"My Angel in Disguise" 33

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“It’s like a tradition here, on the first week of school, students are dismissed earlier than the usual dismissal, so they can buy things from school supplies and bookstores” said Tiffany. “Oh, I see” said Kathryn as they continued walking. “Well, here we are; our hang out place” said Tiffany. “Bleachers?” Kathryn asked as she smiled, “Well yeah, there they are” said Tiffany. “She’s really beautiful” said Daniel, Daphne looked at Daniel; “But my Daphne is more beautiful than anyone else” said Daniel as he smiled Daphne.

“Hey guys, this is Kathryn our new classmate” said Tiffany, “This is Daphne, Daniel, Natalie and Russell; they’re all kind and nice people” Tiffany added. “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you” Kathryn answered as she smiled at them. Kathryn was looking at Natalie, “Why are you looking at Natalie like that?” asked Daphne. “You’re a…?” asked Daphne. “No, she’s my neighbor” answered Kathryn. Then they all looked at Natalie, “Yeah, she’s my neighbor” Natalie said. “She’s the one whom you’re staring at when I was there at the park?” asked Russell. “Staring?” asked Kathryn, “Why?” she asked again with wonder; “Oh, I like your dress that day” answered Natalie.

“But you know, Kathryn, you’re very catchy. You caught my attention too, during enrollment” said Tiffany. “Oh, why, is there something wrong with me, am I different?” asked Kathryn. “No, you’re not” said Russell as he looked at Kathryn. She smiled at him and said, “But you had the same look at me when I sat on my seat earlier.” “Are we having the same thoughts here guys?” asked Tiffany. Daniel, Daphne, Natalie and Russell just looked at Tiffany. “Oh come on guys, let’s move on. Maybe Kathryn was sent by God so we can move on with our lives” said Tiffany, “If He wanted us to move on, then why did He send us someone who reminds us of her?” asked Daphne. “Maybe it’s a trial, come on” said Tiffany. “I can’t seem to understand” said Kathryn. “Oh, I’ll share you as time passes by, okay? Don’t worry, it’s not a bad thing” Tiffany assured her.

“How was school Kathryn?” asked Grace, “It was fun” Kathryn answered as she placed her bag on the sofa. The phone rang; Kathryn ran to the phone and answered it, “Hello? Dad! We’re doing fine, yeah. Yes, I’m happy. Sure dad, bye, I love you too” said Kathryn as she hanged up. “It was dad, he was asking how school went” said Kathryn then she climbed up the stairs. “Good thing he calls now” Grace whispered.

“She’s really attractive” Daniel said as they walked. “Daniel, you’re really breaking my heart” said Daphne. “I’m just saying what I see; I didn’t say I love her, did I?” Daniel said as he held Daphne’s hand tightly. Daphne looked at him and smiled. “Let’s eat at Don Henry’s” said Daniel; “Good idea, I’m hungry” said Natalie. They all sat down; Daisy was their waitress. As Daisy took their orders, Russell was looking at her. “Why the long face Ssel?” asked Daphne. “Oh, nothing” he answered with a sigh. “Have you bought all these in the lists?” asked Daphne, “Yeah, I have” said Daniel.

“Russell! Pass the ball to me! I’m open!” Daniel shouted, Russell kicked the ball and passed it to Daniel. “Has anyone seen Kathryn?” asked Tiffany; “No, we haven’t seen her” answered Natalie. “I wonder where she is” Tiffany said as she sat on the bleacher. Kathryn was walking when suddenly someone shouted “Miss, watch out!” Kathryn turned and looked then the ball hit her head. “Isn’t that Kathryn?” asked Daphne, “Where?” asked Tiffany, “The one hit by the ball?” said Daphne.

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