"My Angel in Disguise" 51

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“I’m Cyndi’s friend; she came by to visit me in our restaurant this afternoon. She came to have a chat with me and when she left, she left her wallet. After work, I immediately followed her to return her wallet and then I saw her enter a burning house. I was surprised why she’d enter but then again, I tried to follow. I went through the back door because the fire grew bigger that I find it hard to enter the front door.

“By the moment, I started to hear sirens and knew help was on its way but the fire was growing bigger. I was stuck at the back of the house waiting for fire volunteers because a burning post blocked my way. So I went inside and saw Cyndi lying on the floor, I removed the big post over her and pulled her. I carried her through the back door and shouted for help, but no one came, it was too noisy that moment that someone could hardly hear me.

“Not long, I noticed that there was a small door and so I went for it and luckily, we got out of the backyard. I carried her, I thought of shouting for help but I just carried her along the way, I’m already weak to shout for more. A couple saw me carrying her and immediately offered help. To my surprise, they know Cyndi too. They worked at a flower shop where Cyndi would always pass by and buy flowers. They were kind enough to accompany us here but they had to go.

“Cyndi shared me something that afternoon, she told me who she really is and why she became like that. She’s such a kind girl, I would risk my life to save her because she helped me and my family rise again. I didn’t hesitate to save her because I owe her big time.

“The man was all injured; he had wounds on his hands, his head, and bruises all over. I was touched by his story on how Cyndi helped him and his family. It took Cyndi a week before she woke up without remembering anything. I called her father and told him what happened. He was too busy so he put me in charge. I decided to take Cyndi to a psychiatrist and had her cured. They said she has amnesia and that her memories will eventually come back by themselves.

“We went to her father, we visited him and he decided to let Cyndi stay there and study 9th grade. But I noticed that she’s not happy and fruitful at all so I told her father that we’ll go back here and start anew. He agreed and lets us leave. She was crying when we left, she told me that her father didn’t even stop us from leaving. I tried to comfort her and tell her that she still has me with her.

“I didn’t know any way to help her remember everything because I wasn’t with her as the things happened. But I knew coming back here and enrolling her in the same school would help her recall somehow. But I also thought that she needs not to remember anymore, because I thought that those memories were trash” Grace told Tiffany the whole story.

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