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Oliver sneered a little and shrugged. "It just comes with the lifestyle, love", he whispered. "But I really do like you, Thorne. And I don't want you to think I keep you around because you smell delicious."

I snorted. "Um, thank you?" I replied.

He laughed and shook his head. "No problem, blood bags", Oliver scoffed. "C'mon. We need to leave." With a turn of his heel, Oliver led me through the hall and through the store back to the front counter where Maria was.

"I want more from Kellin", she pouted, ringing Oliver up.

Oliver wagged a finger and grinned. "Ah, ah, ah, Brink. You never agreed to me paying a price. Thus, I can charge whatever I want for this dress. I think 500 is quite generous for something I'm supposed to be getting for free."

Maria made a face but kindly bagged the dress for us anyway and took the money Oliver offered her. "500 is only generous since you don't have a job", she grunted.

He folded his arms sternly. "I'll have you know that I'm a co-owner for a voodoo store...that'll be opening here", Oliver informed. I smirked at him. How was Valerie going to feel having a coworker or moving her store here. "You just wait, Brink. Give me about a week and we'll have a grand opening."

"People only come here for commercial voodoo", the blonde pointed out. "They don't care for real things-"

"Until they see them and compare them to the cheapy commercial crap. Anyway, we're off", Oliver said, linking arms with me. "You just wait and watch, Maria. Toodaloo, love!" I waved at Maria as Oliver dragged me out of the store, muttering under his breath about still needing to sign lease forms.

"You know, Valerie would-Oliver!" I gasped, pulling away as he tried putting his hand over my mouth. "What're you-"

"Shut up", he growled, eyes turning nearly black as he looked around. Without a warning, he reached down and slammed his lips to mine. I squeaked involuntarily as he pulled me flush up against him, hungrily licking my bottom lip like he wanted in. Oliver of course, didn't wait for my permission but pushed his way through anyway, sweeping pathways through my mouth. In the hot Louisiana sun, Oliver's cold hands felt like an electric shock against my hips. Somewhere, there was a small clicking sound that I didn't think much of, probably like how the people walking around us didn't think twice about us making out on the bridal shop's stoop. The clicking wasn't important until Oliver pulled away from me.

"Sykes", purred Andy, approaching us with another man dressed in black similar to himself. "And Thorne." His eyes flickered as he lit a cigarette. "What're you doing here?"

"Shopping. Obviously, Ballsack", Oliver grunted. "What're you doing?"

"Just looking around with Jake", shrugged Andy, gesturing to his friend. "Thorne, this is Jake. A close friend of mine. Jake, this is Thorne-"

"My girlfriend", Oliver interrupted, pushing me behind him. "I'm pretty sure if she could figure out Ballsack, she can figure out you too, Jake, so don't get any ideas." Girlfriend? What the Hell? When did Oliver and I start dating? I like him sure, and he was cute, but he could be pretty freaking annoying too.

"Oh, I didn't have any", the one named Jake said. "But thanks for giving them to me."

"Thorne, can I talk to you for a moment?" Andy asked, exhaling a cloud of smoke. I glanced to Oliver who shook his head.

"No you may not, Ballsack", the Brit snarled. "I don't know what you're here for but you're not here for Thorne. She's mine and you can just leave."

"So she is yours?" mused Jake. "Fantastic. We have something for you then."

"And just what does that mean?" snapped Oliver. I looked to Andy for answers. His face fell and he became suddenly interested in his lip ring.

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