"My Angel in Disguise" 19

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“Daniel I… I like you” Daphne confessed to Daniel under the Star apple tree. Daniel was just looking at Daphne with a dazed reaction. “But I’m not saying that you should like me too” Daphne immediately added. “Well, that’s what I have to say” said Daphne as then walked away. “Daphne” Daniel called her, “Does Cyndi know about this?” he asked her but Daphne just looked at Daniel.

Tiffany opened her locker and saw a note saying “I have cake for you, up there :]” it said. Tiffany looked up and saw a container; she took it and opened it. She saw the cake and thought that it was from Cyndi. Tiffany was a little sad so she went up to where she would always go when she feels down. When she arrived there, she saw someone else sitting on the top. The girl heard her footsteps and looked back. Tiffany saw Cyndi, Cyndi smiled at her.

“So, you’d go here too when you’re sad?” asked Cyndi. Tiffany looked at her and nodded. “It’s good that it’s not very hot, thanks to those clouds up there” said Cyndi as she pointed to the sky. “Actually, I love those dark clouds, especially when I’m sad, they… They go along with what I feel. I honestly have forgotten the feeling of being happy” said Tiffany as she sighed. “May I ask why?” asked Cyndi with concern.

“I lived a happy family back when I was still a kid, it was going so smooth and I didn’t that it would end. My father died together with my mother’s hopes and dreams. We became poor that my mom would desperately look for someone to marry. Fortunately, she found one but he’s not rich and he’s all wasted. Every time mom would leave to go to the market, my stepfather would…” said Tiffany with tears in her eyes. Cyndi held Tiffany’s hand and looked her in the eyes. “I can’t tell mom because my stepfather would maltreat me, I was so scared that I had to keep them to myself. My mom then died of severe illness; she left me with my stepfather. I had to endure those hardships for us to survive. I would work after school and buy food when I go home yet still my stepfather would but then fate wasn’t any cruel at all.

“One day, I ran away from my house and left my father. I became very sick because I worked very hard in someone else’s store. Then this young lady saw me faint to the ground, she brought me to the hospital and had me cured. She heard my story and felt ache in her heart and to my surprise, she experienced the same thing I did. She then adopted me and raised me. She taught me good values and proper manner” Tiffany shared.

When Tiffany looked at Cyndi, she was crying and full of tears. “Sorry, I made you cry again” said Tiffany as she wiped Cyndi’s tears. Cyndi looked at her, “I didn’t know you had a tragic past Tiffany, I’m sorry to hear” said Cyndi as she continuously cry. Tiffany looked at Cyndi and said “I actually felt better after sharing you.” Then Tiffany went on with her story. “Sometimes, I would visit our old house and stay there for awhile and reminisce the past. I just, can’t seem to stop living it” Tiffany said.

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