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I didn't drink much. I had a fake ID, sure, but I wasn't into throwing back beers like the college kids who came around. Oliver and Andy sat on either side of me at a table, talking to Valerie and Nikki. Andy was actually kind of cool, minus the whole trying-to-kill-Oliver part I guess. You would never guess Andy was a guy out for revenge. Eventually, he leaned across me and grinned brightly at Oliver.

"Hey, Oli, you don't mind if I dance with Thorne, right?" he asked eagerly.

I blushed as Oliver frowned some. "I do mind", Oliver replied. "You should know-"

"Well, you're not dating her, right?" Andy questioned.

"Psh, no. Of course not!" Oliver answered, swatting at the air.

Andy beamed. "Then you won't mind if I dance with her. Since you're not dating." He kept his blue eyes glued on Oliver and his smile stretched across his face. When Oliver didn't reply, Andy gripped my hand and pulled me out of our booth. He forced me to the dance floor where we started dancing to some weird dubsteppy song that was playing. "Thorne, I know you know", he smiled, leaning over a little to talk to me.

"Know what?" I asked, hoping to play it off. "I know lots of things."

"I know you do. You seem pretty smart", Andy chuckled. "But you know."

"What do I know?" I questioned.

Andy wiggled a little closer to me, like he was telling me a secret. "You know that Oliver likes you", he shrugged. "I mean, come on. He wouldn't have pulled you into that tomb if he didn't."

I froze. "You-"

"Yeah, I know that you know that too", Andy grinned, pushing back his hair. He grabbed my hands and pulled me a little farther into the crowd, farther away from Oliver who was watching intently. "You know what he did. You know that he spiked my drink with his blood one night at the party because I killed his friend."

"I didn't know that", I said quickly. "And I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do", Andy said seriously. His eyes flickered some as he pulled me even deeper into the crowd. "You know what I am. You know what Oliver is. You know what we're both capable of." Andy's voice was cold and stern, like I shouldn't defy him. He glanced around before yanking me into an out-of-service bathroom.

"What the Hell are you doing?" I gasped.

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