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Much to my disappointment, Oliver didn't come looking for me though I hadn't really expected him to. It was like breaking up with your boyfriend; you keep expecting them to text you or call you like normal but you have to keep reminding yourself that they won't bother because you're done...only Oliver and I weren't together. God, I was stupid. Why did I suddenly care so much about who Oliver had been with? It didn't affect me. We were friends and I just had to accept that. I'm not even sure where I got the notion that we could be more.

"Maybe humans are just more hormonal", I mumbled to myself, still walking down the roads that cut through the bayou. My biggest fear right now wasn't other vampires, it was gators and Oliver. If a gator came, what the Hell would I do to fend it off? If Oliver came, what the Hell would I say to him or would we sit in that dreaded, cold shouldering silence? I was probably more scared of Oliver than I was the imaginary gators to be honest.

The only thing lighting my way down the streets were the lightning bugs that were out. They were kind enough to lead me to what could've been the edge of the bayou, where an old, probably pre World War II era playground was. There were enough breaks in the trees here that in the moonlight, I could find the swing set to wallow in my self pity.

"Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit before your mother was born", I recited, hardly singing as I kicked my feet in the dirt. Dust swirled around me, tainting my black jeans as it always did while I spun around, twisting the ancient swing chains. "Though she was born a long, long time a-go. Ya mother should know. Your mother should know."

It was stupid to be outside so exposed like this but I was just doing Oliver a favour. I should've let him have his space. I should've let it go and accepted it. But nooo, I just had to keep pushing shit. Even if someone came though, at least he'd still have Nikki and Valerie, who both seemed to like him enough.

"Let's all get hot and sing me a song", I mumbled, completely out of time with the metronome in my head. "That was a hit..." I kicked the dirt again. "Before your mother was born..." I fell back in the swing and let the chains spin themselves out. "Though she was born a long, long time a-go..." The world spun and spun around me, in a whirl of blacks, purples, and blue lights. "Your mother should know. Ya mother should know..." Wait. Blue lights? Blue?

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