. And the bodices are pretty."

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