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Oliver grinned. "Or do you like having the attentions of both a gentleman and a ruffian?" he purred. He was leading me to the bed and I realized I didn't really have an escape route.

"I guess you're the ruffian in this scenario?" I smiled.

"I'm almost offended", he chuckled. "Just tell me who's a better kisser, love."

I shook my head. "That's a secret, Oliver", I shrugged. "Sorry."

Oliver rolled his eyes and pushed me onto the bed. "Thorne, secrets don't make friends", he sighed, plopping down on top of me. I gasped as his weight knocked the wind out of me. "Just tell meee", he whined.

"Dude, I can't give you a comparison", I laughed. "All I got from him was a peck so it's not like-"

"So I'm a better kisser because I give you more then!" he beamed.

"Oliver-" He cut me off with a quick peck on the lips.

"There. Is that like what Ballsack gave you? I'm better, right?"

"Why don't you get someone else's opinion?" I asked awkwardly. "I don't wanna be caught in the middle of you and Andy's testosterone fight."

He groaned and rolled over onto his back next to me. "Ugh, fine", Oliver grunted. "But...I can keep doing that right?"

I blushed. I kind of wanted him too but I also didn't want to come across as being kind of a skank. "I don't know. Can you?" I questioned. It was a stupid question but it would suffice. Suddenly, Oliver reached over and planted his lips squarely on mine, like he'd been doing it forever. He bit my bottom lip roughly and pulled away.

"Looks like I can!" he grinned. Oliver stretched a little before standing up. "I'm going to go to bed", he informed. "You can join me or you can stay here but I expect you to sleep either way. I wasn't kidding when I said you had work."

"Uh huh", I mumbled. "Erm, I'll stay here I guess."

"But my bed's sooo lonely!" he whined. Oliver pouted as he walked to the door. "Fine, stay in here by yourself."

"I will", I smiled. "I've never had a bedroom to myself before."

His face stopped being playful for a moment before he opened the door. "Well, erm, good night Thorne",he murmured. "I'll um, see you whenever you get up to tell you what you'll be doing or um, more like who you'll be digging up."

I smiled back at him. "Sounds fun. G'night, Oliver." He left the room, shutting the door silently behind him. I was too tired to move from my spot on the bed so I did the logical thing and slept in my grimy day clothes.

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