"My Angel in Disguise" 11

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Cyndi went to visit her mother and talked to her. “I miss dad so much mom, but he’s so busy that I couldn’t even call him because I’m scared that I might disturb him. I wish you were still here mom, here with us. I hope you’re dancing with the angels now” she told her mom as she sat in front of the graveyard.

Cyndi passed by the flower shop again and thought of buying something for granny. “I’d like to buy tulip this time” said Cyndi. “Why are you buying so many flowers but, thanks because business is good” said the man. “I’m Cyndi” she introduced herself. “Well, I’m Michael” he said as he took the tulip. “I’ll buy a bouquet of tulips” she said. “To whom are you going to give it?” he asked her as he took the tulips out from the pot. “For a friend this time; I don’t know what flower she likes but Tulips went to my mind” Cyndi said. “Aren’t you lonely here?” she asked him. “No, I have my flowers to make me feel happy” Michael said as he gave her the flowers.

“Granny, I’m sorry I’m late again” said Cyndi as she sat down. Granny looked at Cyndi and laughed. “Actually, you’re not late, I just always come early” said granny. Cyndi smiled and said “Oh, these are for you.” Cyndi handed granny the flowers. Granny looked at the flowers, “Why is granny so amazed?” asked Cyndi. “Oh, Tulips are my favorite flowers my dear. My husband used to give me tulips” said granny. “Oh… I see” said Cyndi as she giggled. “Anyway, Cyndi, a miracle had happened” granny shared Cyndi. “Really, what is it?” Cyndi eagerly asked.

“My grandchild, he finally talked to me again” granny happily shared Cyndi. “That’s very nice, prayer was answered very fast” Cyndi said. “You prayed for that?” granny asked. “Yes, because I know that it will make granny happy” Cyndi said. Granny looked at Cyndi and said “I wish my grandson will marry you.” Cyndi laughed and said “Granny, no one will marry someone like me.” “No one knows my dear” said granny. “I was going to bring him with me today but he said he’s going to study” granny added. “But, here, here’s my story” granny shared. “I went home yesterday and rested for awhile. After resting, I went to the kitchen and decided to bake you cookies. To my surprise, he came near me and asked if he could help. Well, of course I let him help and, he baked well. Actually, he was the one who baked these cookies I have for you right now” granny told her.

“Thank you granny and kindly tell your grandson too that I appreciate his effort of baking these” said Cyndi. “I really wish you could see him, one day I will force him to come” granny said. “No granny, it’s really okay. I don’t want him to see me anyway, he’d be disappointed” Cyndi said.

Cyndi was happy because granny’s wish came true. “Hey Daphne, let’s go to church together tomorrow” Cyndi told Daphne in a phone call. “Sure” Daphne answered. They met in front of the church and went in together. The preacher discussed about friendship and how people should value them well. After the mass, they went out and walked. Cyndi’s wallet fell to the ground as they continued walking. A lady selling flowers picked it up and chased them. “Miss, you dropped your wallet” she told Cyndi. “Oh, thank you” Cyndi thanked the lady. The lady then walked back to her position and continued watering the plants near the church. “She’s so nice to return it” said Daphne. “Yeah, I know” said Cyndi. 

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