"My Angel in Disguise" 35

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“I’m starting to feel a bit awkward” Kathryn said as she drank water, “Why?” asked Tiffany. “People always give me that strange look, it’s making me upset, you know” said Kathryn. Tiffany looked at Kathryn and said “Maybe you just remind them of someone they know?” Kathryn looked at Tiffany and said “Well, it’s okay then, I can’t blame them if I remind them of someone they know. I just get offended a little because they stare a lot and, it’s kind a embarrassing.” “Why? You’re beautiful, you’re worth staring at” said Tiffany and giggled. “Gee, thank you” said Kathryn sarcastically.

After eating, Kathryn left a tip for Daisy. She took it and looked at her walk out of the restaurant. One afternoon, they were all sitting and playing on the field, “Man, I’m hungry, I miss those cupcakes, cookies, cakes and pastries” said Daniel as he touched his tummy. “Why don’t you buy some?” asked Daphne. Tiffany smiled and looked at Russell; Russell saw her and smiled too. Kathryn saw them smiling at each other and start to wonder. “Do you like Russell?” asked Kathryn, Tiffany was shocked when Kathryn asked. “No, why?” asked Tiffany, “You two seem to get along well” Kathryn told her with a grin. “It’s just that, I know and understand him better than the others, I think” Tiffany told Kathryn.

“I was lost and now that I must hide, it’s a long, long journey ‘til I find my way home to you” Kathryn sang as she watered the plants in the garden. When Kathryn turned back she saw Russell and sprinkled water on him. “I’m so sorry” Kathryn apologized. “I didn’t know you were there” she explained. “It’s okay, I’m not soaking wet anyway” said Russell. “What were you singing?” he asked her. “I was singing… Oh, It was ‘Journey’ by Angela Zhang” Kathryn said as she handed him her handkerchief. “Take it” said Kathryn; Russell took it and said “I won’t return it to you unless I had it washed.” Kathryn suddenly stood still and looked at Russell. “Sure” she said as she smiled. “Why were you asking the song? Do you like it too?” asked Kathryn. “Yes, it fits your voice well” Russell told her as he wiped his wet face. “I was about to learn piano but, I gave up because it makes my head hurt badly” Kathryn shared him. “The song’s on piano?” asked Russell, “Yes, you can check it out on YouTube” Kathryn told him.

“Why are you watering these plants, by the way?” asked Russell as he followed Kathryn walk. “You know, students are prohibited to water the plants here” he added. “I asked the gardener and she let me” said Kathryn. “What’s your favorite flower Russell?” she suddenly asked him. “Champagne Rose” Russell answered Kathryn; Kathryn closed the faucet, placed the hose on the ground and stood in front of Russell. “How do they look like?” Kathryn asked Russell as he smiled at her.

“Son, what song are you learning?” asked Rose. “Oh granny, I’m learning ‘Journey’ by Angela Zhang” Russell. “Is it really this fast?” she asked her grandson. “No, I play it fast” he answered. “Why?” she asked him; “It sounds better” he said. Rose hit her grandson on his shoulder and sat beside him. Rose looked at the notes of the piece and played it the way it should be played. “Every song has its own time signature grandson; you should play it on how it should be played for you to feel the message of the song and realize how it affects our lives and not change the whole song!” Rose told her grandson. 

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