"My Angel in Disguise" 46

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“Let’s go” Kathryn told the boy, “You’re going to bring me to the police station for stealing bread?” he asked. Kathryn smiled, “I already paid for your bread. Come with me, I’m going to buy you two some clothes” she told them. They went shopping and chose a lot of clothes. Kathryn brought the two kids to her house. “There’s a rose” the little girl mumbled as she pointed to the rose. The little girl picked it up because she saw that Kathryn was carrying a lot of shopping bags. Kathryn knelt down, the little girl placed it on Kathryn’s left ear. “Thank you” Kathryn said as the guard opened the gate.

“I see” Aunt Grace said as Kathryn told the story. “I will look for a family who can adopt you two, but for the mean time, you two stay here and listen to Aunt Grace, okay?” Kathryn asked them. They both nodded as Kathryn went up and fixed the guest room. She felt the Champagne Rose and placed it in her room.

They were all sitting in the dining room; Carlo and his little sister Jane were both looking at the dishes prepared in front of them. “Why don’t you eat?” asked Kathryn, “We still haven’t prayed yet” Carlo answered. Kathryn smiled and asked “Well, will you lead the prayer Carlo?” Carlo led the prayer; “You can eat now” said Aunt Grace. “We can really eat these?” Carlo asked. Kathryn stood up and placed food in their plates, “You two should eat plenty, you two are getting thin” she said as she served for them.

Kathryn finally sat down and ate; when she looked at them, they were looking at her with teary eyes. “I’m happy that God answered my prayers” Carlo said as he looked at Kathryn. She smiled at him and said “He can hear us.” They all finally ate with delight and satisfaction.

“Can you read us a bed time story?” Jane asked Kathryn. Kathryn scratched her head, sat beside Jane and said “I’m not a very good story teller but sure I’ll tell you one. What would you want to hear?” “The Ugly Duckling” Jane said, “Is that fine with you Carlo?” she asked him. Carlo nodded; Kathryn hugged Jane and Carlo as she started her story.

“You can be a mother already” Grace told Kathryn. “Aunt Grace, I just did what you did to me when I was still young” Kathryn said. “I’m happy you can spread the love” Grace told her. “Where are you going?” Carlo asked Kathryn. “I… I’m going to school” she told him. “Will you be back to play with us?” asked Carlo. “Yeah, I’ll be back later. You can ask Aunt Grace or Jerome to play with you at the playground” said Kathryn.

“What’s wrong with you?” asked Tiffany; “You look so haggard” said Natalie as she ate her sandwich. “I do?” asked Kathryn. They all nodded. Kathryn just sighed and wondered what those kids were doing. “I see, no wonder you’re tired, you became their mother” said Tiffany as she silently laughed. “It’s tiring but, fun” said Kathryn. “Well, you can always look for someone to be the father” said Tiffany as she watched Kathryn cut papers. “What?” Kathryn asked with sarcasm. “Russell’s available” Tiffany told her with a serious smile. Kathryn looked at Tiffany and sort of blushed. “Stop it Tiffany, he likes Natalie” said Kathryn.

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