"My Angel in Disguise" 39

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“Hey, Kathryn, let’s go to sleep now. Russell, Daniel’s not coming down anymore” Tiffany said as she called them. “Why are you so quiet Kathryn? Did Russell do something violent to you then threaten you?” Tiffany asked exaggeratedly. “No” Kathryn softly answered as she looked at her hands. “Then, why are you like this? All absent-minded, I’m just worried” Tiffany asked as she climbed on Kathryn’s bed. “He… He hugged me” Kathryn told Tiffany, Tiffany looked at Kathryn and asked “Then he kissed you?” Kathryn looked at Tiffany then shook her head. “He just suddenly hugged you?” Tiffany asked as she comforted her friend. “No, he asked for permission but I don’t know why I told him that if he needs a friendly hug, he can always hug me” Kathryn told Tiffany.

“It’s because you’re kind, you’re gentle and you understand him” Tiffany answered her. “I understand him? How can I understand him and his thoughts without knowing what’s happening?” she asked her friend. “Sometimes, it goes with the flow. You don’t know a thing but one morning you wake up and see him hugging you. That’s another magic of life. You may not know people and their stories but somewhere in your heart and mind says that you know and understand every circumstance” Tiffany told Kathryn. “I actually envy all of you” said Kathryn as her eyes started to fill up with tears.

“Why?” Tiffany asked her. “You all remember your good memories” Kathryn answered as she started to cry. “Why, what’s wrong?” Tiffany asked as she comforted her. Kathryn looked at Tiffany, “Would you befriend someone who’s missing some parts of her life?” she asked. “I have forgotten a lot of things; I cannot remember them all at once. Every time I try to remember, my head hurts. I think I’m suffering this from traumatic stress experiences” Kathryn said. Tiffany looked at Kathryn and thought “Could it be, she has amnesia?” “Tiffany, please don’t leave me” Kathryn pleaded. “No, I won’t leave you and I will keep this between only us” Tiffany assure her close friend.

The next day, they were outside, getting ready to swim but Tiffany was just sitting beside the pool, having a deep thought. “Tiff, come swim with us” called Natalie, “Sure, go ahead!” she told them. “I loved the pool” said Daniel as he got dressed. “I’ll cook now” he said, “I’ll help” said Natalie and Daphne. “Hey, where’s Kathryn?” asked Natalie, “I… I don’t know, maybe she’s out there” answered Tiffany. Russell heard them and walked away.

Kathryn was sitting on the swinging and swinging herself. Russell saw her and tried to gently push the swing for her. “Oh Russell, thank you” Kathryn told him. “Why are you here and not with them?” he asked her. “I don’t know how to swim” Kathryn said and frowned. Russell saw her then sat in front of her. He smiled at her and asked “That’s why?” “Well, yeah” Kathryn answered him. “What’s bothering you?” he asked her nicely, Kathryn looked at him and just frowned. Russell handed her a Champagne Rose, again, out of nowhere. Kathryn suddenly smiled and asked “Where did you get this?” Russell pointed at his heart and smiled at Kathryn. Kathryn smiled and placed it on her left ear. “How does it look?” she asked him. “You’re amazing, just the way you are” Russell answered. “I was asking about the flower, how it looked on me?” Kathryn asked then giggled.  “Oh, it looks beautiful, just like you” Russell told Kathryn. 

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