"My Angel in Disguise" 17

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Cyndi was crying as she walked to the field, Natalie saw her and immediately ran towards her. “Hey, what’s wrong with you, aren’t you feeling well?” asked Natalie as she accompanied Cyndi to sit on the bleachers. They sat down as Natalie wiped Cyndi’s tears. “Hey, calm down, you can hardly breathe” Natalie told her as she looked for water. “Russell, where’s your bottle of water?” Natalie shouted to Russell as she pointed at crying Cyndi. Russell pointed to his bag and Natalie took it out of Russell’s bag. “Here, drink this” said Natalie but Cyndi didn’t drink. Russell saw them so he ran to them. “I don’t know why she’s crying and she doesn’t want to drink your water” Natalie said. Russell knelt down and said “She doesn’t want to drink it because she thinks I didn’t permit her to do so. You can drink it.” He stood up and went back to playing soccer.

Cyndi looked at Russell and thought “I wish that the Russell during the trip can comfort me again.” “Cyndi, why are you crying?” asked Natalie. Cyndi looked at Natalie with red, swollen eyes and sadness. Natalie didn’t know what to do; it was her first time to see someone cry so hard. “Have you ever experienced being heart-broken? You know that, someone walks up to you and tells you he likes you but then says that other people should also be able to see your beauty by fixing yourself?” asked Cyndi. “I… I don’t get it that much Cyndi” Natalie uttered. Cyndi just looked at Natalie then suddenly hugged her very tight.

“Hey Russell, kick the ball! Russell!” shouted his teammates; Russell was looking at Natalie and Cyndi when he was called. “Hey, are you going to kick or not?” asked the goal keeper. Then suddenly Russell looked at the goal keeper and kicked the ball real hard. “Hey, you almost hit me!” the goal keeper said. “What are you saying, you’re supposed to be hit, you were keeping the goal, remember?” asked Russell, the goal keeper just scratched his head. Another ball was given to Russell but before he can kick it, he saw Daniel walking to Natalie’s direction. He stared at him with fury. Cyndi saw him and stood up, “I have to go meet granny, bye Natalie, thank you” said Cyndi then ran away.

Daniel was going to run after Cyndi but then Russell kicked the ball and hit Daniel. “Awww!” Daniel groaned with pain as he knelt to the ground. “Who kicked that?” he asked them, “I did, sorry! I didn’t see you there!” said Russell. His teammates were looking at him and murmuring, “But he kicked it on purpose, didn’t he?” they asked.

“Whoa, you got hit hard” said Natalie. “I know” Daniel said as he limped to the bleachers. “Where did Cyndi go?” asked Daniel as he sat down. “She said she had to meet granny but, she came to me earlier, and she was crying so hard” said Natalie as Daphne went to them. “Who was crying?” Daphne asked. “Oh, Daphne; Cyndi was crying, she was saying something but I can’t figure it out” answered Natalie. Russell went back to sit with them, “Hey dude, sorry about that” said Russell as he sat beside Natalie and drank water.

Daphne was all teary-eyed as she looked at Daniel, “Why did you make my friend cry?” asked Daphne. “What did you tell her?” she added. Daniel looked at Daphne and then on the ground. “So it was you, no wonder she ran away when she saw you coming” Natalie said as she looked at Daniel. “Daniel, what did you do?” asked Daphne, “She would never cry like that, I saw her run away but she ignored me when I called her” she added. Daphne then started crying and said “Please don’t tell me that I helped you talk to her just for you to hurt her.” Daniel looked at Daphne and answered “I… I didn’t.” “If you didn’t hurt her then why…” asked Natalie but Russell interrupted saying “Let him finish his sentence.” Daniel looked at his friend and felt guilt and said “I didn’t mean to hurt her Daphne, I wanted to change her, for others to like her too so that when she becomes my girlfriend, they would look up on her.”

My Angel in DisguiseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ