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"And just remember, anything could happen in a world so seriously strange-"

"Hey, you!" I jumped as something icy cold brushed my ear to pull out the ear buds I had in. Smiling over my shoulder was Oliver, neatly dressed in some bleach stained t-shirt and beat up jeans. "What're you watching?"

I glanced to the lap top he had lent me. Nikki, Valerie, and I had never really had an at home computer so being able to surf the web on Oliver's was intensely fun. Sure, I had used the ones at the library but they only worked half the time and I was too busy with homework. "Some guy you subscribed to", I said. "Rob Dyke. What do you want?"

Oliver plopped himself down on my bed. "Well, for the last week I've noticed you and your siblings all wear the same clothes so for one thing, we need to go shopping. For another, my party's soon and we still haven't gotten you a dress."

While it was really nice of him, I couldn't help but stare at Oliver who saw no problems with his plans for the day. "Dude, you don't have a job", I pointed out. "How are we paying for-"

"I'm working on that", he snapped. "Plus, I've made arrangements with Kellin to pay Maria whatever she wants for your dress so we're clear. You just owe Kellin a free body-"

"Who's Maria?"

"A friend of mine. Can I not have friends, Thorne? She's a seamstress and owns a dress shop in the French Quarter so you have to be familiar with it- Brink's Bridal."

Trust Me (Oliver Sykes)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt