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Oliver's lips tried to twitch into a sneer. "He killed a friend of mine, so I took his humanity, in a sense, killing him. Andrew was a vampire hunter in the 1800s, before the Civil war though. Oh that was a good time. And it was really easy to get bodies. I could trick people into thinking my home was a safe haven-"

"If we let you stay here do you swear you're not going to drink our blood or eat us or anything?" Valerie demanded. She was pretty hesitant about being near him now.

"Well, if you tell me where your raw meat is I will. I'm kind of hungry now."

Valerie shook her head. "Then let's go to the store. C'mon everyone-"

"Wait, wait. Thorne and I can't leave", Oliver informed. "Andy's going to be spending the rest of the night looking for us. He caught her scent in the cemetery. We have to wait until at least morning for him to give up."

"Won't you die in the sunlight?" Nikki asked.

"No! No, I'm not. Maybe if I change forms I will but no, I will not die. That's another fallacy." Oliver was quiet for a moment before he smirked. "And no, I don't fucking sparkle either." Both of the guys laughed.

"Well, we'll be back", Valerie said quietly. "I swear to God, if you touch a single hair on Thorne's head, you'll get a wooden stake."

Oliver winced. "Okay, let's not go to such extreme measures. Get me a steak or two and I promise I won't." My siblings exchanged glances again before leaving. "So where's your television?" Oliver asked. "I don't want to miss tonight's episode of Family Guy."

"It's um, over here", I answered, pointing to a box by the front door. We had more of a great room, where the kitchen and living room were in the same room. Oliver looked at our ancient TV (complete with dials instead of a remote!) and frowned.

"How am I supposed to watch anything on this piece of history?" Oliver demanded.

"Hey! You're claiming to be over 600 years old which means you probably had one of these!" I snapped. "Don't knock on it. It's all we have!"

"Clearly", Oliver grunted. He stood up and walked to couch. "Thoooorrrrne, can you put it on Adult Swiiiim?" he called. I shrugged and switched the knobs on and to the appropriate channel. "Can you sit with meee?" was the next request. "I haven't felt warm flesh in sooo long."

"You're not going to do anything?" I asked. Oliver was incredibly attractive so it was easy to do what he wanted you to do but I also didn't want to be taken advantage of.

"Pinky promise! And where I'm from, that means I'd have to cut off my pinky if I broke my promise." Oliver grinned cheekily and patted the space next to him. "Join me love! The show's about to start!"

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