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Oliver stood up and lifted my legs up before sitting down where they had initially been. "There has to be a real reason", he stated simply, straightening my legs out over his with one hand as he snatched the remote up and turned the channel back with the other.

"I can't. It's stupid."

"Thorne, it's not stupid", Oliver sighed. "What's stupid is you not telling me."

He locked eyes with me, clearly wanting me to tell him but he didn't use his mind control trick. I relented anyway though. Something about Oliver was just... trustworthy. "I want a dress like that", I sighed. "I've always wanted one. I wanted to be Cinderella or whatever with the big pumpkin carriage and the royal prince but instead I get torn jeans and dirty nails and ugly hair...And I probably smell like embalming fluid." I tried laughing it off though. "But we don't always get what we want so it's not a big deal."

Oliver frowned some. "Did you not go to prom or whatever it is that kids these days do?" he asked softly.

I pressed my lips together and shook my head. "No, um, I couldn't afford to go. We had to take care of Ma and Dad, you know, before they...left." My face grew hot, like I was about to cry so I fought it. "But I don't regret it. I would've stood out there anyway and it's way more exciting trying to get away with breaking the law than being crowned prom queen."

"No it's not", Oliver laughed. "No, you have a buried desire to be a princess for a night since it's the one thing all girls experience that you never got. I'm throwing myself a birthday party soon. You should be my date. We can get you the big, sparkly, pink dress if you want."

"I don't like pink though", I said awkwardly.

Oliver shrugged and grinned. "Then we'll get you a gown in a colour that you do like."

I melted a little inside. I probably should've been pissed since he bit me and kind of scared since he basically insinuated that he liked the taste but at the same time he was kind of sweet. He kept making amends in only the ways that he could. "That would be...really amazing", I smiled awkwardly.

Oliver beamed. "Good. Then that's what we'll do", he said, going back to the TV like he needed to take notes. "Oh and Thorne? You don't smell like embalming fluid."

Trust Me (Oliver Sykes)Where stories live. Discover now