"My Angel in Disguise" 22

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Daphne found Daniel at the garden, sitting on the grass. “Can I sit with you?” asked Daphne. “Yeah, sure” said Daniel. “Daniel, I’m so sorry…” Daphne apologized. Daniel faced her and looked at Daphne. “I’ll listen” he told Daphne as he looked at Daphne. “I didn’t think that you will be so gentle and lenient enough to not be mad at me after telling you what I did. I really didn’t mean to tell Cyndi that I like you but I just shared it to her, really. She just loves me enough that she lets me” Daphne went on. “No Daphne” said Daniel as he shook his head. “It’s not you” he added. Daphne looked at Daniel with puzzled thoughts. “She doesn’t like me” Daniel told Daphne. “But, I can see that she likes you” Daphne said as she insisted. “If she likes me, she’d change herself so I can court her then” Daniel told Daphne. “She’s not an easy going girl Daniel” Daphne told him. “You’d do anything for love, do you know that Daphne?” asked Daniel.

“I perfectly know that Daniel” Daphne said as she started to cry. “It’s not easy at all, to attract the one you like, be always there for him when he needs you, make him notice you… They’re all not easy” she added. “What did you do to show Cyndi you love her?” asked Daphne. “You didn’t even look serious at all, you look like you’re kidding” she added. Daniel had a deep thought and remembered Natalie. “Daniel, Cyndi likes you but, a girl sort of desires for a boy who’d love her for who she really is” Natalie told Daniel. “Maybe I was the one who didn’t love her at all. Maybe I just idolize her so much for her kindness and her stories about granny” said Daniel with an absent-minded look.

Cyndi went to where Stanley works and had a little chat with him in the kitchen. Cyndi told him all about what’s happening around her, about Daniel, about family and friends. “You’re one smart girl” said Stanley as he washed his hands. “If I’m so smart, I would’ve solved all these by now” said Cyndi as she walked around. “Stanley, I’m going to tell you something” Cyndi seriously said as Stanley looked at her.

Daphne and Daniel were still talking at the garden as Natalie sat on the bleachers thinking of what Russell told her. “I’m going now Stanley” said Cyndi. “Goodbye Cyndi, thank you for trusting me” Stanley said as he waved goodbye to Cyndi. On Cyndi’s way home, she noticed a large amount of smoke at the sky on her direction. She then went to see and saw a burning house. “Ah! The old brown house with a tree at the back?” Cyndi remembered. She saw Tiffany’s bicycle outside the house and knew that Tiffany was still inside the house.

Cyndi called Daphne but she won’t answer; Daniel, but he won’t answer; Natalie but she couldn’t hear her phone ringing. She then called the fire volunteers and decided to go in the house to save Tiffany. The house wasn’t on a big fire yet, so she was able to enter the burning house. She saw Tiffany lying on the bed so she immediately went to wake her up. “Tiffany, Tiffany!” she kept on calling and shaking Tiffany. She checked if she was still breathing and yes, she’s still alive but unconscious at the moment. Cyndi tried to carry her arm and walked.

“Hey, you two!” shouted Russell, sweating and short of breath. “Russell, what’s wrong with you? Did someone chase you or threaten you?” asked Daniel as he stood up. “I was calling the both of you but neither one of you answered!” Russell explained. “Why, what’s the problem? Why were you running all the way?” asked Daniel.

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